My latte brings all the boys to the yard

I have some catching up to do!  Rewind to Friday AM:

It was as if Kyle timed his return from Brazil perfectly with my sunrise barista session.  As soon as the froth was poured, who came strutting through the doorway? 


My long lost fiancé South American traveler! 

His flight got in from Sao Paolo soopah early, so we got to enjoy breks together.  Figures his arrival would be perfectly timed with my cooking coffee.

I needed caffeine before things start to click, so after one cup of java, I was AAOx3 (nursing joke, sorry).

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Fruity tooty.  This sweet breakfast held me over for a few hours.  Later, Kyle had some work to punch out, so I made a snack plate.

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Alvarado Street bread slathered in humm-daddy with some slices of VeganRella cheddar “cheese” on the side.  Nom.

About half way through my “snack” I just decided to call it an early lunch (what’s in a name, right Juliet?).  My first course was followed by a dessert bowl of raisins and carob chips, and then course two


More cheddar love on toast, with a nutty side dish (raw cashews and almonds).  Kyle’s jetlag got the best of him, so while he dozed in front of the TV, I made my way to the gym. 

It wasn’t pretty.  At least the rain was on standby, but I barely eked out 45 minutes on the elliptical before calling it a day.  Cardio mojo, where are you?

Back at the casa I showered and made myself look human, snacked on some dried mango, and headed out with Kyle. 


Mid shopping the rain returned and we high-tailed it back home for some tivo catch up. 

The rest of the night was spent with my hot dinner date

If you had to eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, where would it be?  I would definitely choose Pure Food and Wine after Friday’s dinner.  Dining in New York city is SUCH a treat, but I can recall some fave meals in other cities too (Barcelona, London, Los Angeles, San Francisco).  It’s hard to remember them all…good thing I have HHH to journal it!

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  1. VeggieGirl

    Considering I ate at Pure Food & Wine 4 nights in a row and STILL miss it…. I think that answers the question 😉

  2. blueeyedheart

    Hmmm… does my own kitchen count!? 😉

    <3 <3

  3. snackface

    Oooh I really need to get some veganrella!!! Damnnnn homes, you make dat look so good!

    I love the idea of reuniting with your man. I love love.

    Hmmm ristorante for the rest of my life…I haven’t found it yet! I used to think silly places like Panera and Bravo’s, but the vegan me needs something more!

    Have a lovely Monday, pooks!

  4. ksgoodeats

    Cheddar (fake or not), hummus, bread, and coffee…that’s all you need in life.

    Glad the K-man is back in yo’ life 🙂

    My restaurant would be the one I talked about that Anthony Bourdain went to – Al Ameer. It’s Greek and it’s great!

  5. janetha

    glad your beau is back! i am curious about vegan chedda! it looks legit. i would probably want to eat in my own kitchen too~but if i had to pick a restaurant i really have no idea. no spot here in the SLC is really THAT great, that i could eat at DAILY.

  6. nutritionbyeve

    I do love Pure Food & Wine too – I need to go back soon!

  7. julie

    one restaurant!? i could NEVER choose. ugh fine I think maybe a diner? I know gross but you can get WHATEVER you want!

    your VG dinner looked too fun for words 🙂 Glad your man is back in townnn

    getcha mojo back gurl! JM?

  8. Allison

    If I’m not a fan of the texture of fresh mango – would I like dried? I don’t mind the taste but the texture freaks me out!

  9. Lara (Thinspired)

    45 mins on the elliptical still ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of!

    …I never talk like that and have no idea why I typed it, but I’m leaving it.

    There is a small chain of restaurants in NorCal called Pluto’s. Don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but I could live there. It’s super casual, but they have the freshest, most delicious food with lots of variety. Amazing salads!

  10. elise

    im not a fan of fresh mango either, its gritty or something, i dont know. dried mango has a very different texture. it can sometimes be a bit TOO chewy – i often call it raw cow’s hide bc they look so similar! haha. if you buy high quality dried mango, though, its reallllllly good.

  11. elise

    ooooo…im gonna have to try and find it!

  12. Shelby

    Mmm, I want that carob chip bowl! Its been too long since I’ve had those!

    I NEED to get to Pure! It doesn’t help that I live nowhere near NYC, but a girl can dream =)