This post is for you, Laura.
Those pepitas are doused in bacon fat, salt and then a sprinkle of chili powder. Mouth watering yet?
Roasted for a minute or so until they start popping off the pan.
Food52 always does me well, and this was no different.
P has been requesting bacon ever since we got back to Davis (he had to watch Kyle and V eat it in front of him and he couldn’t have any because we were traveling and I had no clue if it was prepared in butter or not). And I’ve also been craving some grains and greens, soooo best of both worlds!
I know it isn’t strawberry season, but I broke the rules of eating seasonally for this recipe. If you want to keep it vegan you could swap tempeh bacon, which I’m actually craving a lot right now.
The kids pounded this meal. Dinner has never been so fast (it’s normally such a production because P wants to sing and tell stories for two hours). The strawberries were the first things they ate, then the bacon, until I picked up on their selective scooping, so then I put the kibosh on that…
Pattycakes always asks what’s for dinner as he is sitting down. I told him farro (because he had seen it earlier that day) and he jumped for joy. Then I told him strawberries and he again nearly bounced out of his seat. Then I told him bacon and he shrieked. Then I set the bowl down and he said “and kale and pumpkin seeds too!! oh mama, these are all my favorite things!” He’s such a little foodie.
I agree that the meal was a lot of favorites though. V doesn’t usually like how hard it is to chew kale, but for this meal she never even paused between bites.
Home run. Make it yourself!

It is so great that your kids like such healthy food so much! My little lovie is loving her veggies and fruits now, but since she is still so little I am nervous for her to grow up and reject them like so many kids I know. Hopefully she will love kale when she is P’s age too!
For some reason I haven’t been able to comment since you sent me the probiotic information, so I haven’t been able to thank you. Thank you! We are giving it to her every day and even if it doesn’t help, it makes me feel better 🙂
I think I accidentally did something after my little “hack” incident that prevented comments. Oops. Anyway, I’m sure she will love all the same things you do. I won’t jinx my good luck yet, but there is something to modeling behavior and giving the only options you want to be options. And repetition. We had kale every day this week I think and V is now completely into it.