This weekend’s time change was really my savior in surviving Sunday.
At 7:30 my alarm went off and I rolled over to see if there was any chance Holly was feeling as anti-exercise as I was. I can’t decide what surprised me more; the fact that she went to bed in her lady of the night gala make-up, or the fact that she was still gung-ho for bootcamp in said state.
Either way, Susan kicked the bejeezus out of me, Holly, Janetha, and Danica that morning. Danica’s hubby, Jay, joined us for a hot second before abandoning us in our sorry state (but not without being reprimanded for stealing a hotel towel first).
I was groggy and half asleep through the 30 minute session that I’m hardly sure it wasn’t just a dream nightmare. Without photo evidence to confirm, the jury is still out. Although I am still sore, which makes it rather creepy if it was a dream.
After showering, we trekked through the rain to go to the farewell brunch. Surprisingly, my focus was on food rather than coffee (or people – ha!) because I was running on empty after the workout.
Again, there were fairly boring veggie options, so I found I had a produce heavy breakfast. I have no problem with starting the day with fruit. Salads on the other hand…that’s a bit weird, right? No? Just me?
The left one had mushrooms, red onions, and red lettuce. The one on the right had fancy lettuce and not much else. The common ingredient was croutons. And by croutons I mean cut up pieces of Nature’s Pride bread. I realize Nature’s Pride was a sponsor, but this just seemed like a bit of a stretch to get their products in a dish (however possible).
The dressing was a must given the semi-pathetic ingredients.
Full disclosure: I liked the salad! I don’t like red onions much, but the marinated ‘shrooms and bread made it more like stuffing than salad, so it was kinda hearty.
Here’s my plate, piled with an assortment of fruit, salads, and toast, plus a yogurt/granola cup on the side.
Too much plastic waste!!! [Insert frustrating sigh here]
And of course there was coffee…
For the love of soy milk, I was so happy they had a non-milk option. Score.
Breakfast club: Danica, Janetha, me, & Tiff
While everyone else was up and about, saying their goodbyes, I chatted it up with Tiff. Love her.
After such a fabulous weekend, the rest of the day was complete letdown. My sister and Kyle picked me up at the hotel and we all drove back to the East Bay together.
Then Kyle and I said goodbye to my fam bam and began the loooong ride back to So Cal.
Highlight of the drive: sampling my swag, especially the granola Janetha made 🙂
Lowlight of the drive: Getting a call from my sister informing me that I left my car/apt keys back in Nor Cal (5 hours into the drive no less…).
In the words of Antione “you are so dumb, you are really dumb – for real.”

I love the title of this post so so much!
I’m so with you on the plastic waste. I hope they go a little more green next year. And come on give us more fruit! I needed it after all of the drinking on Saturday night.
And I’m with you on salads in the morning. It’s just wrong!
As if I couldn’t love reading your blog more–but now that I have met you and know your tone of voice and mannerisms (is that creepy?) it is like I can hear you talking as I read! And I love it!
Yeah, enough with the bread, I was surprised they didn’t wrap the bacon in bread. And I agree, less waste. One of the things I always remembered about you when I first found your blog was you telling us how long you’d been re-using the same plastic baggie. I love you for that.
Such a fail on the key sitch! How did you get them back? Did you DRIVE all the way back?!
Glad you liked the trail mix!
So I guess I didn’t that much skipping the brunch. I agree the product placement was a little excessive!
And I love the title of this post. That is all.
God love that Antoine. For real.
Love you back!
So did you have to turn around to get your keys or did Kyle have a set?
oh no!! I”m so sorry you forgot your keys! Did you end up driving back up? I’ve been up and down Cali SOoO many times, those drives are killer.
i agree; salad for breakfast is a little weird. but stuffing?! nothing wrong with that!
i hope you enjoyed the drive – my husband and i wanted to do that but there turned out to be an insane deal on virgin that we couldn’t pass up!
I ate so much fruit and salad at breakfast and was ravenous by the time I got to the airport two hours later. It was all good, but I wished they’d just had toast and PB or bagels or something!! It’s all good…I got to eat more at the airport 🙂
Kyle had keys…I just got mine in the mail today. Phew!
i love virgin. the drive was brutal…having trashy tv wouldve been a perfect distraction.
no. kyle had keys so my sister just mailed them to me. annoying, but it couldve been WAY worse!
i know. produce only lasts an hour or so and then i need more food. how awesome was that granola from frog hollow!?! im trying to find some or ordering more next time im back in the bay area. loved it!!
That’s what all my “real life” friends say…they say reading my blog is like having a conversation with me…so now you’re not creepy at all, ha.
My sis mailed me my keys. Just got them today. Kyle was driving so I just didn’t notice, but thank goodness he had his.
It was so nice meeting you this weekend, even if it was only for 5.3 seconds. Glad you like the post title 😉
i once had to go a month without my phone because by the time the battery was dead, i realized i left my charger at my aunt’s house when i last visited her….a little more than a week before. yah.
and she was on a trip, so she couldn’t send it to me for a couple more days. grumblegrumblegrumble.
at least for my parents and friends, anyway. i don’t mind not being connected all the time 😀
Yeah, the breakfast was totally lacking in terms of vegan stuff. Honestly, I thought the bacon was the best part!
I was wwaaaayyy groggy doing our bootcamp on Sunday too. If I ever teach, there is no way I’ll be able to do 6am classes. 😛
gah, Ive had a key issue happen to me as well!
I wish we hung out more, but hopefully we will meetup in LA soon. I still owe you a yoga lesson!
I dont eat gluten so that b-fast was lame for me too. I was very surprised cause there was plenty the rest of the festival. thats salad was a giant “natures pride” commercial!
you’re not dumb, just human 🙂
and i am totally with you about the salad for breakfast thing. really not too down with savory food for breakfasts in general. you would think a foodbuzz conference would be more inclusive…
I wasn’t at “The Festival”, for if I had been I would have tracked you down for a World Series drink.
I like salad in the morning, I know – I am strange, but I think we were aware of that. I HATE sweet in the morning, makes me feel sick.
Ahaha, the Antione reference!! I have watched that 100 times in the last two weeks…it makes me laugh every.single.time.
And salad for breakfast is weird…I agree.
Eh, I start the day with a salad in a smoothie – it’s not weird. 🙂 Sorry I missed the farewell brunch, but it looks like the vegan options were pretty weak. Great blog, BTW. 🙂
the title of this post is fabulous. just like you. my job is secure, but is it bad i was kind of sad about that because not having a job would allow me to move in with you and kyle in santa monica? why don’t you run that one by him because i am sure i can find a way to get fired…
AAAARGH on forgetting the keys but that is the best title on a post, ever.
“Hide your kids. Hide your wife. Hide your husband, cuz they’re raping everybody up in here!”
I hear he’s making out like a champ on the footage, too, and recently bought his family a house!!
Holy shiz, glad you got your keys back!! The salad was weird, wasn’t it? I just went with it because there was not much else for us veggies. I def needed more substance than fruit at that point, but it was okay I was able to eat my way around SF once last time before I left Sunday night.
It was so good to meet you!!! Hopefully next time it will be for longer. 🙂
“Just when i thought you couldn’t get any dumber, you go and do something like this… AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF”… just to let you know, this is my second Dumb and Dumber reference of the night, and i had to because your title reminded me of that quote and instantly brought a smile to my face. If you are feeling down, know that i once ran over my own cell-phone, almost rammed myself into my garage door in a car that i was driving but neglected to put in park, locked my keys in a safe that i forgot the combination to… Need i say more? I win. I make you look like that Einstein guy 😉 By the way, i hear Kristin Chenoweth when i sing to, is that weird? (Okay… kidding, but she is awesome and surprisingly short!)
and by “to” i obviously meant “too”… More proof.
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I actually loved having the salad at breakfast too, but, then, again, I am kinda weird like that and often eat veggies with breakfast.
That granola from Janetha was amazing and I am so sorry about your keys – that sucked!
Thanks for making the weekend a blast 😀