If I told you I’ve been blasting the new Britney Spears song on repeat for most of the day? You probably should. It’s not exactly brilliant in the lyrics department. It’s catchy, but overly repetitive. At least it inspired me to make a new running mix…which inspired me to go on a run…which made me feel like a million bucks for the entire day. Chain reaction a la B. Spears.
This morning started with a late wake up. Unlike yesterday’s garbage truck fiasco, this was the perfect way to enjoy my morning off. Then I got a rude awakening when I realized my to-do list was longer than Charlie Sheen’s. Aren’t my days off are supposed to be more relaxing than my work days?
I tackled my a few tasks while sipping on my 19th cup of coffee and eventually took a break for some food.
Shocker of all shockers, this morning’s breakfast was NOT oats.
No worries, I just subby subbed in some cereal and the likes. This was one of three bowls of Udi’s granola with greek yogurt. I have no self control. Actually, Udi’s is just that good.
After digesting, I went on a nice long run, which left me completely energized. I started cooking and prepping for the work days ahead of me and soon enough lunch cravings set in.
Ooey gooey cheeeeeze
I managed to stuff Sabra hummus, Tofutti cream cheese and Daiya cheddar inside the toasted whole wheat bread, which explains why the sammie is bursting at the seams.
This is vegan cheese bliss. The apples on the side provided a contrasting sweet crunch. J’adore.
The reason my dinner appetite was so weak is because of the following sequence of events.
I should not be permitted to buy family sized tubs of hummus.
Let alone multiple tubs.
After destroying the above plate, I then proceeded to make my way through these Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato chips.
For the record, I was actually hungry throughout this chowfest. I never felt like I was full, and so I kept eating. My appetite is truly a wondrous thing. So are those chips. They really taste like sweet potatoes. Yummy.
Finally my stomach was sated.
Because of this, I didn’t get hungry again until rather late. At which point I had the above carob chip & almond mix. But I refilled it a few more times
And it’s back to work manana.
Have you heard the new Britney song? What’s your favorite upbeat/workout song at the moment?
I just heard it on the radio yesterday morning – it’s not as good as her other stuff (IMO), but it’s still catchy
I hate the new Britney song, I have to say. She hasn’t released an awesome song since Toxic, in my opinion.
I’m LOVING “The Time” by the Black Eyed Peas. Makes me want to sprint as fast as I can!
I’m obsessed with that one too! I keep randomly saying “dirty bit” throughout the day, hahaha
My favorite song is “It’s Going Down.” by Yung Jock. It’s so cold but it’s the one song that can pump me up anytime.
When you’re hungry-you’re hungry. Nothing you can do about it.
i haven’t heard the new brittney song yet! am i living under a rock or something?! i had a grilled cheese sando yesterday too, cept mine had sliced turkey breast inside as well. i wish i would’ve thought to use hummus instead!!
i love any Black eyed peas songs!! and those sweet potato crisps sound awesome!
No shame in a Britney jam or two – homegirl is catchy.
Made you banana bread yesterday and the roomies and I have already demolished half!
I heard the bnew britney song yesterday morning…..it would be a good running song!
um, i would never hold listening to b. spears against you! especially since i got my groove on to one of her songs yesterday…no shame!!!!
I’m the same way with days off, I always get a massive to do and suddenly there’s no time to relax. Of man, the gooey sandwich looks wonderful. I have not heard the new Britney song yet, but will probably add it to my workout play list if it’s poppy and high-energy. Currently I have a lot of ultra dance remixes of pop songs in mine, they’re high-energy and non-stop, perfect for a long run.
hahaha i LOVE the new BS song!! i heard it the other day on the way to work and rocked out in my car at 7:30am. i was exhausted when it was over
1. That sandwich is awesome.
2. I myself love me some Britney. Not all of it but some! I haven’t heard the new one.
I love Brittany! OMG I said it, haha
I like hard core rap when I work out! haha I donno it just gets me fired up!! DAvid Banner– Play— it’s a little dirty but I like it
Family tubs of hummus=heaven!
I’m not much better–I pump up the Ke$ha these days. My fave is Kiss n Tell.
oh god no, i havent heard it, come on.. what do you take me for? haha. i won’t hold it against you, though. as long as you share your hummus with me. favorite upbeat workout songs are all by metric and tegan & sara. and the sounds. i love bands with girl singers, clearly.
I haven’t heard that song yet. Usually I just set my phone or computer to the club/dance station on Pandora for my workouts. Most of the songs are perfect for getting me pumped for my workout, except this morning when they played Blue by Eiffel 65! Bleh! Had to change that one, but of course not before the freaking chorus got stuck in my head for the rest of the day!
The new Britney song hasn’t grown on me yet, but im sure it will as usual!
havent heard the britney song, but im sure i will!
those chips (Sweet tater FSTG)..are sooo good! i love those!
“..when I realized my to-do list was longer than Charlie Sheen’s” <—HAHAHA, you totally cracked me up here!
MmMMmmMMmmm, heavenly hummusssssssss <3
I don’t know if I’ve actually commented here before, but you better believe that I’ve been a silent reader for ages
I just wanted to drop by and say how much I love your blog. It’s one of my favourites!
Oh, and I haven’t heard the new Britney song yet.. but my favourite workout song is any Ke$ha song…yeah I’m pretty classy.
Amy x
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