Would Miss Manners serve house guests nooch?

Are you getting tired of me working so much?  I hope the packed lunches aren’t too boring, but whatcha gonna do, right?  Today’s lunch eats included tupperwared kale chips and a salad, DOS manzanas, a buncha bars (Clif’s Z bars and Odwalla repeats from yesterday), and dried papaya spears/pears.


As I headed out on my lunch break today, I saw a pretty fantastic sight (these things tend to occur outside the Emergency Dept).   Picture a homeless Caucasian man (60-ish years old) in a wheelchair rocking a black baby back and forth, and bouncing it up and down as if to keep it quiet…oh, did I mention this baby was a doll?  Yeah, a grown man with a babydoll.  Just wait…it gets better.  So then another crazy homeless man stumbles by (reeking of booze) and declares “awww, look at the BABY!!” – as if the aforementioned scene is not only totally normal, but also cute.  I wanted to take a picture because it was seriously epic, but I thought one of the loony tunes might attack me or something.  Anyways, it was awesome.  As was my lunch.

Kale chips and a big salad (spinach, shrooms, carrots, chickpeas, and dried cranz).


I took a picture while I was eating with my reused and recycled fork because I had a little accident…


That tip of the fork tine is currently somewhere in my GI tract.  Ummmm, yeah.  Evidently there is a shelf life on plastic silverware (being a hippie only gets you so far…). 

When I got home I wanted dinner on the double.  We currently have house guests staying with us, so I took the opportunity to show off my spiralizer 🙂


And my bullet.


Zucchini pasta with cheezy tofu sauce.


What company doesn’t like learning about nooch?  Oh, you mean it’s NOT normal to eat mash that looks like baby food in front of your house guests?  Lucky for them, my wonderful fiancé’s hosting skillz rival those of Miss Manners so he made tortilla espanola for all to share.  I should have taken a photo it was so GORG – plus I think our friends found that way more appetizing. 


Dessert-age included apples with cinn and a nana-nilla-soy shake

Guess who has MORE work tomorrow.  Yes.  Me.  WAAAHH!

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Comments (22)

  1. Kelly

    You should invest in a set of bamboo travel utensils to replace your plastic. I just ordered a bunch for stocking stuffers!


  2. BroccoliHut

    Mmm you know I am lovin that nana-nilla shake:)

  3. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    When I go to people’s houses if they know I am a vegetarian or vegan, I get carrot sticks. Your guests get:
    Zucchini pasta with cheezy tofu sauce.

    I’d like to be a guest at your house!

  4. Mama Pea

    I know Mama Pea would! I made my parents both try nooch on popcorn today for the first time. They liked it even more than I do!!!

  5. The Voracious Vegan

    Nooch for everybody! Those kale chips look divine, as always! Your lunches inspire and intrigue me, I love how they manage to be delicious and nutritious at the same time.

  6. ali

    Linux Web Hosting For Small Businesses.

  7. VeggieGirl

    Ahh good luck with work!!

  8. Katie

    Love it. I usually have to cook my own food at people’s houses. But yes most people are grossed out by vegan food or just the mention of it.

    LOL at the whole scene. Gotta wonder what people are thinking.

  9. Courtney

    Hahaha–I introduced my sister and brother-in-law to nutritional yeast a few years ago when they came to visit, and they were hooked and use it all the time now! My brother in law thinks it is healthy because it is called “nutritional” yeast and uses copious amounts on EVERYTHING 🙂


  10. glidingcalm

    dried crans in salads are the ish!

  11. Abby

    You’re a work-aholic girl!! Hope you get some time to rest this weekend 🙂

  12. julie

    I’m wondering who the baby mama is…

    STOP WORKING!!!!!!!!!!! stop working and make me some spiralized zukes with nooch. I’m thinking I want to hop on the nooch bandwagon…even though I’m not vegan or vegitar it still looks cool and it could totally help me be a poser

  13. Holly

    hahahahaha that wheelchair baby story cracked me up. for reals. i walk by a veterans center (where a lot of homeless people go and look for jobs) and i cannot even start on how many weird ass things i have seen.

    loving your boxed lunches (so much better than mine) and i have to believe all guests should be served nooch.

    happy weekend (i am working too ugh).

  14. ksgoodeats

    I’d down that noochy-mash in a heartbeat if I were your company. They’re missin’ out!!

    I laughed at the baby doll story. That’s hilarious but also SO CREEPY! Good luck at work, ma! Make that money!!

  15. Jenny

    dangit – I totally wish you captured the dude and the doll.. sounds hilar! i could literally just sit outside and people watch all day.

  16. blueeyedheart

    Get thyself to Fish’s Eddy and buy a 99-cent fork, for heaven’s sake! 😉

    <3 <3

  17. Lara (Thinspired)

    I don’t know if I think the homeless guy story is creepy or cute. Maybe both. It sure made me laugh, though 😉

  18. ellie

    I vote yes for serving guests the food you love- then if they hate it, there’s more for you! I want the carrot/shroom/craisin salad.

    That story about the baby is either incredibly creepy or hilarious.

  19. Jenna

    love your blog and all your eats! i love reading your blog since you are a nurse and i am a nursing major!
    i would love it if you could check mine out!

  20. elise

    thanks jenna! ill definitely check out your blog. i love reading about fellow vegans working in health care 🙂

  21. ethel

    I cannot believe I missed this post! Wha?? Lovely house guests =) I want to be a guest one of these days and you can throw manners out the window since I lived with your white butt, I’ve seen it all! haha!

    p.s. This post reminded me sooo much of the Baby Giver! Remember!? I retold that story to a friend of mine the other day and she thought it was awesome! and that we should’ve kept that baby doll…haha!

  22. elise

    hahaha…oh my gosh. that story is priceless. its the ultimate measure of the douche factor.

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