Work lunches and champagne

Sorry to go AWOL on you all this weekend…I was livin’ it up in the hospital (or a less fun sounding version of that story).  Either way, I was packing lunches, eating on the fly, and here’s the quick and dirty…



Salad, fruit, veg, bacteria coated baggy, super protein Odwalla bar. 


First at bat, a salad with spinach, red bell pepps, edamame, raw cauliflower, and dried cranz (with a heavy handed pour of Bragg’s liquid aminos on top).

On deck, a bag of carrots, and a bag of pretzels (and by the way, I never mention this but I buy 365 spelt pretz), pepitas, sunflower seeds, carob chips, more carob chips, and raisins.

Delicious AND nutritious.



More bars (super protein Odwalla, apple cinnamon Luna sunrise), more apples, Chai tea, carrots, and two different tupperwares of yum.


On zee left, spinach, carrots, edamame, dried cranz.

On zee right, hash browns Idaho potatoes (steamed with salt, pepper, and paprika), red bell pepps, and corn.


After I packed this, I thought I might want a little somethin’ somethin’ more (since Saturday had me turning to $$$ Kombucha and copious amounts of coffee to completely satisfy me)…so at the last minute I threw in another pretz/carob/nut/seed mix.

More to come tomorrow…but since I’ve been teasing you for a few days now…


I figure…


Maybe an explanation is in order…


Maybe in the next post.  ;)  Such a tease!

In the mean time, a few reminders:

  • Today is the LAST day to get a 15% discount at my OpenSky shop on the Measure-Up bowls using the code HUNGRY15 at checkout.
  • Tomorrow I will announce the winner of my Nature Made giveaway, so if you missed it, enter now (or forever hold your peace).
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Comments (40)

  1. CaitlinRose

    Do I win something if I guess what the big news is!?

    My Guess: Kyle got transferred to CA, so you get to move back to the sunshine. What else could make you sooooo giddy!?

  2. paigemadaline09

    Your lunches look so good! Luna is the BEST!

  3. amylouisemc

    Champagne, eh??
    Decadent and delicious 😉

    Love the luna sunrise!!


  4. healthyappletite

    i love champagne! xxx

  5. melissa

    Your salads always looks sooo yummy! I was wondering if the dried cranberries really make the salad (in your opinion) and possibly why you find the need for no dressing? I never tried dried fruit in my salad unless it was offset with nuts or goat cheese (I guess the saltiness of these foods complement the sweet). I guess I’m asking if you find dressing unneccessary b/c there’s so much flavor without it:)

  6. Beth

    I’m going to pretend the suspense is NOT killing me. Because it’s not. 😐 Okay, it is! 🙂
    Where do you buy your HORSE carrots??? Mine are always so puny and yours are always so … gigantic. TWSS???!!!

  7. Naomi (onefitfoodie)

    SUCH A TEASEE i want to know what the celebration was about! oh and I <3 champagne so that was a tease just looking at it too!!!

    i LOVE the combo of eddamame and dried cranberries, somethng about it just makes me SMILEEEEE

  8. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    Ahhhh I can’t wait to hear your news…champagne celebrations always mean something great!!

  9. Courtney

    You are cruel! I am guessing it has something to do with a move…?


  10. Lika

    I bet on moving to CA or west coast too ! 🙂


  11. Jenny

    Can’t wait to see what the champagne and bouquet is for!

  12. alyssa

    how do you buy your edamame? do you steam it yourself? buy it frozen (does it even come this way)? i clearly know NOTHING about it so feel free to enlighten me..ok ok, PLEASE enlighten me!

  13. Holly

    well, since alcohol is involved, it’s not a baby. haha.

    if it does involved a move to per say san fran…i just may or may not be there come july, so you knows we be meeting up. can’t wait to hear the news lovebug…have a great week!

  14. samantha


    you are so good about making your lunches – there is nothing i hate MORE than putting together my meals for the next day, but i begrudgingly do it. woof.

  15. Katie

    Yay yay yay! I think I know what this is about…

  16. ethel

    Nice bubblies…but guess who else had bubblies yesterday? Um, yo. And you know for what? Just because it was Sunday and my friend Bianca and I were at the beach Malibu. Jealous? Pienso que si…hehe

  17. Blaire

    Elise , I found your blog through twitter. It’s so awesome-Congrats! What an accomplishment!

    Hope you’re well.

    xxoo, blaire

  18. Ftiness4Looks

    That is so awesome that you have a giveaway! I just found your blog last week & I love all the tips and such you have on here! Thanks!

  19. snackface

    I have a feeling I know what’s going on…just an inkling.

  20. Lauren @ BIOCHEMISTA

    Mmmmm…champagne 🙂 Can’t wait to hear the news!

  21. shannon (the daily balance)

    looking forward to hearing what the celebration was all about!

  22. Andrea of Care to Eat

    I’m really hoping that your good news is that you guys are moving to Portland and we’re going to be BFFs and eat tubs of hummus and Earth Balance together. I’m right, aren’t I? 🙂

  23. julie

    why do you teasee. i know you’re not preggers unless thats sparkling apple cider..

    tell tell tell tell!

    p.s. apple cin sunrise is amaze-a-balls.

  24. Gabriela (froyolover)

    Can´t wait to hear the good news!
    Delicious eats, as always!
    Have a great week, girl!
    Brazilian XOXO´s,

  25. Kati

    Are those Luna bars iced?

  26. Crystal

    This is my first visit and I feel like you totally teased me! Haha, I have to come back and see what the big surprise is all about now. 😉

    I haven’t seen Luna Sunrise bars before, just regular Luna bars. How did it taste?

  27. elise

    …you are just too dang smart 🙂

  28. elise

    hahaha….sorry for the tease crystal!!! …maybe its all just a big ploy to suck you in!? im kidding, i promise i will let you know more tomorrow 🙂 to answer your question, the sunrise bars are different than the regular lunas. they are more like z bars, a bit bigger than luna bars with a bit more oatmeal like taste (at least the apple cinn flavor was) and arent coated in frosting.

  29. elise

    no, not like the regular lunas.

  30. elise

    thanks for the comment…im glad you like it! hope you come back 🙂

  31. elise

    hey blaire bear! glad you found my side project 🙂 thanks for the love

  32. elise

    thanks paige! whats your fave luna bar flavor?

  33. elise

    hahaha…my guess is yes. i actually have a question for ya, so i am going to shoot you an email later on

  34. elise

    for special occasions only 🙂

  35. elise

    me too! haha, i get so drunk and giddy off the bubbly 🙂

  36. elise

    twss! yeah, i get my horse carrots at whole foods. the 2 pound bags dont last very long, but they are definitely gigantic!

  37. elise

    i sooooo agree…i love dried fruit with my salads…i always try to add raisins or dried cranberries. something about that combo with veggies – they just accent each other very well.

  38. elise

    you know it!

  39. elise

    i buy it already shelled and frozen…then i just add it (still frozen) to my salads when i make it the night before work and they are thawed by the next day. you can also buy them frozen and still in the shells too (and just steam them and snack on them at will).

  40. elise

    i find it a kind of therapeutic thing to do at the end of the day…its such a routine now that its almost like my body knows when im making my lunches it means bedtime is near so i start winding down…but yeah, some days im just not in the mood. i guess thats one of the other perks to having a nurses schedule since i dont work 5 days a week, it doesnt get too annoying because i get breaks throughout the week. keep it up though girl!!!

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