I know I posted two (!!) recipes this week, but I don’t have much else to share because I’ve been struggling with my diet.
For some reason, my gut has been completely set on working against me this week. I’m not sure if I’m all the way through it, but I just wanted to let you guys in on where I am right now. Apparently my IBS is not always under control (even though it’s been a loooong time since it’s been this bad). I don’t know what precipitated this reaction. I have had cramping and bloating and the more extreme symptoms of IBS after EVERY MEAL this week.
I actually skipped breakfast a few days because I was feeling SO miserable. I still had to parent!
Good thing they are into crafts and independent play, but oh man. There were some stretches that were tough.
Ginger tea and kombucha have been the only things able to soothe my gut and neutralize the pain. At least until my next meal. But I have to eat!?! It’s times like this that I flashback to the very worst of my gut issues. When I didn’t know how to cope with it AT ALL and would basically rather starve than deal with the flaring symptoms. Anyway. I am still eating, but it is definitely super frustrating to feel so terrible right after finishing a meal. If I could live off kombucha I would. My brew is still going strong (I had to dump the batch when I came home from Hawaii because after 17 days away it was pretty much vinegar) so at least I’m not pouring my entire bank account into GT’s pockets.
So why now? What’s going on with me? I *thought* I had it under control.
I don’t know. I really don’t. That’s the sneaky thing about IBS right?
Usually I can figure out at least something that sounds appetizing and is bland enough and fodmaps free to eat on repeat until my body gets back on track, but nothing has sounded good. Hence the lack of photos.
Home-made chocolate bars for dinner?
I guess?
With candied ginger, this actually was one of the few things that didn’t upset my body (and that sounded good).
Oddly enough this flare coincided with my lingual bar (a permanent orthodonture piece that acts as a retainer on my lower front teeth) popping off on one side so I was super paranoid about eating until I could get it repaired. Luckily I sorted it out in < 30 hours thanks to my brilliant friend (who is now my new dentist!!). Kyle was out of town through all this so the kids got to accompany me to my last minute appointment, which could have gone very much downhill, but thanks to the Boxcar Children books on cd they were happy as could be sitting and listening to the story while I got my grill back up and running.
Anyway, I will be back when this GI stuff all blows over.

Ugh, I’m so sorry, Elise! Not feeling well when you have kids is soooooo hard. Like you said, you still have to parent! No laying in bed all day or taking it easy. I hope you feel better soon
Elise, so sorry that you’re not feeling well. Especially hard with two little ones. I was diagnosed with IBS over 30 years ago, and have been having a flare-up recently, too, which is very unusual for me. After all this time, I pretty much have it down. But every once in a while… Anyrway, just wanted to share they I’ve discovered a coconut milk living yogurt by CocoYo—owned by GT’s—(https://gtslivingfoods.com/offering/cocoyo/pure-2/) that has been my savior. I can’t drink kombucha because I can’t tolerate the bubbles, but I’ve been having one of these fermented yogurts every day for four days now and it has been incredible in helping me get back to normal. Whatever you do—every body is definitely different— hope you feel better very soon!
My IBS has been awful lately, too. Constant pain and bloating is so frustrating. Every once in a while I have a good digestion day and I’m like, “Wow! Is this what people without stomach issues feel like? This is awesome!”. It gets so exhausting to live with the expectation that by the end of the day I a going to have really bad pain and most likely be pretty bloated. Erg. I’m right there with ya, sister.
Blah … IBS is such a pain! I struggle with IBS pretty badly myself and I understand the fear of eating because you know you’re going to pay for it later. BUT I am glad that you are choosing to keep trying to eat. I hope that you guys are laying low right now so that your body has a chance to rest.
p.s. Do you have a recipe for the chocolate bars??
They’re from Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook “It’a All Good” – https://amzn.to/2Ii3PPj
They are SO good!
Ugh. So frustrating. 🙁
When I have those random good days I’m always in awe, too.
Thanks for the recommendation! I haven’t seen those in stores but have totally heard of them. I’ll have to keep my eye out next time I’m in a WF…anyway, thank you so much for the empathy. I’m sorry you had a recent flare too.
Hi Elise, just wanted to saw thank you for posting it all. Sending lots of love and healing thoughts. You’ve helped so many people by sharing, hoping you get back to feeling yourself soon. You have all the resources and the best researcher the blogosphere has ever seen and I know everyone is different, but ( you knew a “but” was coming, hahaha) just in case this helps you or someone else, I wanted to share this completely unsolicited information.
I used Susan Blum’s Immune System Recovery Plan and it was a life savior. Also, it’s a pain so I only do it when I need a reset, but food combining helps me every time. Good luck my internet friend and thank you again for sharing your life with us!
Sorry for my typos, in a hurry, but didn’t want to wait. I’m really a fully grown, educated human. 🙂
Oh no, i’m so sorry to hear this! I hope you’re able to sort out some meals that don’t make you miserable and that your tummy settles down as soon as possible. Glad the ginger and kombucha are soothing in the meantime.
Thanks L! I’ll look into it. Never hurts to learn more and I have no problem with typos 🙂
This refers back to a November post, which the comments are closed for, but would you mind sharing your go-to recipe for instant pot yogurt? I made an attempt at homemade cashew milk instant pot yogurt yesterday with a vegan starter and it was a major fail! Thanks for all your lovely recipes and for keeping it real–something a fellow mama with GI issues and a little one with dairy allergies appreciates so much!
I’m not really an expert with yogurt making so I still want to get it totally right 100% of the time before I post. I keep over or under adding gelatin. I’m still toying with the amount of probiotic too. But you’ve motivated me to give it a go this weekend and write it down, so hopefully I will share it soon. I will say, I’ve never done it w a vegan starter, and have instead used between 2-5 probiotic capsules. Stay tuned!!!
Thanks, Elise! I’ll be waiting!