I am soooooo happy to have a zucchini plant this year that is giving me heaps of produce to shred, spiralize, etc. Since I had the food processor out already, I prepped a bunch for me to have on hand for pancakes, muffins, whatever, next week.
Blender bread! This is from Danielle Walker’s cookbook Celebrations.
I had it bookmarked to make for next week as breakfast/lunch/whatever fare, but then I realized I wanted it that morning. Stat. But it had a 60-70 minute bake time, not even counting the prep time, so I decided I would suck it up and have something else more immediately.
15 minutes of hemming and hawing later I realized I definitely didn’t want anything that wasn’t this bread. I am ridiculous. But we had nowhere to be so why not indulge myself and just commit!?! It took another 10 minutes for me to finally just get going on it.
And finally, at 10:30, I got to eat breakfast!
Shockingly, they hadn’t killed each other playing in the toy room while I was doing this, although I was in and out multiple times to facilitate various arguments (and play a little myself).
First slice! Ahhhhh…heaven!! I know that Danielle uses a different loaf pan, but I’ve never had issues using mine. It’s just the standard large loaf (9×5 probably). I also used a food processor instead of a blender and tossed in some walnuts because I didn’t quite have enough raw cashews on hand. It’s an expensive loaf, that’s for sure, but soooo delicious.
I was starving by the time it was done, so my breakfast was pretty large and in charge, with two eggs, and butter (Earth Balance) on the slice.
It. Was. 100% worth the wait.
We walked to the park after that (our car was in the shop, hence our leisurely morning) and stayed there for a long time. I had brought a picnic lunch for them so they basically just played and ate until it was time to come home for naps.
Add 60 more mac nuts and that would be a more accurate depiction. And way more baby carrots too. Always munching non stop on baby carrots while I prep.
We went to farmer’s market that afternoon and Kyle was in the mood for healthy food and I was in the mood for greasy food. Blerg. I wasn’t in the mood to buy something because I knew I was going to be buying our dinners on Thursday night (pre-Fremont). Soooo, I took a look in the fridge and came up with this.
His on the left (there’s pasta under there too) and mine on the right.
Plus salmon for both.
Not bad at all! Kyle said it was exactly what he was craving and way better than anything he could get at market, so that made me feel happy that I sucked it up and packed us food despite not being in the mood for the same thing he was.
Finished off OITNB with this plate. Best season so far, in my opinion, but SUPER intense.
Kids had breakfast all ready for them the next morning. Steel cut oats + cinnamon + maple syrup + raisins + hemp seeds + chia seeds.
And blender bread for moi. I was (again) SOOO indecisive in what direction I wanted to go with this bread. At first I thought I felt like avocado toast. But I was too lazy to get the toaster out (I know, I know, I have the weirdest things – I’ll put in an hour and a half of work for bread, but won’t take one minute to pull out the toaster).
I decided to toast it in the pan, but then half way through (and after eating a slice plain), I realized I didn’t want avocado and eggs. It was smelling sooooo good just toasted I thought I’d just eat it plain.
Once it was all deeply dark and toasted I put it on the plate and changed my mind yet again.
Side note: This bread would be SOOOO good as a grilled cheese!
Ghee!?! Why not!
I got this free from Thrive with an order and kinda forgot about it (they’re always giving away free things so I time my orders with the items I’m interested in the most). Ghee is dairy and lactose free and supposed to be really good for you (micronutrient wise) and guess what!? It’s yummy and didn’t do anything to my gut.
I’m into it.
Another park and picnic date.
Followed by crafts.
Some times you just need to take a surprise trip to Target for treats, ya know?!?! They picked out what they wanted (with some reasonable $ guidance by me) and were thrilled to color and sticker the day away.
Quickie OIT trip before a mellow weekend up next 🙂

What does ghee taste like…similar to butter when spread on toast?
i just had to think about this before replying because i don’t know that I’m a reliable source of comparing it to butter. but yes, there is a real “oomph” of flavor – much different from palm oil or any other faux butter /mock spread. it’s rich and hard to describe, but i suppose the closest thing to compare it to would be the freshest butter you could imagine. kinda grassy? oh man, i am sounding like a weirdo now. it’s really good.
The garden zucchini is so awesome! I made the food 52 recipe for zucchini butter last year with coconut oil and it’s amazing! I don’t have a food processor so for me it was a bit of a pain to make.
That’s so great the ghee was ok for your tummy! I suspect my own dairy challenges are not just lactose, when i tried ghee it was bad news
just looked up the recipe and will definitely be making that soon!
You will totally love it! Actually works great for huge zucchini that aren’t as good to just sauté or eat raw. Fantastic as a burger or toast topper or even just a dip. If you use coconut oil let it sit a bit at room temp to use as a dip though.