Here’s the real indicator that I’m type A…I literally clean the blender parts and put them away before I drink my smoothie. Even when I’m a crazy hangrypants. Please tell me there are others out there who do this too? I know the OCD tendencies run deep in food bloggers, so I don’t think I’m going too out on a limb with this. But I definitely do it every. single. time. I make a smoothie.
Other dishes, not so much. I’ll wait til after I eat breakfast to clean the frying pan (usually because I use it for both mine and P’s meals). But I won’t ever pile multiple plates in a sink to soak. If one is in there, I’ll clean it or put it in the dishwasher before I add another. I also won’t start cooking a meal if the kitchen is still a mess from the previous one (although that situation is unlikely to arise). I would definitely clean everything up before starting the new project.
I’m sure this is a combo of my innate personality and how I was raised, but I don’t think I was always like this. I know nursing made my hand washing and hygiene habits go through the roof, so it could be an occupational hazard as well.
Anyone else with me?
The vitamix has now secured a permanent spot in my heart thanks to the smoothie fest that is still going strong as my afternoon snack of choice.
Vega sport chocolate + frozen banana + frozen squash + ice + coconut milk
The chocolate tasted like pudding. Mmmm.
Vega choc-a-lot + frozen spinach + frozen banana + coconut milk +ice
I added a little extra stevia to this one because it wasn’t as sweet.
Arbonne essentials vanilla protein powder + frozen squash + frozen spinach + coconut milk + ice
Silky smooth.
Arbonne essentials chocolate protein powder + frozen spinach + frozen banana + coconut milk + ice
Another chocolate pudding like flavor. Seriously so good I think the fact that it was green was playing tricks on me.
In terms of preference I’m kinda all over the place. I don’t pay much attention to the claims for “recovery” purposes since I’m not an endurance athlete. Since protein powders aren’t usually very prominent in my diet, I don’t put huge stock in whatever void they are claiming to fill, but I do look for the stats I mention in this post. Low sugar, not dairy based, not a million dollars, etc.

You are NOT alone! My smoothie sits on the counter until I clean the blender parts. Actually, I do the same with the juicer…
Pots & pans soaking IN the sink make me CrAzY and I flip out if anyone does that in my kitchen. Clean as I cook is my rule so that when I’m finished cooking the only thing left is the pan on the stove to cool. I don’t wash any non-stick pans until they are 100% cold, but that’s just good habits – if you run your hot non-stick under water, you run the risk of cracking the anondized surface.
Yup. Seriously sooooo OCD in my kitchen that I think the rest of my family is scared to use it!!!
I’ve been dying to try Vega – it’s just so darn expensive!
And how do you clean your Vitamix? I kinda just rinse mine and attempt to get at it with a sponge… They don’t really come apart, right?
I usually make my smoothie, give the blender a good rinse with water, drink the smoothie and then clean the blender. I need that food NOW! 🙂
i love the arbonne protein powder!
I totally feel ya! I hate sitting down for my breakfast with dirty dishes around!!
I’m the same way! I have to clean the Vitamix before I drink the smoothie! I found the best way to clean it, especially after making nut butters is to fill it half full with warm water, add a little soap and then turn it on high for 30 seconds to a minute depending on what you made. Then all you have to do is rinse and dry, super easy.
I really like the Sunwarrior Protein powders, they can be spendy though.
Oh my gosh.. I’m drooling over those smoothies! I never thought to put frozen squash in, thanks for the idea! Coconut milk has been my new favorite instead of almond milk! It’s currently -15 here & here I am making smoothies haha.. then I freeze. I’m the same way with the blender.. I need to clean it asap otherwise it’s so tough to get clean. I’m also the same way with dishes… drives me NUTS having dirty dishes in the sink! ha…
Confession? I own a blender and have never used it. I’m just not a smoothie girl, but also because I don’t want to have to clean it. Ha. But being as OCD as I am, I’m the same way about everything else. I usually do my dishes before I sit down to eat with the exception being if something has to soak. Plus, if you’re using a non-stick pan for something, they say not to put a hot pan in water but to let it cool down first. That’s the excuse I use when I want to wait 😉
I clean the blender right after too but mostly because I can’t put it in the dishwasher and it will get hard to clean if I let it dry.
I’m definitely guilty of leaving other dirty dishes though.
I’ve never seen arbonne.. Where do u buy it?
Good idea about squash in a smoothie! Never thought to use that. What’s your fav brand/type of coconut milk to use?
I do this too! Especially since the Vitamix cost so much, I feel that justifies my compulsion to immediately clean it and put it away properly 🙂
Would never think of eatting if my kitchen was not clean!!!! Food can’t be enjoyed when you are surrounded by a mess. OCD is a positive flaw for a person to have.
thats how i see it too lynn 🙂
there are representatives who sell it and they have a website too. i shared the coconut milk i use in a previous post –
thats how i clean it too – super easy. i havent tried sunwarrior because its so pricey. im assuming ill love it and then be annoyed that i want to spend lots of money on it.
i add a little soap and some water and run the blender for a few seconds. after that its a super simple rinse.
we are so alike 🙂
Pretty sure nurture wins on this one E. I am the same way. Thank the parentals. Although now that I think about it I am pretty sure mom always cleans her dishes all at the end of the meal…
Genius. Pure genius.
I have to clean/put away absolutely everything before I eat. I can’t enjoy my food, while knowing there’s dirty dishes waiting for me in the sink/mess to be wiped up.