Because yesterday’s post prompted such passionate and wonderful comments (I love you guys!!!), I’d like to post my response, just in case some people don’t check follow up answers in the comment section. This is just such a great discussion matter…
First off, can I just say how PROUD I am of the responses I have gotten on this issue, not just as a (self proclaimed) foodie, but as a female in general!
You all are absolutely right, it can be a slippery slope from checking portion sizes to obsessively counting each and every calorie – especially for the OCD, type-A people out there (hello, takes one to know one)! And since I am truly happy with my body, I have no interest in changing the way approach eating. I LOVE food and enjoy everything from cooking and creating new meals to setting up camp in my frequent food ruts (downing tubs of hummus day after day after day). I have found a nice (mostly) balanced way of living, with splurges that I don’t berate myself for, and wholesome food that gives me the energy I need to remain as active as I love being.
In the end I love food way too much to let something like the serving size deemed appropriate by the government dictate how I choose to get my grub on!
OK, now back to your regularly scheduled programming Friday’s food…
Java & greek yogurt/fruity mix (apple + plum + pear).
This brekkie is getting too predictable! I’m gonna have to switch it up soon.
I went to the gym and had a mild elliptical sesh, followed by some arms and stretching – then I adios-ed to enjoy the sunshine!
I read and crossword-ed (it’s a word!) on the rooftop (lathered in sunscreen, I assure you)…and eventually came back down for lunch.
I made another batch of seitan, this time with a few adjustments (more veggie broth). So this cutlet was nice and juicy, easy to cut, and perrrrrrfect. I had it with the rest of the edamummus on the side.
Here’s the pre-cooked seitan (as I kneaded the f%^& out of it)…
…and here it is pre (above) and post (below) oven lovin’.
I know it looks weird, but seriously guys, it’s SO easy to make, and tastes yum (x 6).
I also had some hummus-y bread. Do I need a reason?
Later I had the weirdest shaped apple ever.
For dinner I had a philly cheese steak…welllllll, with a few adjustments.
Seitan cutlets, veggie slice “cheese”, and Alvarado street bread. Very Elise.
Desserttttt…cranbran VitaTop with some EB and fresh fruit.
Work weekend, enjoy the sun for me kiddos!

I just got caught up on yesterday’s post and I agree with everyone! No reason to watch portions if you love your body! You eat so healthy so who cares? I know I pile tons of healthy food on my plate without ever thinking about the recommended sizes! Man oh man I still need that seitan! I am off to go have a Vitatop now!!
I love your response to all of our responses! You are certainly right, no government can tell you what or how to eat, and I think what you eat is delicious, so keep it up! 🙂
Yum yum cranbran vitatop!
Wow, I need to make my own seitan now! Yours looks delicious, and it’s a great thing to have in the fridge.
Thanks for sharing your portion size thoughts 🙂
i love you. that is all.
I didn’t get a chance to comment on yesterday’s post, but I am totally envious of the way you eat. If you start measuring stuff, I’m going to put one of Livy’s diapers on your front porch and light it on fire.
Speaking of diapers, I’m convinced I need to make seitan.
You have an awesome attitude towards healthy living…I love it!I also love your seitan…I need to attempt to make this soon!
OCD-Type A sistah here, too 😉
You’re my healhthy food/healthy portions role model. Don’t change a thing 🙂
I’m sure hearing it is getting old, but you really are a great example of how I aim to view food and portions. In just the past couple weeks of reading your blog, I’ve already added some great variations on my staples and expanded my hummus horizons a bit…
Glad you aren’t interested in getting portion perfect–waste of time.
Predictable breakfast? You’re preaching to the choir!
Let’s be real here – that apple picture, you just wanted to show off the ring again 😉 I understand! VIEL GLUCK with work!
OH elise i love you 😀 I totally agree on the last post discush. I think a lot of the “guidelines” are outdated, and it seems impossible for a one size fits all to apply to every human! I think they made those things when joys like sabra, fro yo, and carob covered bunny poo did not exist. You’re the best!
oh girl you ALWAYS know how to make a person want to get their daily serving of hummus and fruits in. I’m actually typing this as I walk to the fridge and open the hummus container. Thank you very much.
Rock out with your portion sizes man! You’re fabulous and Sabra’s stock would plummit if you started portioning out your hummus now.
V. jealous of your rooftop sun!
Love your response, and love your attitude to food.
I had hummus today for the first time in ages- I forgot how incredible it is!
Hello darling love! When I come to visit, will you make me a super fabulous vegan meal? And can we eat it on yo roof slathered in SPF? I would truly enjoy it SHAWTAY! I just read your other post and I feel you girlfriend..portions are whack and it should all be about how you feeling and how hungry yo stomach is! Too much judgement in the world of women and being perfect and eating perfectly. iz all about intuitive eating. Ya dig?! I know you dig!
I’m STILL JEALIN over the shins concert.
someday I’ll make seitan! yours looks pretty yummy!
so happy the shins rocked, though expected!
also, i just want you to know how much, as a reader, i appreciate your approach to ‘no portion measures.’ what you eat is all healthy, and you work out hard-core, so its nice to see you enjoy both w/o being totally obsessive and overboard. it really IS a slippery slope once you start measuring, counting, etc, and it helps some of us realize it should be all about enjoyment, especially at this young age. life’s to short to portion food if you live a balanced, healthy, happy lifestyle.
keep up the great attitude and great blog.
You are so right. You already eat so well – so many healthy foods, and they seem to be working for you. I say as long as you’re eating the real stuff – whole foods from the ground or trees, don’t even worry about the numbers. You might find the following post really interesting:
Anyway, hope you’re having a good weekend and enjoying plenty of rooftop sunshine while lathered in sunblock…of course. 🙂
Eliseeee, have you ever told us how you make your java?! It always looks so frothy and gooood, or maybe you just have a type of coffee machine for that?? Haha…..
I’m so happy that you love your lifestyle and aren’t going to start checkin’ those portion sizes out, it isn’t worth it! 🙂
And your thick n’ juicyyyy seitan is looking GOOD right now, maybe I’ll get super inspired and try to make it…I just don’t trust my cooking abilities for something like that, yet!
Diamond-ish shaped apple, haha. And the seitan looks yummy, I really need to try it!
hi there!
Fellow Nurse from NY here! 🙂
Just wanted to say nice blog and my hubbie is in culinary school and we made one batch of seitan not too long ago. It was the first time I had it and LOVED it! WE made three dinners out of it. Amazing.
hahaha. Well, first I am proud of your honesty and opinion. I think I could start measuring stuff, eat a little less and be a little thinner, but I would rather not.
And I am laughing because of Sarah’s comment about diapers.