Yesterday I went to Whole Foods for a “few things”…and came away with $75 worth of Lord-knows-what. Grrr…how did this happen?! It started innocently enough (just spinach, apples, and I’m out), but one thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was lugging a basket to the 10+ items line. Damn.
Look at all this loot!! I got at least 5 different kinds of nuts from the bulk bins, in addition to random trail mixes, etc. (and for all the new readers who just hopped on the HHH bandwagon, I am not exactly a lover of nuts). Take the bait if you want it…
So, needless to say, I keep finding myself snacking on the most unlikely of munchies (for me).
By themselves, goji berries aren’t that good (in my humble opinion). They are kinda weird. I don’t know how to describe them. But with nuts and other dried fruit (or on top of oats perhaps), they offer a pretty good complimentary flavor.
Pistachios on the other hand, are straight up salty, addicting, yumminess. I have a feeling I am going to OD on these soon and then I will be back at square one with my distaste for nuts. It’s an endless cycle, really. I’m hopeless.
In the meantime, the goodies also made their way into my work eats.
This was a semi-abnormal lunch for me because my beastly salad was missing.
I still had my smaller tupp filled with edamame, corn, dried cranz, which I then hosed down with Bragg’s liquid aminos.
The rest of my pre-packed food included apples x2, bars (Cashew Cookie Larabar & Honey Graham Z bar), a coconut covered date roll, and a baggie of home-made trail mix with all my bulk bin delights.
Almonds + pepitas + pistachios + goji berries + cranz + spelt pretz =
Salty, sweet, crunchy, yum. Branching out never tasted so good.
(As an aside) It is snacks like this that only further reinforce the whole “hippie” rep I have rockin’ among my coworkers – whatevs, I know I work it.
Dinner was easy peasy thanks to my food preppin’ ways.
Steamed sweet potatoes, pepitas, and raisins doused in BBQizzle. What else? Why hummus of course (with a side of carrots).
In the bowl: TVP chili, plain greek yog, and TWO kinds of hummus (I just couldn’t decide)
Oddly enough, I was really in the mood for some vino with dinner. I can count on one hand the number of times I have had alcohol on work nights. It’s not like it’s something I avoid because I think I’ll get wasted, it’s just not something I practice.
Tonight felt like a wine night though. Why not?
To be honest. Not my fave. Too oaky for me. And this has nothing to do with the fact that Napa is considered a four-letter-word in my family 😉
We are a Dry Creek Valley kinda fam (it’s all about the Sonoma vines, yo).
Back to saving lives manana. Night!

I’m an Amador County kinda girl 🙂
I am with you on the goji berries! They taste kind of like dirt, but I also kind of like that? It’s bizarre.
This title cracked me up because I woke up to a text from my friend, telling me that I “eat kinda hippie and hippie food is kinda expensive.” I was like, uhh, true and true. But I’m not as hippie as you are. (But I wish I were.)
Seriously, dinner of sweet potatoes, pepitas, raisins, carrots, hummus, TVP chili, Greekness…you can’t go wrong. I love this.
Hummus with chili looks great!
lol I hear ya girl
I just went to whole foods last night (just to pick up some produce and veggies I swear) and ended up bringing home some $68 worth of stuff!
I had to look at my receipt when I got home to figure out how I had spent so much!
I’ve never tried goji berries before but i might pick some up the next time I blow a paycheck at whole foods 😉
Whole Foods is a death trap! I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have gone in there for “just a few things” and left with more than I can walk home with. I have GOT to cut back (she says like a true addict…) 🙂
Loving your hippie eats (with the exception of all those nuts, of course-ha!)!
Further proof that we need to meet in real life = I walk out of WFs spending only $20. Either you will become a cheap shopper like me or you will influence me to buy LOADS of stuff. Either way, I don’t care!
I have the same problem in Whole Foods! I went last night for an onion (that’s it!!) and miraculously walked out with $40 of groceries. This is why The Huz says I can’t grocery shop unsupervised 😛
i’m straight up nervous for how much money i’m going to spend at whole foods this weekend. whatever, i guess i’ll justify it by saying it will be my first credit card of march? sigh.
also your SP’s always look rockin’, i think i have to start steaming mine too.
Whole Foods is like The Bachelor. You enter the situation saying I’ll just watch for 5 minutes while I fold laundry and pretty soon its two hours later and you’re getting teary-eyed at the rose ceremony!
I’m diggin that sweet potato dish!
Isn’t that always how it goes?? I always spend far more than expected at the store!
It’s really pretty sad… I cannot walk in to Whole Foods or TJs and come out with less than two items. I swear to you, it has not been done, EVER. I have tried, gone in with the best intentions. Don’t even get me started on the bulk section. I have a heavy hand and always believe i never have more than a pound. I decided i officially may need help after last weeks unfortunate 2.5 pounds of carob energy chunks, and 1.5 POUNDS of nooch incident…
I agree, the flavor of goji berries isn’t that wonderful, unless of course they are covered in chocolate! So many great snacks in this post. 🙂
It’s actually a good thing that the Union Square TJ’s is so crowded, because it keeps me from going there every single day. Love your haul, though! Love the double hummus…why choose when you can have both?!
Have a great night!
Do you soak your gojis? Just a little water for a few minutes, then drain. They taste a lot better and don’t have that tough flavor. I love them in salads!
Thanks for the heads up on gojis–I’d always been tempted to try them but never bought them because of the $$ price tag.
I always spend way too much at Whole Foods. It’s like walking in there puts a spell on me.
i love your snackin snacks through work. i agree about gojis! they’re weird…i still have a bag from navitas naturals and i will continue to think they’re super awkward and pretend like a like the taste whenever i eat them. even though i know i really don’t..
shaweet sweet potate lady.
btw its supposed to be GAWJUSS this weekend! enjoy it 🙂
Hahaha, loved the food mess.
Looking good, haha 😉
Have a great Friday, girl!
Brazilian XOXO´s,
Just did the SAME THING at the grocery store AND I loaded up at the bulk bin too 🙂
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I think the last few times I’ve been to WF, I’ve dipped into the vegan hot foods section. I’ll have to share in future post…You inspire me! 😉 besos!
i wanna be dining with you errrrrrnight. can i just move to LA already?
true story!! also, living in nyc is doubly as $$$…i have a feeling im going to be an even BIGGER hippie once i leave manhattan…poor kyle. mwahahaha.
omg, i can totally relate. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN!!!!
this made me crack up because its EXACTLY something i have done time and time again. seriously, im like, ok, just soymilk, thats it. generic soymilk. BAM. checkout line $100. WTF?!?!
the prob with supervised shopping is i LOVE spending hours browsing the aisles with care, looking at new products, admiring different foods, etc. and kyle will have none of that. hes an in-and-out, efficient kinda guy (that has sexual innuendo written all over it…)
i dont see how thats possible. do people like you really exist?
🙂 love it 🙂
sounds good to me! (heloooo enabler)
im a-ok being your enabler…
precisely. except when i leave WFs i dont feel dumber…
1.5 pounds of nooch?!?! you are my hero. last trip i took the carob energy chunks were OUT as were the dried mangos. not cool.
i think you just gave me a weekend project
oooo, thanks for the tip. i didnt know to do that. do you dry them after or not really?
Kay, so i’ve been on a cashew kick (for the last two months….) and feel like its time to grow a new obsession with some other type! Are you recommending pistachios?? 🙂 I do remember loving them in high school!!
And agreed–gojis are kinda eh plain, but do turn all mushy and yum when chillin’ in a hot bowl of oats with melty peanut butta!!!!! love love loveee
Have a great day HHH 🙂
pistachios are the perfect next addiction 🙂
Nope I just drain the water and throw em in. They’re not particularly slimy or anything.
I am on a fixed income. And it’s hard to remember vegetables during the winter because of the weather but I still want to eat healthy what can I do