I know this is not really newsworthy (or title-worthy, for that matter), but since we’ve been on a strict grocery budget we have avoided the restaurant scene to save some cash flow.
For a foodie (like me), this is sad. So this weekend we made the most of our sitch.
On Saturday we headed to Seed Bistro for lunch. We had a little bit of money left on a gift card, so one of our meals was free. Budget not blown, stomach happy. Win win!
Kyle got the sirloin seitan burger (same thing he always gets), and I got the Caesar with seitan added (one of the two salads I always get).
And then we “shared” the sweet potato fries (Kyle ate 95% of them).
It was crazy hot outside and we were both sweaty messes by the end of the meal. We decided to walk back along the beach (hoping for some sea breeze). Normally I find the Venice scene amusing, but I was too hot and too pregnant.
We spent the rest of the day vegging on the couch at home, thanking the Lord for AC.
On Sunday we attended the baptism of our friends’ baby. He’s already 8 weeks old and getting so big!
After the ceremony we went out to dinner in Santa Monica. We were a huge group, so they had rented out the top floor of Mariasol, a Mexican restaurant on the very end of the Pier.
Here’s the view looking back on the Pier and beach.
We enjoyed the sunset and the AFC play off game (who’s excited for the Harbaugh bowl!!! – go Niners!!!).
I managed to limit my tortilla chip intake to a normal amount. Shockingly.
We all got the same salad to start. Not bad, thanks to the avocado.
There wasn’t actually a vegetarian entree option, but I asked if I could get vegetable fajitas instead of the chicken fajitas and they were happy to accommodate me.
On the side, I got all the goodies, red rice, refried pinto beans (I easily picked off the cheese layer), guacamole, salsa, and warm tortillas. I only managed to take down a small amount of the veggie fajitas because it was a massive portion. I mostly picked out the carrots, bell peppers, cauliflower and zucchini (leaving the onions behind). And since I had all that rice and beans, I didn;t even end up touching the tortillas.
It was a pretty awesome meal, plus we got to hang out with friends.
It’s a tricky balance trying to get in as many social gatherings as possible before our twosome becomes a party of three, while still saving money.
Good weekend fun.

Enjoy your last few meals out as a twosome! I’m not saying you’ll never eat out again, bc it’s easier w/a baby than a toddler, but it’s definitely different!
That baby is 8 weeks old!!? Both my husband and I agree he looks 8 months old! Holy cow…
I hear ya sister!
We started a new budgeting system when we found out we are pregnant. It’s the envelope system. We put a certain amount of money in envelopes and once it’s gone, it’s gone.
We have a birthday dinner tonight and can’t deiced if we should eat first or spend our eating out money tonight. Such decisions. Ha.
We’ve been limiting our eating out to help save money too. Babies are expensive! 😉 It is a bummer though because like you, I love trying out new restaurants and eating new dishes. It does make it extra special when we DO go out lately though. Glad you got to enjoy a meal out!
Not eating out is the hardest thing about food budgeting, but it does make that once-a-week (or however often) restaurant meal taste extra good. I haven’t eaten at Mariasol in forever. My college friends and I used to hit it up in college every time we made the long trek from Claremont to Santa Monica. The fajitas sound good!
Congrats on your baby! I have 3 kiddos – so fun – and it is also so fun that they can learn to love to eat the way you do, for life! Great post! We had a really fun weekend too! Crazy warm for us was 45! Perfect for an amazing run on Saturday! Right now it’s 9 degrees! Have a great night!
those sweet potato fries look like the best things ever!
pretty sure you ordered them when we went to seed 🙂
thanks colleen! hopefully he will enjoy hippie foods just like i do (fingers crossed). 🙂
i totally know what you mean though! this weekend we also had a friends birthday dinner and we just couldnt swing it. it was a big group at an expensive steak restaurant. of all the times to splurge, that was not going to be the one.
envelope system sounds tough! i applaud your willpower!
i know! hes such a chunk!!
yep i did 🙂
I’m pretty sure we had them when I was there, too. Yum!
james is soooo big now!