Today was insane but I’m too drained to go into very much detail about it. It’s a miracle I made it out of this past shift alive, and even more amazing that all my patients did too. They were circling (the drain), and I wasn’t having it.
As soon as I finally thought I had solved one problem, another (even bigger one) arose. It was 100% one of those days.
How can you be FOUR hours behind just ONE hour into a shift? It’s puzzling, but I actually think I managed to find a wormhole in the time/space continuum.
Setting aside the fact that I didn’t even get to my charting until after my shift was over, I actually did manage to keep people alive, which is the entire goal anyway. So in the grand scheme of things the day was a success.
But it certainly didn’t feel like it when I was flying to IR with my “stable” patient (with a platelet count of 26). This was pre-transfusion, mind you. As for the disastrous scene that was my “unstable” patient…no words. I definitely did not think he was going to make it. But since there were no beds available in the CCU, I was by his side from 7-10 am with the MD, as we pushed a pharmacy and a half worth of drugs into his body. And I definitely got mad props when he ended up in sinus rhythm later in the day.
But let’s get away from the work stuff and move onto the food.
Post-workout snack on the way to work (Cheerios, Three Sisters Honey Puffs, mixed nuts, raisins, carob chips, dates)
Breakfast eaten at 12:30 (oats, dried cranberries, coconut, cinnamon)
Breakfast’s second course (fruit eaten with greek yogurt added in the morning, post-photo)
Lunch of quinoa, butternut squash and raisins
Five-minute frittata with fingerling potatoes, bell peppers, and spinach
I can’t get over how simple it is to add an egg/soymilk mix to a salad and throw it in the microwave. It’s the simplest frittata ever!
I made it through the day!
Clearly in an eggy mood, I made an omelet for dinner with cheddar Daiya “cheese” inside. With it, I had baby carrots and a quinoa/squash patti-cake (recipe coming soon).
More than any other day, today I needed deeeeeesert.
And now I’m off to dream of perfect EKGs for tomorrow.

I just wanted to say that you inspire me SO much as a nurse. You have no idea 🙂
that is the coolest and easier frittata ever…! i cant believe I’ve never done that before!
oh wow, what a day you had. Glad everything turned out.
quinoa squash cake…YUM!
cannot wait for that recipeee!!! 🙂
Love the five minute fritata!!! I’ll be doing that very very soon!!
hey elise! just a random question – what do you carry all your food in? (like a cooler? lunchbox?) just wondering because as a college student in class ALL day im always trying to figure out the best way to cart around all my snacks/food!
good on you for getting through this day!
Now you deserve a big desserty treat 😉
wow, sorry about the crazy day and big ups on finding the wormhole. yay for keeping people alive! and what a cinchy way to make a frittata. i love it.
Sorry for the crazy days, my nurse mom has been complaining about her stressful days too – something in the air?! Hope things settle soon, hang in there!
thank you thank you thank you to good nurses like you! makes the MD’s job so much easier. I know when i graduate in 6 months i’m going to be relying on good nurses to get me through!
You are a superwoman!!! I can’t imagine doing what you do every day, but as a future health educator I am honored to think that I could be working alongside heroes like you. 🙂
Sounds like an intense day! Hopefully tomorrow is a bit easier for you!
Totally going to try that frittata trick–perfect for rushed mornings!
Mad props for getting through such a hectic day alive! I’ve been there and sometimes it really is amazing you made it through! Can’t wait for the patti-cake recipe! I’m envious of your micro-fritata…my microwave is still broken! 🙁
Ughhh sorry to hear about the rough day. Hope today was a better one!
I had quinoa with cranberries and almonds for dinner and while eating thought to myself that it was a very Hungry Hippie meal haha.
Sounds like you had a really tough day! I can’t imagine going through all of that in one day. Glad everyone made it out alive, including you!
I’m looking forward to that Quinoa/squash patti-cake recipe. Funny, earlier today I was just thinking of quinoa would be good as a patty.
Ha — love this. Things I have to look forward to.
This is NOT a loaded question, but I’m just curious: are you eating a little more eggs lately? Truly not a judgy inquiry, but I’m more interested in hearing if you are, and if so, whether it’s health related or simply a taste issue. Of course, I may be extrapolating incorrectly from limited post exposure, so just ignore me if so 🙂
I thought that just yesterday as I was eating the second egg in two days. It was just a fluke thing really. I happened to crave it, and since such desires happen rarely, I just went with it. Health-wise, it’s nothing I’m consciously trying to increase (or decrease) or anything like that. It is really such an infrequent component of my diet that I don’t mind indulging (not the best word choice, but I can’t think of anything else) my random GI wants every now and then. We always have eggs in the house because Kyle eats them, and they don’t upset my GI system, so as long as they are organic and free range, I will eat one every now and then.
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