Un biere froid, s’il vous plait

So me and Paris got off to a great start (hooray for fresh baguettes!).

Dinner was less successful.

This, my friends, is a falafel gyro.  With cheese.  And fries.  Uhhhh…merci, but no?

On the plus side (not the French meaning of the word, because we found out today “plus” means “more” in French as per our phrase book), I did discover I like Greek beer.

The title of the post is one of four phrases I know in French.  It’s frightening how pathetic I am at communicating now that I’m not in a Spanish speaking country.  I took my Spanish skills lightly, but as it turns out, it’s damn near impossible without a background to communicate veganism.  Of course, it doesn’t help that France is pretty big on meat and cheese.


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Comments (24)

  1. lindsay

    i love paris! you must say this….
    “j’adore mon amie Lindsay. J’esperai l’est ici.” Thats says…”I love my friend lindsay, wish she was here!”

  2. brothern8ture

    Bonjour! Je n’aime pas le fromage (I do not like cheese). M’amener les legumes. (Bring me vegetables) Je suis vegetalien. (I am a Vegan) M’excuser, je suis epouse! (Excuse me, I am married!) …… I am extremely jealous you are in France! Eat lots of bread, the Mona Lisa is overrated, and spit off the Eiffel Tower! 🙂

  3. Emily

    I love seeing all your European adventures! I was vegetarian when I was in France, not vegan so it was alright, but I’m going back to Paris next year and am terrified that I won’t have many options. They’re huge on butter and cheese (or dairy in general)!

  4. Jenny

    A gyro with cheese and fries?! Oh myyy and I love that picture of you holding the loaf of bread haha Too cute 😀 Glad you’re having fun

  5. Emily

    I actually fared pretty well in Paris as a vegan (who doesn’t speak any French!). I lived pretty happily off salad, bread, and chocolate. I just asked for a “salade vegetalien” wherever we went, and smiled as sweetly as possible!

  6. Katie

    Boo for lack of vegan options (or not knowing how to communicate what you want). At least you like the beer…

  7. Molly

    sans jambon=without meat, if I remember correctly 🙂

  8. littlehealthjunkie

    ooh, such a bummer that they added fries and cheese too your sammie! really, who does that!?! haha love the pic of you with the baquette, omg nothing beats a fresh french baquette!

  9. ksgoodeats

    Well…..at least French baguettes and Greek beers are vegan?! Worst case scenario have a pain au chocolat! Hope you’re enjoying your Eurotrip 🙂

  10. Megan @vegetarianrhapsody

    That gyro looks like perfection! And pomme frites are always a good way to go. 🙂

  11. Averie (LoveVeggiesandYoga)

    looks like you’re having a blast! and i know ZERO french so you are 4 phrases ahead of me 🙂

  12. Megan

    “sans fromage” is rather helpful when you want to ask for something without cheese. you could always start by saying “je suis vegetarienne!”

  13. Michelle


    It looks like you’ve been having a blast, but I totally get the frustration over trying to get food that you can eat. When I was in Poland last summer most people thought that I was crazy and it was nearly impossible to get vegetarian, let alone dairy free for my lactose sensitive tummy. Didn’t Angela over at ohsheglows go to Paris recently? Maybe if you have a chance you can check out her blog for ideas, or tweet her for some suggestions.

  14. Kristen - Anywhere There's An Airport

    On my Eat & Drink page I review a vegan restaurant in Paris that was AMAZING! It’s 5 minutes from Notre Dam. There is also an Italian place that we loved! Those would be my top 2 recommendations. Hopefully that will help… if not, more bread please!

  15. teabagginit

    i’m so glad you’re having fun (even if you are experiencing the minor hiccups of navigating foreign menus!)
    i was once at a mexican restaurant (before i learned any spanish) and i couldn’t read the special’s board so i asked the waitress what the dish was. she couldn’t speak english and so she lifted up her boobs – it was chicken breasts. awesome.

  16. Kelsey @ Unmitigated Grub

    haha. well, I think the title of your post is a good phrase to know if only know a few 😉

    have fun lady!!! good luck with the eats!

  17. Patty

    maybe paris is the place you’ll have to relax those food rules a bit.. french cheese really is a delicacy.

  18. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    If there are four words to know in French, those are them 🙂

  19. Christine (The Raw Project)

    Wow, so jealous of your trip! I know zero French, so you’re way ahead of me. 🙂

  20. Laura @ Backstage Pass

    Ah, Paris! How wonderful! And baguettes… mmmm.
    It must be difficult to communicate a vegan dietary preference in a meaty and cheesy city. Best of luck! When in doubt, eat more baguettes? 🙂

  21. Jenna

    OMG! That gyro looks delish!!

  22. elise


  23. elise

    “rules” is the wrong word. i have IBS and im lactose intolerant.

  24. Lauren @ WWoB

    Im sorry you are having some trouble finding suitable eats! But… you look beautiful!

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