I hesitate to even use the word recipe in this post because these are more like ideas that you can take and use how you want. But that’s too long of a title.
The first is creamy broccoli soup.
teese mozzarella cheese is a solid cheese, so it needs liquid in order to combine with broccoli. Or a food processor.
I steamed a bunch of broccoli, and then pulsed it in the food processor with the vegan cheese and plain almond milk until I had a decent texture.
It was a little bland, so I ended up adding in garlic infused olive oil – and BAM – delish soup.
It’s good on it’s own, but also great when mixed with rice or quinoa.
The next idea came to me in a moment of pure fridge scraping. You know…those moments…when you haven’t been shopping in a while…and you’re down to the bare minimum…thinking what can I make from these random odds and ends?
Veggie burger tacos.
We had frozen burgers, but no buns or bread. But we had tortillas. Light bulb!
I crumbled the Sol burgers in the pan, added frozen corn, some Mexican spices (paprika, cumin, chili powder, cayenne pepper, etc.) and let it cook until it resembled taco meat.
Then I scooped it in the tortillas, topped it with avocado and a squirt of lime and called it dinner.
Kyle’s had cheese. Not that you need it.
Sometimes I feel like I could really do well in cooking challenges like Chopped given my ability to find ways to use random ingredients together. But then I remember that I don’t have a ticking clock harassing me as I cook. Or meat. I don’t think I’d know what to do if I opened a basket and it had some cut of pig.
How are you at creating something out of nothing? Any desire to go on a cooking show and display your skills?

I am not a cook at all, but I am the queen of what you call fridge scraping (perfect term btw!). One thing I learned in my totally vegetarian stage in college is that you can put just about anything on top of pasta and make it delicious.
you are so good at being a spontaneous chef, e! when i open an empty fridge, i’m so overwhelmed that i pretty much decide it’s easier to just skip dinner. or to lie on the couch and complain to kyle that i’m “so hungry!” until he makes me something. yet another reason you’re a better person than me.
nice call on chopping up the burgers – that’s a great idea! i’m not a fantastic “fridge scraper” but i have a feeling i’ll get much better at it this year since it’s my first time to have to buy all my own groceries!
that taco looks delicious! veggie burgers are so great:) and yeah, i have always wanted to have a cooking show:) haha
this is unrelated to this specific post: but I finally tried tea with almond milk and a little bit of maple syrup this morning – yet again another amazing ‘recipe’. I’m going to start working on balancing the milk on top of the tea now 🙂
I make a lot of meals that begin as sad attempts to assemble what I have left over in the fridge or pantry. I call them “scrambles,” as in I’m scrambling to throw something together.
I always resist to call my recipes, well recipes. Since they are mostly just things thrown together, and hoping for the best outcome. However, I love your broccoli soup idea! That looks wonderful. My favourite soup ever was broccoli soup!
I found out tacos made from leftover tempeh are heavenly.
Yeah! Fellow fridge-scraper (you get even better at it when you have a toddler too! Something to look forward to!) I love these 2 recipe ideas…. Viper would SO be into the veggie burger tacos – delish!
I have to say i can (and do) make soup from everything/anything! I’ve often made a simple veggie soup like broccoli with a can of beans blended in for protein and smooth-ness, and last year discovered that oat bran is the miracle vegan thickener for brothy soups! (apparently professional chefs often use dehydrated potatoe flakes to thicken)
I wish they had a vegan Masterchef!! I’d love to go on that show but giving me an entire cow or a sea urchin and all the random animal parts they give them would 1) make me gag a little lol and 2) I’d have no clue what to do with any of them.