I don’t have many photos of the kids today because we didn’t do too much. P had another rough night, so we all had a rough night. On top of that we were still scrambling with flight changes and hotel reservations.
Kyle and I alternated going to the gym in the morning. The rain had kinda taken a rest so we could have run outside, but it was still dark because that’s how early we were up. I totally phoned in my work out…don’t tell on me.
We got breakfast from the hotel buffet. I sent Kyle down to get a little bit of everything for us all to share while I spoon fed P (yes, literally) cheerios with almond milk. He actually ate a little bit! Then Kyle came back with two massive plates of every single thing you could ever want for breakfast. V was in heaven. She sat on Kyle’s lap and they went to town.
I had some French toast with Nutella! I was so excited they had Nutella packets, like the little jam or syrup containers you usually see. Nothing like starting your Sunday with chocolate 🙂
Without much of an agenda, we set out for a farmer’s market that I had heard about, but (of course!) the kids fell asleep on the way there. Crappy night’s sleep + car ride = us sitting in the parked car twiddling our thumbs and wondering what to do. Blah.
We got takeout for lunch from a vegan (and mostly raw) place called Christopher’s Kitchen. I got the superfood salad and added candied walnuts to it because more fat please. It was exactly what I was craving. So happy.
Kyle got a veggie burger which turned out to be huge and a side of spicy almond slaw. He only had half of his sando (because he was still full from breakfast) and so I got to enjoy the second half of his sando the next day. I finished off his slaw too. Yummy yummy.
Being in the same room doesn’t lend itself to optimum napping so unsurprisingly they didn’t sleep well (V was just starting to get the cough so they were both coughing and waking themselves and each other up over and over again). The meds were finally starting to work their magic with P so he napped well, but V didn’t get more than 20 minutes. Womp womp.
Can you guess what happened later?
Of. Course.
We went to the Loggerhead Marinelife Rescue in the afternoon…well…some of us went. Some of us stayed in the car with a napping child.
Look at how much better he looks! Meds and sleep can do miracles. Thank goodness.
V and I made it in eventually. Turtle stare down. They loved learning about how they rescue the turtles and help them get back to their ocean home. I wish we could have stayed longer but it closed at 5, so V only got ~5 minutes there.
In a total glutton move, we both got fish ‘n chips for dinner from a place Kyle found called Waterway Cafe. We both finished all of it. We are like the opposite of everyone else with their New Years Resolutions and healthy goals. Fried food for meeee.
I don’t remember what I fed the kids, probably hard boiled eggs and bread with jam because we didn’t have much left in the way of groceries and I wasn’t about to buy more on our last night in Palm Beach when they both had a mere 2% of their appetite in working order.
Kyle went to WF on his way to get the dinner and look what he came home with! Heaps of chocolate for us!
Went to bed optimistic about the health of the kiddos…and with new flights and a game plan for the next day! To Orlando!