This week’s meal plan was so uninspired I almost didn’t share it. I’ve been so lazy with grocery shopping I set myself up for disaster because I only had a few set meals and the rest I just factored in as “wing it” days. Which is fine when you have a full freezer (which we do) but it’s not very exciting.
Soup and salad. So basic. Whatever. This soup isn’t that good. At least not by itself. I will use the rest in a recipe that will make it not the focal point, but won’t buy again.
The salad was a simple spinach, goat cheese, pepitas, dried cranberries concoction. Tossed in olive oil and glazed balsamic.
Kyle had requested grits a while ago, but I forgot to order the polenta from my Thrive order so I had to wait until the next one, which is my really long winded and unnecessary explanation as to why I only just got around to making grits this week.
The greens are from our garden. So far the aphids have left the chard alone. I’m keeping a close eye on those MFers. Anyway, I sautéed the greens and organic chicken sausage together in oil and apple cider vinegar, and served it over a bowl of warm grits (made with half water half almond milk) and then added a pat of Earth Balance on top too. Butter and vinegar seem like an odd combo but they work in harmony in terms of taste bud action.
Apparently I didn’t take photos of the prep of this meal, but I roasted sweet potatoes (the purple murasaki ones from TJs) and then paired it with pork tenderloin and broccoli with some BBQ sauce on top. The fries were the highlight.
Hi and hers meatball meals here, with the wheat pasta for him and squash noodles for me (I wasn’t that hungry from a late snack that morphed into a more meal-sized portion). P had both squash and (leftover) GF noodles that I’d made earlier in a bulk meal prep session.
This is now (finalllllly) the last of the rotisserie chicken that I bought on sale a million years ago and froze in 1/2 chicken portions. I was going to make the same BBQ quinoa mexi-salad that I made a few weeks back but then we didn’t have frozen corn. Fail. So I used mixed frozen veggies and ditched the mexican theme altogether. It was weird but good enough. Ha. Not a sales pitch there.
Saturday was Halloween so I didn’t want to do anything that required effort. P and Kyle had beef burgers and I had a kale salad. Done and done.