Clean eats with minimalist descriptions. Ready, set, blog.
Toast with “cream cheese” and cinnamon.
I have mixed feelings about Tofutti cream cheese. It’s got an odd saltiness to it that can sometimes make for an unexpected flavor, but it’s great for subbing into pasta dishes.
It does melt when it meets warm bread, which is a win in my book. 🙂
Self explanatory addiction.
Ditto to the above.
Avocado + pea mash up
It’s not easy being green…when avocado is involved.
On toasted sprouted bread.
My night shift work eats were identical to yesterday’s so I won’t re-post them… I had a more active night, complete with a 2 am heart attack. Patient is stable now, but it kept me busy. I slept most of the morning, but I work day shift tomorrow so I will be trying to trick my body back into a normal schedule with an 8 pm bed time tonight.
Batch #2 of hippie-roons
Just a few more days to enter my coconut giveaway!!
Ciao for now.

Oh yes avocado makes everything better ; ) We just love it!!
Love avocado! Fixed an omelet this morning with a southwestern feel and topped it with salsa, sour cream, and avocado! Gotta love that buttery goodness!
Oh, wanted to let you know, I took the rest of the hippie-roons in to work today and wow! The feedback was amazing! Even people who said they didn’t like coconut were RAVING about them! Now they all want more!
Dayum, how do you make mashed up avocado and peas look so delicious?! Haha.
I am such a craisins + almonds phase right now, it’s getting a little out of hand.
Hope you got a good sleep!!
Thanks for the info on Tofutti–so hard to find a vegan cheese that melts!
i have only had tofutti cream cheese once, on toasted bread. i kinda liked it – except it did have that weird soy after taste!
Peas and avocados? Interesting. I’ve made avocado dishes last week and I’m gonna order them again to make this one. Green = yum!
I’m not a fan of Tofutti unless it’s in stuff. I love that there’s a vegan substitute for it in ricotta cheeses and frosting and stuff, but alone it’s just kind of weird tasting to me!!
Your pea/avocado mash-up looks perfect. I can see myself eating that a lot in the future.
Also, I agree with the tofutti cream cheese – unless it’s on something warm and can kind of melt, I’m not a huge fan.
Good luck with tricking your body into sleeping normally! I don’t know how you do it!
Agree with Katie — the pea and avocado mash looks awesome! So green, so creamy, and so totally something I have to eat.
Wow, all the food looks great! But the mom in me (and the mom of a nurse working 12-hour shifts) is trying to figure out how you go between night and day shifts. My daughter may not like the hospital she works at, but at least they keep her on the same shift all the time — days, and she was SUPPOSED to work nights when they hired her a little over a year ago! She’s on her third day straight — she prefers it that way, because now she’ll have 4 or 5 days off!! Anyway, prayin’ you can adjust to days then nights then days and NOT get sick! And I really enjoy all your posts!!
mmm that avacado and pea mash up looks great! awesome idea
a 2am heart attack would give me a 2am heart attack!
speaking of heart attack i think my as-of-late school stress is giving me chest paiiiiiiiins waaaaah. those hippie roons might be the perfect medicine
I’ve heard of the pea + avocado mix. I love both so I’m sure I would like it.
For breakfast this morning I am having avacado, lemon juice and garlic hummus on toast. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmy :0)
the pea/avo mash looks delish!
i am the only person to not have had daiya cheeze or tofutti cream cheeze, i think. thanks for the heads up on the tofutti!
you are so cute and i appreciate your concern. going between days and nights is pretty miserable. since i just started work, i was plugged into random shifts, but february’s schedule will be all my own. i was hired for 50/50 split of days & nights…and i can do it however i want (whether its alternating by days, weeks, or even entire months at a time). at my last job i was hired for nights but only ever worked days. i guess i’ll have to experiment and find a plan that works for me. 🙂
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