Dramatic post title, huh.
Even though I’ve already technically started work, it has all been fluff stuff, like HR paperwork, physical eval, etc. So this weekend was my last REAL weekend as a stay-at-home mom. It’s sad. I am trying not to think about what I’m missing while I’m away. But I do like that I can re-discover myself again outside of my mom role. I wouldn’t go back to nursing if I didn’t love it.
Anyway, Friday was a pretty boring day. I dragged P to Sac with me because I had an appointment in the afternoon (drug test, vision test, PPD, etc.). Rather than have Kyle watch the little monkey I took him with me (Kyle will have plenty of father-son bonding time while I’m at the hospital, so it’s good to give him time to work when I can). Honestly, I’m lucky that I have a really good kiddo because he was a happy camper the whole time (even though we waited for HOURS to be seen). There were people in the waiting room who were astounded that (a) I brought him with me and (b) he wasn’t making a peep. He just sat there, staring around, quiet as a mouse. Side note: Kids are a serious conversation starter. Single people should bring them on blind dates because they can really crack the ice (aside from the potential awkwardness of having a random baby on a date that is…). I chatted it up with everyone in the waiting room (they all had kids as well). Having a baby also makes the waiting time go faster. So many perks to bringing your baby with you around town!! But I guess it could be entirely different if your kid was being a fussy pants.
I treated myself to a venti decaf soy misto. No buddy. Mama’s not sharing that with you.
Side note (#2): He’s obsessed with beverages. Always has been. He watches Kyle and I drink everything, following the glass of water to our mouth, every. single. sip. It’s hilarious. Ordinarily I would think he may be getting ready to try it himself, except that he’s been doing it since he was 3 months old. I got him some baby spoons to practice with, which has been super amusing. He’s a total spaz and gags himself more than anything else. We tried it once and haven’t revisited the fun due to aforementioned gagging. 😛
After we got home I went on a walk with him and then it was time to make dinner.
Kyle got me treats for dessert. TGIF indeed.
No sleeping in on Saturday morning 🙁
I breakfasted and then set to work on prepping food for the work week.
This little man was being pretty needy though, so I ended up wearing him while cooking in the kitchen.
He is fascinated by food. Takes after his mama.
I’ll share all the prep work at the end of the post. Along with the (fingers crossed) meal plan.
We went to the Davis Farmer’s Market for lunch and to pick up produce for the week. I got kettle corn (again). Oh, and the above is a breakfast naan’wich filled with egg & potato curry.
The al fresco weekend tradition lives on. 🙂
It was 90+ degrees so there’s no reason to be inside. Aside from air conditioning.
This week’s bevvie was Xarmant Txakolina (a wine from the Basque region of Spain). Kyle brought it back to the states with him a loooong time ago.
If you google this vino: you’ll see it got pretty popular back in 2011. It’s bone-dry and perfect for summer. Very light and crisp and clean.
And if you’re wondering how to pronounce it, it’s Chacolí, like chock-oh-lee.
The rest of the eats were all repeats that you can find linked back to in old posts: smoked salmon, olive oil & salt roasted almonds, strawberries, GF and regular crackers, and goat gouda.
P started getting a little rosy so we brought him inside to cool off. Doesn’t he look so chill?
P slept like a rock from 6 pm the previous night until 9 am on Sunday, so naps were kinda not happening.
As a result I don’t have many food pics. I ate breakfast. Kyle went to work some. I played with P. I ate lunch. Kyle came home. We went for a family run/walk. I showered. I snacked. And then P finally took a snooze.
In my arms. Oh man was that just what I needed. Such a sweetheart.
For dinner we did pizzas.
Hers: tomato sauce, daiya mozzarella, goat cheese, basil, nutritional yeast.
His: tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil.
And now for the food prep part of the weekend.
Hard boiled eggs. Brownies.
Kale & Cheese Strata.
Roasted potatoes.
Ginger and lemon juice.
The weekly dinner menu:
- Sunday – pizza
- Monday – BBQ tofurky and grilled corn
- Tuesday – baked sweet potatoes with the works
- Wednesday – peanut coconut noodles with veggies
- Thursday – leftovers/play it by ear
- Friday – wedding rehearsal dinner
- Saturday – wedding
And those are just dinners. For breakfasts we have the strata, roasted potatoes & eggs, and overnight oats. Lunches are sandwiches, mac n cheese (unpictured but already made), etc.

Good luck hunny! I’m sure it’s all going swimmingly :). P still loves his rings I see 🙂
That breakfast naan’wich from the Farmer’s Market is absolutely genius. I am SO going to have to try to recreate that at home!
Hm you guys have been eating alot of starchy foods, should try for a greater ratio of veggies..or maybe there r a lot of them eaten on the side not pictured? O.o
Also p is so beautiful especially the one looking up at you from the vest! <3
Oh man – I was already craving pizza and then I saw this post. Now I’m going to have to switch lunch plans and get some! Love those crusts too! You totally turned me onto them and I always have some in the freezer. Hope the new job is great!
do you mind sharing your recipe for your lemon and ginger lenomadwe? sounds interesting.
lemonade, i mean. what is wrong with me (keybord…)
So let me get this straight. P slept for 15 hours straight on Saturday night?!?! How in the hell is that possible! My 4 month old still wakes up every 3 hours and hasn’t slept more than 5 hours at one time, ever. What is your secret? I NEED TO KNOW!!!
Recipe for the ginger lemon juice Pleassssse!
He is just too cute. I love that you carry him around the kitchen with you! A little foodie in the making 🙂
Oh my goodness–P is too cute with his sunglasses on! What a cool dude 😉
You are a super woman doing all that food prep while wearing him around the kitchen!
Three things:
1) LOVE the sunglasses. He is so Hollywood!!
2) The last batch of Justin’s PB Cups I ordered were all stale again… *wimper*whine*moan* and
3) the more you do with P while he’s little, the better he will be running errands with you as a toddler/preschooler. Everyone always commented on how well behaved my son was and really it’s just because I always took him with me. There was no “choice” or asking if he wanted to go, just get your shoes, we’re outta here. I also didn’t fall to the “rewards” part of it (if you’re good at the bank you can have a cookie). Seriously, my kid, now at 11, begs me to go to the grocery store! He still goes every where with me (I’m sure that will end when he hits teenager status) and I love the company. 🙂
Woo hoo! So many pics…much better 🙂
i would totes babysit if i was closer. love the little stinker! and i’d bring him to dates too. boom!
Maybe we can cut the breastfeeding mama of a busy infant some slack on her carbs to veggie ratio. Or better yet, try re-reading her last post for some veggie love! Sure looks like she is doing an amazing job caring for her family to me.
This is not an appropriate comment and comes across as judgemental. Obviously you do not read this blog on a regular basis. Comments are to be thoughtful and meaningful- not judgemental or critical.
Comment was for “k”
I’ve been to the Basque Country, but didn’t have that wine. Will have to try it next time! Thanks!
Good luck on your first week back! I’m sure it’s going to feel amazing to get back into the swing of things- especially knowing that P will be well taken care of. I can’t believe how calm he is! So precious.
I really want to start doing al fresco dinners like that during the summer. It looks like such a fun way to change things up!
Or perhaps learn a little about the FODMAPS approach. Besides, what’s so bad about carbs?
That naanwich looks INSANELY GOOD.
I have been reading your blog from a long time now and I am so surprised that you drank chacoli! Its a white wine original from my region of the Basque Country, in the north of Spain. Nice to see that in your blog =)
You obviously don’t know how to read. For you I would recommend a lobotomy
I know about fodmaps.
I don’t know, k, but you’re awfully testy. People on this thread were trying to diffuse things a little. Our Hungry Hippie follows the FODMAPs diet AND is breastfeeding, and as Trockwood said: comments here are usually thoughtful and not judgemental.
You should follow your own advice