Here are some products I’ve tried lately. Some were bad, some were okay, some were good, and some were awesome. So I figured I’d share. I have no affiliation with any of these companies. These are simply my honest opinions.
1. Boulder Canyon Natural Foods olive oil kettle cooked potato chips
I’m not sure what makes these “kettle” exactly, but as far as ingredients go they are clean and pure. Vegan and gluten free. And FODMAPs friendly. Purely potatoes, olive oil and salt.
I thought they were too greasy, but I’m not a potato chip person. Kyle loved them.
Would I buy again? If Kyle wants potato chips, sure. Otherwise no. There are other flavors aside from olive oil that I kinda want to try out, though, like malt vinegar & sea salt. Or sea salt & cracked pepper.
2. The Cookie Department fully functional cookies
I got a sampler from the company with a few of their products.
They only have one vegan cookie (the Great Full cookie above), so the rest were Kyle’s to review.
The Great Full cookie was okay. I didn’t think it really met the dessert qualification in that it was too healthy tasting. Not enough fat to be called a cookie. It was more like a breakfast treat to me because it was kinda bready. It’s cool that it has sweet potato in it, but they should probably just call it an cranberry oatmeal breakfast bake.
In order of flavor preference from best to worst not best, Kyle liked: awaken baked, chocolate chip nookie, tough cookie. The flavors were good, but the texture wasn’t his fave. [And I agree]
These aren’t soft chewy cookies. Both of us are into softer cookies with some give, as opposed to cookies that have a crispy crumbly texture. So that is probably a big factor in our less than enthusiastic reviews.
I will say, however, that they weren’t overly sweet, which was nice. Sometimes eating desserts at night can give Kyle a stomach ache or headache (he’s surprisingly sensitive to sweets) and he said these didn’t do that at all. The chocolate chip nookie wasn’t even the sweetest one. The awaken baked took that honor, but it’s dominant flavor was still coffee. That’s probably why it was his number one. I had a bite of the peanut butter flavor (tough cookie) and it didn’t have nearly enough peanut flavor for my liking. Plus it had nut chunks, which I’m not a fan of.
Would I buy them again? Not likely. I like chewy cookies, plus it’s pretty rare for me to buy desserts instead of bake them myself.
3. Sun Chlorella Well Well Wow
I got a sample of this and thought it was an interesting product (aside from the ridiculous name). It’s caffeine free, but meant to give you some extra pep in your step. Like a 5 hour energy drink with natural goodness and no nasty crap.
I didn’t end up drinking it though, since the warnings for breast feeding moms made me nervous. Kyle took it with him on his business trip and said it tasted gross. He could only tolerate a few sips. For anyone who’s ever tried Echinacea drops, it’s flavor is like that stuff.
Would I buy again? Negative. While it’s probably good for you, if the flavor isn’t there, I’m not going to spend money on it. Unless I’m sick.
I’ve been looking forward to these for a while, so my opinion may be biased. Kyle, on the other hand, doesn’t particularly like the OG Larabars, so his opinion is untainted.
We both loved them.
Flavor wise, the peanut butter cookie was amazing, but all the rest were just as yummy. And the fact that they have pea protein only makes them better (they don’t taste chalky like other protein bars though, which is a plus in my book). I’m not the kind of person who tracks my macronutrients, but I do make a conscious effort to get extra protein into our diets since I’m on a low FODMAPs plant based diet and he’s an active dude. And for the low FODMAPs people, they are sweetened with brown rice syrup and dates (not honey or agave). Yay!
Would I buy again? Yes! Pumpkin pie and lemon pound cake are actually the ones I crave the most. Daily.
5. Silk vanilla unsweetened almond milk
I am usually an Almond Breeze girl, through and through, but Silk was on sale for significantly less so I took the plunge. I also found it interesting that it doesn’t have carageenan. It does, however, have a few other ingredients acting as thickeners, like locust bean gum and gellan. Hmmm.
The Silk almond milk has a stronger vanilla flavor than Almond Breeze’s version, which I didn’t really like. I like vanilla, but there was something overpowering about it. In coffee it’s fine, but I don’t always want vanilla flavor. For the record, I have tried the plain Silk before which I do like. I also like that Silk’s products are non GMO.
Would I buy again? Nah. Even if it’s on sale I’m just going to pay for the more expensive Almond Breeze.
6. Flamous sprouted multigrain Za’atar chips
As far as gluten free, vegan, healthy chips go, these were great! They have a hearty grainy texture and taste that is a cross between a tortilla chip and a whole grain cracker.
Hooray for wheat-less snack chips that don’t have a million starches instead of non-glutinous grains. They’re a bit thicker than your average chip, but not in a stale way, just in a sturdy (pile lots of stuff on top) way.
I could have used a bit more salt though. [Says the salt fiend]
Would I buy again? Yeah, if I can find them! Now that we’ve moved I’ll probably never see them again. Their website has a store locator/request form since they’re pretty poorly distributed.
7. Earth Mama Angel Baby organic comfort tea
Intended for post-partum mamas with recovery needs and raging hormones, this sounded like something I should invest in. While it’s hard to say if it helped, it tasted good (like cinnamon). Way better than raspberry leaf tea (which is not tasty at all).
Would I buy again? I’m not sure. I’m pretty neutral on it and since I am pretty picky about repeat tea purchases, I’ll probably pass. But I did get a coupon inside the box so at least my next purchase will be discounted.
8. Clearly Kombucha ginger berry
A new Kombucha brand! And they have a ginger berry flavor!
And caps with fun messages!
Like most new products I try, I bought this because it was on sale (at Nugget market). And I loved it! I haven’t tried any other flavors because how can you pass up on ginger?
Would I buy again? Yes yes yes. I have already…a few times. Fortunately they’re still on sale so I’m taking advantage.
9. Cybele’s free to eat chocolate chunk brownie cookies
I suppose I’m kinda a hypocrite after the previous review saying I prefer to make my own baked desserts, but these are most definitely better than anything I could bake.
They are SO chocolate-y and SO good. And free of the top 8 allergens (dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish). So yeah, vegan and gluten free. Win!
They are soft and melt in your mouth. They are exactly as the name describes – loaded with chocolate (and chunks) and gooey like a brownie. Can you tell I liked these? There are 10 in a box and I ate 6 in one session and barely pulled myself away from them. Unfortunately the remaining 4 didn’t stay as fresh so they weren’t as good texture-wise. They were more like normal (firm) cookies without the give of a fresh cookie.
Would I buy again? Heck yeah! They are brand new to the market and I’m so excited that there are two other flavors to try. Cybele Pascal is a genius for creating allergen friendly treats.
10. The Republic of Tea twenty herbs tea
I didn’t expect to like this because I rarely like herbal tea. But I was desperate for a decaf variety and this was the only one left in the Republic of Tea sampler that I got. I reviewed the other ones I’d tried previously (some were hits, some were misses).
This was actually really good! I didn’t add milk or sugar, just drank it plain. None of the flavors I dislike were dominant (mint, licorice, chamomile, etc.).
Would I buy again? I believe I will.

I love reading the honest reviews of different products. I usually but coconut milk but this past week vanilla coconut milk was on sale. I was surprised how strong the vanilla flavor is and will be sticking to my regular coconut milk next time.
Even though most of these products will never make it to a store near me, I still love reading reviews. I’m waiting for the ALT bars to make it over there though, as I really want to try the PB flavor. The PB Cookie Larabar is my favorite (followed by the PB&J flavor) so they need to hurry the heck up.
As for almond milk, I’m a Silk Original girl all the way. I don’t do flavored or unsweetened (taste too watery) but I love the thickness of the Original Silk. And even though I don’t usually eat dessert, now I want a soft cookie. Tease.
Great reviews! I love almond milk! I’ve tried silk and almond breeze but my favorite is Whole Food’s 365 brand. The unsweetened vanilla is delish. Have you tried it?
I also LOVE the new ALT Larabars. I may even love them more than the originals. I think the peanut butter cookie one is my favorite, but they are all delicious. Love the nutritional stats on them too!
Great reviews, thanks!
I’m actually not a big Silk fan – NOT because it doesn’t taste great. Have you tried the vanilla almond? It tastes like melted milkshake. But last I heard they were owned by a dairy company and it is too difficult to tell if their soy is sourced from the US or China. Both give me pause because of the GMO factor.
I usually buy Silk brand regular flavor (non vanilla) and unsweetened if I can get it. I don’t really enjoy the Vanilla flavor in either Silk or Almond Breeze, but I just asked my husband and he says his preference is Almond Breeze as well. He said it’s a texture thing for him. I can’t tell the difference, lol.
Just wanted to clarify for fodmapers, pea protein and dates both contain fodmaps and are not a friendly ingredient. I asked Patsy Catsos, author of “IBS-Free at Last”. That’s why dayia cheese is also not recommended for the diet.
One benefit of Silk vs. Almond Breeze (aside from certified non GMO) is that Silk is fortified with B12, Almond Breeze is not. Just another factor to consider when looking at your daily nutritional needs and deciding what fits best into your lifestyle.
My brother in-law is the plant manager for Boulder in Phoenix. I try very hard not to eat potato chips but their Red Wine Vinegar variety are amazing!! My husband & kids like the salt & cracked pepper flavor but they have a sweet aftertaste that I don’t care for. They also make a really good veggie chip.
yup! thats true regarding pea protein, but dates are not necessarily such. i know lots of fodmap followers swear they are safe. i think theyre a “eat in moderation” ingredient – personally i do fine when i eat them in small portions like a larabar or home-made date nut ball. for me theres a big difference btwn dates and other dried fruit – for example i could never tolerate dried pears, or stone fruit or prunes in any amount. i think dates have a lot of glucose that makes them easier on the gut. but again, its a highly individualized trial process to sort out your level of tolerance.
Thanks, Elise!!! I will try dates for sure now “in moderation”. This is wonderful news. I have a very black/white personality so I tend to give myself rules. Thank you for reminding me that the fodmap diet is not a “one way fits all” diet.
I’m so scared to test my level of tolerance. I need to because following the strictest fodmap diet “rules” in ruling my life.
i know what you mean. its hard to try things that youre nervous will backfire because it sucks feeling like crap. but the good news w fodmaps is that if you overdo it (worst case scenario) you fix it the next few days by being super clean and fodmaps free.
but yeah, i completely get it. emotionally, mentally, physically…its exhausting. just try not to get too hung up on what im doing or what other people tolerate and remember to listen to YOUR GUT AND YOUR GUT ALONE. i know i have a food blog but i think sometimes its best to just keep your “eyes on your own plate” and wear blinders so you dont get distracted by what others are eating/tolerating/not tolerating/etc.
good luck!
good call – thanks nicki!
Thank you for the review.
I like silk almond milk a lot and absolutely hate anything ginger-flavoured
that was the first brand i ever tried and i didnt like it actually. maybe i just wasnt ready for the earthy nutty flavor because that was yearssss ago when i was transitioning from soy milk. i should give ti a try again now that im an almond milk lover.
I figure there are so many other great organic almond milks out there, just avoid the issue all together.
I’d say kettle as in cooked in a kettle. They usually are more greasy.
I like the flavors of the ALT bars but for some reason, the texture just doesn’t do it for me. I prefer the softer texture of the original Larabars but I love that they have a pumpkin flavor!
For almond milk, I usually buy the Whole Foods brand unsweetened vanilla or regular unsweetened, because it’s usually pretty cheap compared to the other brands and I like the flavor the best. But when I want an unsweetened chocolate almond milk, I go for Almond Breeze because they’re the only ones that make that flavor.
I recently tried the soy delicious almond milk :
Since it was pea protein/rice protein and on sale i figured why not- it’s good! I’m not a protein-loading-whacko but i’ll take it where i can get it. And it does have b-12.
I had an ALT bar the other day and i’m so silly i only bought one bar to try it- loved the pumpkin!
Glad the not-so-great cookies were free.
I tried the ALT bars because of you. WOW! I am so used to the chalky type of protein bar, but this one was so good! I agree, the lemon pound cake is great. I would have never tried this (and many other products) without your advice. Thanks!
yay! i think the lemon ones are my fave too. or maybe its just because its summer 🙂
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