
Today was a slowwwwww day, but it was a good one.  Work was nice, some funny stories (maybe I’ll share one later), but altogether a mellow day.  No complaints.  I woke up at 4 am (a la Erin) completely on my own, alert and awake, so I embraced it!  I’m sayin’

I obviously arrived at Starbeezies way early (like 6ish) so I enjoyed the AM crossword and my book (Me & Emma) – which is soooo good btw.  Totally hooked.

So, funny story:  Sometimes we get ER patients in the middle of the night since we are a critical care floor and can handle the acutely ill people who don’t have doctors at 2 am.  Now, bear in mind, people who are admitted to the hospital at that hour, are clearly doing weird ass shit at that hour.  That said, I was going into one of my patient’s rooms, when I glanced into another patient’s room (not mine)…and let me paint you a little picture…86 year old scrawny man, 5 feet small, hunched over in his chair, wispy long white hair in a messy afro-halo (resembling pigpen), white bandage stained with blood wrapped around his forehead (although it looked like it was applied by a 4 year old), massively swollen black eye with one sided facial puffiness/redness, AND….drum roll please, a framed life sized oil canvas portrait propped up against his telemetry monitor.  WHAT!!?!!!?!!!??  Seriously, wtf.  I burst into laughter and had to run away so the patient wouldn’t see me cracking up.  Apparently, he had a little accident toppled over backwards while trying to hang his 30 pound painting after midnight.   You can’t make this stuff up!!  Then, rather than leave the painting at his house, he decided to bring his dear possession with him to the hospital.  I just don’t have any more words.

Ok, lunch, baked tofu sammie with greek yog.  Mmmm.



The rest of lunch was the same old, same old.


I got off work right on time, always a plus.

I was starving when I got home, so I made a little plate of goodies to hold me over while I made my dinner.


The I put together a big ass salad, including fancy lettuce, celery, edamame, greek yogurt, and the (below) seitan salad.




I was craving greens BIG TIME, so I actually had 2 of these massive bowls.  Don’t be surprised, I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have seconds…

Kyle came home a little late tonight, and look what he brought me 🙂


Dessert was out of control deslish…dates and carob raisins!!!


I took the pits out and stuffed them with the carob raisins, and basically HOLY effing YUM!!!!


And since it’s Feb (the month of sweets and indulgence) I had a few more of these coconut date rolls.


AND THEN (as if I wasn’t full enough already), I toasted some Alvarado Street bread and lathered on the soynut butter.


As if the day wasn’t already perfect, I also got a wonderful treat today in the mail.  Yup, a package was waiting for me when I got home today – from my blogger secret cupid.  Yeah!!!!  My secret cupid was the adorable Molly from OatsCoffeeLove, and did she hook me up or WHAT!?!  Oh my goodness, it’s like she knows me!  Such a sweetie, you all must check out her blog. 


Look at my box full of goodies!!  I can’t even decide what to try first!  Sensory overload…dried fruit mix (without nuts!!!), odwalla bar, choc/raspberry coffee, and THE cutest heart shaped bowl, like, ever.  Prepare to see a LOT of meals in this cute little baby :)  Plus, she enclosed a note on pink stationary.  Now, my mission is going to be keeping Kyle away from the goods.  I already see him eyeing the coffee and the chocolate.  But, the best part is that now I’ve discovered her blog, which I adore.  Lee, thanks for putting this together, it was so fun 🙂

Naturally, I sampled the dried fruit mix and 2 pieces of chocolate (even though my stomach was already about to BURST at the seams).  Did I mention how much I love food?

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Comments (15)

  1. HangryPants

    That sounds like something that would happen on scrubs! I can’t believe he brought the painting.

    Pretty tulips and great Valentine’s present. I always pick the fruit out of trail mix to eat! I need to find that mix.

  2. Molls

    Oh, I am so glad you like your valentines day gift! I was pretending to be vegan which was so hard for a non-vegan being.

    Look at all your eats… yum! So good looking. And what a crazy old man! Today I got to play Bingo at a geriatric center for service learning and there is a resident who is 106 and her son lives there also who is in his upper 80s and apparently she bothers him into eating vegetables and telling him what to do so they have to separate them!

    and 6 o’clock dayom! Your natural body clock is so different than mine! AMAZING. Have a good day tomorrow.

  3. blueskyworld

    i definitely LOVE greek yogurt + bread combo!

  4. carolinebee

    HA what a freakin story!! I seriously DON’T want to know the weird ass shit people do at those hours haha…um actually, THAT is why I want to be a nurse, too much good entertainment 😀 What a sweetie pie BF too! Have a good night girl

  5. lesley

    Yay for secret cupid gift!! : )

    Haha, I bet you do encounter some funny stories!!

    (And what beautiful flowers!!!)

  6. kristen

    My chocolate cravings have been out of control lately, and I think it’s because it’s February are we’re all inundated with Valentines Day rhetoric. I’ve been craving good chocolate for awhile and have tried to keep it at bay until I’m done with the food study for the week.

    The old man in the ER is too funny! Did he call an ambulance or drive himself to the hospital? I can imagine how funny it’d be if an ambulance showed up and this injured old man insists on bringing the painting in with him!

  7. Sharon

    Oh my gosh, such delicious eats – TOFU!!!
    Haha, and I love your gifts! Flowers and the package are so pretty!

  8. ksgoodeats

    Oh my gosh – HAHAH! That’s a funny story!

    Those flowers are gorgeous 🙂 What a fabulous package too!

  9. elise

    kristen, i know right? he actually WALKED to the emergency room – haha! i have NO idea how since the painting was about a foot taller than he is. he even asked his nurse at one point if she knew how he could get the blood stains out of it…haha

  10. Erica

    Ok, I tried to comment 1 x already, hopefully it posts this time 🙂

    LOVE your ER stories. Who doesn’t carry all of the paintings from their home? haha.

    Sweet and beautiful flowers! What a guy.

    I am loving seeing everyones secret cupid gifts- too cute!

  11. Missy

    Thanks for the nice comments today! I am trying not to stress too much over it!

    Love the date and carbon raisin idea! Perfect combo!! Such a sweet boyfriend too!

  12. Erin of Care to Eat

    Um…DUDE! I guess we all have our good luck charms? Usually more portable though, I’m sayin’!
    LOVE that you embraced it. I mean, what else are you gonna do? Feel like piss all day? It’s a choice (to a point – unless it’s may-juh sleep deprivation!)!
    Love Kyle.
    Love dates stuffed with carob raisins!

  13. thecleanveggie

    love tofu sandwiches 🙂
    looks good – im surprised to see an Odwalla bar, not too many bloggers seem to eat them.

  14. Becky

    hey I came across your blog (from For the Love of PeanutButters) and saw that you made a baked tofu sandwich?! YUM!

    Can I ask how you go about baking it? Do you press it first for a while? Broil? Bake? etc…I just can’t get it to poof up while it’s cooking…
    thanks for any tips…

  15. Becky

    Yay, thanks!! Can’t wait to try that!
    I’ve been buying this “italian flavored” tofu and it’s delicious! mmm, it tastes like pasta sauce.
    I’ll let you know how mine turns out!

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