Since becoming veg(ish), I’ve been trying to teach Kyle about nutrition so he gets adequate amounts of everything – macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc. It’s not that it’s hard to do when you’re avoiding meat, it’s just that he doesn’t have a health background and he’s new at it.
In addition to listening to Jillian’s podcasts, he’s been reading Brendan Brazier’s books…along with this book that I just got him.
Becoming Vegan (the GI one is for my own research)
So anyway, he’s been tracking his protein intake which made me think about my own protein intake. Now that we are doing (more serious) training, it’s something I want to keep my eye on.
So it was pretty much perfect timing when I got an email from the people at CalNaturale regarding their new line of svelte protein shakes.
Why I was immediately drawn to them:
- they are made with organic soymilk
- they only have 9 g sugar (sweetened with stevia)
- they are dairy-free, lactose-free, & gluten-free
- they are eco-friendly (packaged in tetra paks)
- they have 16 g protein
Added benefits? The caps are reclosable, so if you don’t finish it at once, you can store it in the fridge and use it later.
That’s big for me because I don’t like drinking fluids in massive volumes (aside from coffee of course).
I decided to try the french vanilla flavor first. Using my Jamba Juice background (true story) I came up with this simple and delicious smoothie.
Blueberry Banana Svelte Smoothie
- 1 cup french vanilla svelte protein shake
- 1 banana
- 1/3 cup frozen blueberries
- 4 ice cubes
Let it be known that I’m pretty skeptical when it comes to protein shakes.
The best thing about Svelte products is the source of the protein. Organic, non-GMO soybeans and soymilk. Boo-yah! Plus it tastes good. It’s not chalky like protein powders, or gritty, or full of sugar, or weird unpronounceable chemicals, or whey.
It’s basically like vanilla soymilk with extra protein. But it has both stevia and rice syrup solids as sweeteners so your body can maintain balanced blood sugar levels. Complex carbs release slower so the sugar content of the svelte shakes won’t make your blood sugar spike and crash (this is one of the times when your body hitting a plateau is a good thing).
I can’t wait to try the rest of the flavors, especially Spiced Chai!
Do you track your protein intake? Have you ever tried a protein shake or powder?

Really good review! I like how you used the shake to make a smoothie with fresh fruit. Sounds like a standup company and I like all the pros you mentioned. The only con for me would be the high carbs because I am ridiculous. XOXO
I think that’s one of the benefits men have when they marry a health-conscious woman… we start worrying about their nutritional intake as much if not more than our own too. At first my hubs was a little annoyed (I think), but now I think he really appreciates it. Kinda makes it less of a burden for him. These drinks sound pretty cool and totally an easy way to get in more protein if you need it. I think I’d have to make a smoothie and throw away the carton so he couldn’t see the name. I don’t think he’d like me trying to make him more “svelte.” They should rename them to Libido shakes.
Ooo!!! I want theses!!! Maybe I can get my sister to whip me up a Razz-ma-tazz for Kile using these…hehehe…Goooo training!
Since I also train a lot I really care for my protein intake. After my workouts (bodyrock) I always have a green smoothie with protein powder. I have always used brown rice vanilla but now I have one made of peas with no flavor.
I hope this is palatable, too!
I love my vegan protein powder, and often use it in smoothies or oats, for another source of protein – I don’t track any mcaronutrients, I just try to eat balanced! I’m dairy-free too so it’s awesome to find milk and milk derivative free products! 🙂 The smoothie you made looks so pretty! xyx
I have that same book, Becoming Vegan. I remember thinking that it was the coolest idea in the world that the two authors who wrote it were Registered Dietitians who were actually vegan/vegetarians. 🙂 I use it a lot to refer back and forth. It was also the first book I bought to help me transition. Very good read. Is Kyle becoming vegan/vegetarian? That’s awesome if he is! I’m excited for him and you. (If not, I’m looking a little silly). lol
the color of the smoothie is incredible!
Yum! Can’t wait to hear what you think of the chai flavor! 🙂 I just use vanilla Sunwarrior. I haven’t really found any other protein powders that I can stand!
Interesting! Although, I make my smoothies with Eighth Continent Low Fat Vanilla Soy and don’t necessarily see the big difference between these prepackaged smoothies as opposed to making them myself. I guess, the benefit of just making the smoothies with soy milk is I can also control my sugar intake. BUT the protein isn’t quite as high for me: 12g in my smoothie as opposed to the Svelt 16g. I find my protein in other places!
ALso, you should try freezing your bananas (peel them first!) for at least 24 hours before adding to your smoothie for a “milkshake” texture!! I always have at least a dozen bananas in a plastic bag in my freezer just for this purpose! YUMMY!!!
Looks good! I may have to give these shakes a try! I’m glad to hear that they aren’t chalky–hate that about protein powder!
I tracked my protein intake when I first became a veg but I haven’t in a while. Perhaps I will as a check up….
i did NOT know you had a jamba juice background. love it.
I have a hard time getting in protein, and with all the exercising that I do it’s important to get enough so I use a protein powder (sunwarrior) in everything! I’ll make shakes, put it in my oatmeal, and even in my greek yogurt or mixed in with canned pumpkin! very versatile.
I once had to track my protein intake for two weeks as part of a school project, and ever since I’ve been pretty cognizant of my intake. As a non-meat eater, I find it useful to keep an eye on it every now and then for adequacy.
I’ve never seen those! I wonder if they’re available here in Canada?
which flavor sun warrior do you use? whats your favorite?
haha. yup. i worked there in high school. it was brand new at the time…i was SO ahead of the times.
I’ve tried vanilla and chocolate and both are very good! I prefer the vanilla though because it mixes really well with anything, and I don’t love having chocolate in my breakfast because it makes me crave sweets more during the day! They also have a “plain” but I’ve never tried it, I feel like vanilla is plain enough!
i always freeze bananas. i have some in the freezer currently…the only reason i didnt use them was because this banana was on its death bed. i agree, makes a much thicker texture. 🙂
so you are a sun warrior fan? ive never tried it bc of the price tag. hmmm
he is!
what kind do you use? have you found one you love? im trying to find a good one but there are so many really expensive ones and id hate to buy one and then hate it and have an entire tub to use up…
share share!! which have you used and liked and which are you using now? brand, flavor, etc.
you are so right! i never thought about that, but im sure svelte isnt the look kyles going for. that said, if he tasted it, he probably wouldnt give a sh!t about the name because he likes yummy things 🙂 how about mega-testosterone shakes? haha
I try desperately to leave bananas on the counter to ripen, but with 3 hungry boys in the house, they start disappearing!! Thankfully, they continue to ripen in the freezer, just have to keep them organized (and buy the boys their *own* stash of bananas! LOL!
youre going to have to start hidding them in places they wont look. not sure where that would be exactly…how about a tampon box on the counter? (kidding)
awesome. thanks. i think thats the one im going to go with.
What are some good articles/books to read on recommended protein intake? My diet has changed somewhat recently, and I want to make sure I am eating enough protein, especially now that I am starting half marathon training.
The smoothie looks delicious! The color is amazing! If I can find this brand, I will definitely try it!
I like Sunwarrior Vanilla, and Vital Greens protein powders… I have only just started using protein powders but I kinda like them. I try to go for brown rice/pea protein over soy as I don’t want to overdose on wicked amounts of soy protein (I drink soy milk and eat tofu/tempeh/edamame a lot!) Sometimes I buy the plain rice/pea protein from the bulk food store and combine with some spirilina, lucuma and mesquite powders to ‘DIY’ my own concoction which works out way cheaper.
Your smoothie looks great, I do like the idea of a resealable protein drink too, as I never want to drink a whole one in one go.
actually, the book i linked to above (becoming vegan) is really good. written by RDs and seems non-biased and well researched. i also love brendan brazier’s 1st book “thrive”
i have similar goals but ive heard that pea powder has a “pea-like” taste. i think a rice/pea blend would be ideal to start. i think sun warrior vanilla will be my first brand to try.
Mmm I’m a huge fan of Svelte. The chocolate flavor is by far my favorite. I haven’t used them in smoothies yet though – great idea! 🙂
Cool. I hadn’t heard great things about those shakes but combined with other stuff into a smoothie sounds really good. Beautiful color too. I don’t think too much about my protein intake; maybe I should. I used to drink Vega shakes this summer but they got pricey.
I’ve always seen these at the supermarket but never bought them. So thanks for doing my dirty work, now I know it’ll be good.
PS you should try Life’s Basic Plant Protein Powder, tastes good and is completely vegan!
I love using protein powder in smoothies because it makes them oh so fluffy! I actually had a similar smoothie this morning…vanilla protein powder + frozen blueberries = bliss!
I don’t track my protein, but I’m conscious about it when I eat lunch and dinner. I make sure I have enough, but don’t measure or weigh it. I also don’t look at labels. What do you think about the vegan book? Looks interesting.
I’m really liking it – seems unbiased and well researched. Still reading, but so far so good.
LOL! Considering the 2 teenagers are 6 feet tall (I’m only 5’4″) I can hide things down low where they can’t see them… only problem: the 10 year old is about my height! I can’t win!!!
For whatever reason, though, they don’t see them when I hide them behind the blender….
For protein intake I eat lots of lentils and chickpeas, some soy as well. Those drinks look good but I haven’t seen anything like this here in Germany.
Totally understand what you mean 🙂 My absolute favourites are vanilla ketoslim – which is made from soy – it has a very strong vanilla flavour which I love. And I also love vanilla sun warrior – cliched, but it really is the best. Not the blend so much, but the original brown rice protein one. Hope that helps! 🙂 xyx
I don’t track my protein, but always toss a scoop of Sunwarrior Vanilla protein into my smoothies. Best protein I’ve ever had, although it is pretty pricey.