We BBQ-ed as often as we could (whenever Kyle was in town).

And discovered the Burgundy Pepper Tri-Tip from Nugget market was THE BEST marinade and cut of meat for the whole family.

The corn from our student farm CSA spoiled us forever more from store bought corn. We had a fair amount of earworms to deal with, but the unbelievably crunchy sweet bites were worth it.
We also had slaw on the regular, thanks to the never ending cabbage supply (also compliments of the CSA).
The kids LOVE cabbage and ask for slaw alllllll the time. Between that and the meat and potatoes in our meals, they always ask for multiple multiple servings of slaw before asking for more of anything else.

I worked my way through all SIX bags of real phat foods crackers that bought in Idaho.
Now I have to order online because I am SOO obsessed with them. I promise these are totally worth paying shipping for. DO IT.

You won’t regret it. In fact, I can pretty much guarantee you will thank me. They are salty, and crispy, but taste like they were just freshly baked in your own oven because they are made with only THREE ingredients (almonds, eggs, and spices).
They are perfect with ALL THE THINGS, but I especially love them with chicken salad (chicken, mayo, celery, grapes, pecans) or salmon, cucumber and cream cheese.

We managed to scout out every fig tree in our neighborhood going to pick from them every few days as the fruit ripened.

And then once word got out that I liked figs, every friend with a fig tree wanted to gift them to us as their trees started booming beyond their ability to keep up.

Ummmm, more than happy to help!!!
I think I ate 10 figs a day, minimum. Ohhhh man…so good.
Figs + pecans + feta + kale = lunch of my dreams

The other salad in heavy rotation had kale with figs, salty almonds, avo, and eggplant bacon.

Yep. Eggplant. BACON.
I used the same recipe that I posted here.

The kids and Kyle even like it too, so you know it must be good (because they would probably rank real bacon in their top ten list of favorite foods).
We ate a lot of pizza.
Often accompanied by olive oil + balsamic tomatoes. Summer perfection.
And since we are talking about summer perfection…let’s not forget about THIS salad.
I took the kids out to lunch for no reason and we tackled a bunch of restaurants on our bucket list.

And my salmon obsession refused to quit.
The force is strong with this one.

Here fishy fishy.
I discovered boozy kombucha and suddenly solo parenting became wayyyyy more chill. 😛
And the instant pot continued to turn kitchen scraps – anything and everything – into deliciousness like pure magic.
As much as I have enjoyed tomatoes fresh from the vine for the fast few months…I would be lying if I didn’t admit to feeling decidedly ready for squash and pumpkin to take over. But it’s still 90+ degrees here in Davis!!! So I will try to stay patient. Just don’t mind me with my sweat beads dripping from my brow after biking to and from school with the kids into October.