A day of skiing with my sister and not a care in the world (meaning I didn’t have to think about my kids for a solid six hour stretch of the day). First off, I love skiing. Kyle finds this odd considering I having an intense hatred for cold weather and being freezing. But if you dress appropriately, that is a non issue. Second, I love hanging out with my sister (and her husband). She skis the same way I ski and that makes it extra fun.
I got new gear this winter and was SOOOO excited to break it in. Bursting at the seams excited. I’m still bubbling just thinking about it. I want to go back already. Too bad it’s a pricey hobby.
So anyway, we left bright and early and got there in time to buy lift tickets and get up to the lifts before they were even supposed to be open. But for some reason they were already running so we hopped on and started the day before we even thought we were going to get to. Score!
This ended up being a huge deal because a couple of hours later it started snowing and that continued for the rest of the day…progressively getting worse and worse. But since we were on the slopes so early, we got in TONS of runs before any of that hit. There were basically no lines for lifts and hardly anyone on the mountains so it was awesome. Not all the runs were groomed, but there were plenty that were. Tahoe has been without snow for most of Winter (we cancelled a trip a few weeks back because of that) but the last week got a decent amount so it was great!
We had an early lunch to get out of the snow for a bit.
Laura and Chris got chili in a bread bowl – a classic ski lodge meal. But I went with chicken nuggets and a veggie and soba noodle salad. Honestly, I am baffled by my choice, but the salad looked surprisingly good! The nuggets were calling to me too, though (or rather – the smell of fried food), so I asked if I could have just one (rather than the whole plate of them with fries) and they were cool with that. The sauce that came with the salad was spicy and tangy, as opposed to the syrupy sweet teriyaki thing i was expecting, so it was really a surprise hit of a meal. I never expect much at cafeteria type places, but this was a solid lunch option!
After that it was back to the slopes. Pretty much right away it started snowing even harder. We finished up on the backside of the mountain and headed over to catch the lift up to the summit and…wow. No joke, it was WHITE at the top and you couldn’t see more than 10 feet in front of you. It was kinda scary to be honest, and I’m a pretty solid skier. We all agreed to take it super slow on the way down. Heading off the edge felt like we were stepping off into the complete unknown…but it was actually not as bad as we thought and stopped snowing for a bit on the way down and ended up being one of my favorite runs. So much so that we did it again…but then the second time it wasn’t as fun. It was snowing harder and the combo of not being able to see out of my goggles coated in snowflakes plus not being able to see the ground very far in front of me was a little dicey. We did a few more runs at a lower altitude afterwards and then called it a day. Better to end early than wait til you get too tired because that’s when you fall and get injured.
Dinner treat!
I got to see the kids and help put them down before we all got our hot tub on. Seriously it was one of the best days ever. If Kyle were a skier it would have been perfection. Next Winter might be the time to invest in getting him (and the kids) on board by renting a place in Tahoe for a longer stretch…and now I’m ready for Spring.
OH! I almost forgot that Kyle took a pic of his dinner. Isn’t he the cutest!