Then fluffed with a fork.
Then stuffed.
I set aside some squash for the kids before stuffing the others so Kyle and I could just eat them out of the skin like a bowl. I basically layered them lasagna style, alternating sauce, meat and cheese until they were full.
Kyle got real cheese, but obviously I used vegan cheese for mine (and Pattycakes’).
These were really really good. I like the taste of spaghetti squash a lot, but I wasn’t sure if the rest of my crew would be as into it. Kyle loved it, but the kids were so so. Fortunately, the beef sold the deal.
I was glad I bought the two pack of spaghetti squash from Costco because as soon as I finished I was already looking forward to eating the second one.
Keeping with the Italian theme, the next week I made them stuffed with pesto.
I had some walnut pesto frozen in cubes from summer that I thawed and used for the adults’ portions, but I couldn’t remember the specifics of what I used when I made it (and I didn’t have anything noted on the bag) so I played it safe and didn’t give any to P. It was probably completely fine for him, but I didn’t specifically label it as safe for him so I figured it would be easier for me to just whip up a different sauce for him. Instead I made him a walnut and nooch sauce (which was super yummy so I put the rest in my squash too).
V liked this dish but only if we got her bites all cut up and sorted out for her on the fork just so, because the stringy squash noodles were too hard for her. P was fairly indifferent but still took a d.e.c.a.d.e. to finish.
Kyle’s got the parmesan treatment.
Here’s mine after mixing in the sauce. Mmmmmm…
I may have to get another two pack from Costco on our next trip. Thai flavors are calling to me. Miso tamari sun butter noodles??

Have you tried any additional allergy testing with him? I have a 19 month old who is allergic to eggs. I’m curious when I can test it again. We discovered she was allergic at 9 months old. She can have them if they are baked in stuff but not by themselves and not in raw form (mayo, salad dressings). You seem so knowledgeable about the subject, I thought I’d ask 🙂 Our pediatrician didn’t give us a concrete answer.
Oooh such good ideas for spaghetti squash!!
Hi Michaela, if you search the tag “allergy” yuo will find a ton of posts that all deal with the various testing he has undergone. As well as trials he is enrolled in and waitlisted on.