Let’s not drag this out. All my work eats today were leftovers and there’s nothing interesting about that.
Salad with oranges, granny apples, dried cranz
I must be the only freak on the planet that likes soggy leftover salad, but I do! I simply added in a fistful of fresh spinach before adding in the leftovers to keep the greens from turning into a saturated mess. And for those who were wondering, the home-made vinaigrette dressing was a simple mix of EVOO, balsamic vinegar, honey, minced garlic, dijon mustard, sesame seeds, salt & pepper.
Harvest Grains with Artichokes and Sun Dried Tomato
Alvarado Street Raisin Granola
If you read my previous review, you know I wasn’t a fan of the simplicity of this granola…so this time I pimped it out with dried cranz, carob chips, and dry roasted almonds. Truth be told, the salty nuts were a horrible idea with the rest of the sweet ingredients. Normally I’m all about the sweet/salty combo, but this was a little funk-alicious. No matter, I dug right in and soon enough it tasted like a perfectly natural mix.
Non-gala apple (boo), candied ginger, carrots, Annie’s organic fruit snacks.
Work was fine, but there was a float nurse working on our unit who happened to be a raw vegan. At first I was excited. We shared recipes, favorite restaurants in Santa Monica, it was awesome…but 10 minutes later I realized she was kinda one of my worst nightmares in terms of educating others. Rather than act inclusive and draw interest in her food choices through enthusiastic conversation, she was a complete bitch to the other nurses on the floor. She acted SO holier than thou, laughing at their breakfast food and making them feel like they were idiots for selecting such disgusting items. In essence, she undid all the positivity I had managed to generate about veganism on my floor. I was pissed! And then she kept giving me these knowing glances, as if I was going to side with her or something about how we were in the right and they were just ignorant fools. I was honestly mortified and embarrassed to be associated with her and I made sure to stick up for them (not that they needed it). I was so insulted and I wasn’t even the one who’s food choices she was bashing. It was so frustrating.
Veganism (or even raw foodism) doesn’t have to be (nor should it be) an elitist organization. There’s no reason diet has to be black and white. I get so frustrated when my fellow vegans make non-vegans feel like there’s a cool kids club that they aren’t welcome in if they eat animals. Exclusivity only further fuels the fire that causes a separation between us. That’s NOT the way to promote interest in plant-based diets.
Dear fellow vegans, please try to help me spread the veggie love by including everyone and letting your passion for whole foods shine through. Being judgmental is the easiest way to get judgment in return. Education without condescension is how we can help others discover a new world of deliciousness.
And on that note…dinner.
I still found time to prep before the weekend craziness hit, so I had a massive tupperware of quinoa and roasted parsnips, carrots, and butternut squash waiting for me after my 12 hours of work.
Which I coated in peanut sauce…because…why not?
These guys are going fast.
After the two I had for dessert, there’s less than half the batch left… 🙁
At least I still have my beloved ginger.
Reminder!! Enter to win 2 pints of Coconut Bliss vegan ice cream here.

Did you tell her about your blog? 😉 I so agree with you. I get frustrated when people are so closed-minded and think their opinion is better than everyone else’s. It’s offensive. It goes the other way too. Often I’ll be out with people and either not drinking alcohol or eating a lot healthier than they are… They are always uncomfortable, as if I’m telling them I’m better than they are just by making healthy choices. I don’t care what they are eating, stop bugging me about what I am. I firmly believe not everyone’s body works the same way and therefore the same thing is not going to make every single person healthy and at their best. Oh well…
Ugh. I try not to even say anything about others’ eating choices, because I hate when people draw attention to mine. If someone is interested in a plant-based diet I’m happy to share the information, but what a person puts in their mouth is only their decision. End of story.
It would really bother me when someone talks like that to coworkers! I also don’t like how people think their way of eating is the most righteous, whether they are vegans or meat eaters. I don’t think people get extra points for eating one way. I like to hear opinions on all eating styles and then decide what I want to eat.
Oh that is so frustrating! I hope you don’t encounter her again or too often.
People who act high and mighty like that drive me insane. And it completely turns me off and makes me feel guilty.
I love when I meet vegans who are thrilled to share their experiences with a plant-based diet to me. I’m slowly trying to incorporate more plants and less animal products into my life so I love any tips I can get.
Thank you SO much for your peanut flour find! I bought some the other day and it makes an amazing sauce! I am in love.
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of months- it’s always the first one I read. I’m not vegan, or even vegetarian, but I try to mostly eat veggie based diet. I really appreciate how approachable you make it all. You are so right that if people feel judged they will get defensive and be a lot less likely to change (even if they were interested before the judging happened!) Keep it up!
i love pimping out my granola! or just adding it to cookies 🙂
Wow, love this: “Being judgmental is the easiest way to get judgment in return.” So true.
I’m not vegan, but I hate getting the weird looks and skeptical comments when I (gasp!) bring my lunch to work in lieu of eating out, and then when it’s (bigger gasp!) something healthy like a veggie sandwich or big salad. It’s no fun to feel like the odd one out, and, knowing how it feels, I’d never want to make someone else feel that way. Boo on that woman for judging others!
Don’t worry, I like soggy leftover salad too 🙂 That girl at work, what an idiot.
ugh! the floating nurse sounds like such a downer. it confuses me as to why people chastise those who live a different lifestyle. i never understand why we focus on the differences rather than the similarities…hopefully you can rebuild the positive vegan vibes!!!
also: where do you find unsweetened carob chips! i fail. always.
we seem to be on the same wave length today. I wish you could come over to my crazy house and I wish i could come over to your work. I would love a bite of your soggy salad.
Hi ya
I have spotted your quinoa, a newby to my pantry this week. I have never tried it, any suggestions for a quinoa freshy?
Love these food ideas and your anecdote about judgmental attitudes. I have tried to never be the kind of vegan to put anyone down. Thanks for sharing.
oh no I eat leftover salad too. I either add some fresh lettuce or throw into quinoa or millet or something like that…so good!!
But I like weird things, haha
Your quinoa with squash, parsnips and carrots looks so good!!!!
And I agree about people being judgmental about others eating habits. Lori and I get so frustrated when people first meet us and we tell them we do not eat animals, eat a lot of raw foods, etc…and the eyes start rolling…ugh!!!! It drives me crazy!!!!!! I wish everyone would be more open-minded.
Sorry the other nurse was a bitch. Not cool on her part.
I love seeing your packed lunches! It inspires me for my own lunchbox. 🙂
And I have a “healthier than thou” co-worker, too – and she always gives me those looks like “can you believe that?!” – and I get so annoyed. I know exactly how you feel…ugh. Hopefully she isn’t around on your floor for long!
I think this applies to life in general and not just about food. I’m glad you stood up to that, even if your coworkers didn’t need you to get their backs.
I eat meat, veggies, grains, raw foods, cooked foods. I’m an equal opportunity eater. Unless of course, it’s sea cucumbers. I don’t like those, and they are definitely NOT vegetarian.
Good for you for not getting wrapped up in that bullsh*t and seeing it for what it is . . . elitism. Living in Portland, there is absolutely that vibe sometimes (where everyone is a hipster/granola/too cool for school) and it’s so obnoxious, it’s almost embarssing. It’s food, peeps, it’s food.
Wow. I was *just* talking about that whole vegan thing today with my best friend.
Those kind of people give us all a bad name, and leave non-vegetarians (or, “meat eaters”…which I think, is an incredibly pretentious way to refer to people who choose to eat meat) thinking we’re all snobby people throw our heads back and cackle above them while they make whatever decisions regarding what they eat.
Most of my friends and extended family don’t even know I’m vegan, and it’s because I don’t tell them. Because of these snobby people, I can’t tell people what I do or don’t eat without risking judgment because they’re already used to the “I hope you enjoy that carcass” type vegans and assume I’m one of those people too.
I don’t care for labels, which is why I decided to take off the part in my about me page that mentions my eating habits. It shouldn’t matter.
*phew!* sorry for writing so much. but this subject gets me about as heated as an electric blanket in the dead of winter. UYY.
i get so annoyed by the ‘vegetarian’ LABEL. people form this false persona and attribute stereotypes– it’s unfortunate.
i’m with you girl
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I. Can’t. Stand people like that. They give people who like plants a bad name… I don’t refer to myself as a vegan anymore for this reason (among various others), rather i say i REALLY like plants! Your eats have been so interesting lately (in a crazy good way). I have been on a brusselsprouts kick, and i think i want to make some bread tomorrow for Thanksgiving, and i have definitely browsed your site for the past hour for awesome recipes!
there is no need to berate people for how they live their lives, mostly because doing so is not going to give them any incentive to try things like raw veganism because they are immediately going to be turned off by a biatchy attitude like that.
this post is why i love you.
that and your wine consumption and snuggling skills.
hope you had a LOVELY thanksgiving 🙂