I feel like this is what every third trimester soon-to-be-mom says at some point, but to hell with the cliché. I HAVE NO MORE ROOM.
I’m so full and it’s depressing that it’s not from food.
Ok, that sounded bad. I don’t mean I’m depressed that my son is a big healthy baby – that makes me very very happy. What I’m bummed about is that I cannot honor my voracious hippie appetite in the way that I’m accustomed to doing.
I wanna freakin’ chow down and it’s just uncomfortable. Lame. So much for the whole eating-for-two theory.
I do a lot of snacking nowadays. Here’s what a typical day looks like.
Slow start. Coffee or tea with lots of almond milk. Maple syrup to sweeten.
Breakfast #1. This meal is usually something with eggs and some kind of carbohydrate. Preferably of the GF variety, but I do have wheat toast and waffles from time to time. 0.00001% of the time I’ll skip the eggs.
If I’m going to yoga I will eat a bar on the way there (I’m loving KIND bars at the mo). I have a hard time figuring out the timing of my meals when I go to yoga. Doing it with a full stomach is yuck. But feeling woozy by the end is worse. I basically book it home. On non-yoga days (if I’m just hanging around the house) I will make myself another small snack/breakfast #2. The below was a mish mash of seitan, avocado, and corn. Kinda devoid of carbs, but I felt like I needed protein.
My next meal isn’t so much lunch, but a larger snack. And it’s generally later because of my double breakfast routine. I’m pretty much eating like a newborn – a little bit every two hours.
I’ve been craving salads a lot lately. Even though it’s cold outside (which usually translates to soup cravings), I’m really digging crunch veggies and avocado with TJ’s balsamic glaze. It’s like I have a hankering for fiber.
Sometimes I give in to my sweet tooth and sometimes I ignore it and go on a walk instead. When it comes to walking it really is a minute by minute decision depending on how I feel. Some days I don’t do a thing. Some days I make it ~20 minutes around the neighborhood. And on really good days I stroll for an hour. Even though it’s not that pleasant (back strain, insufficient belly support, etc.), I hate being indoors all day. The above is salty almonds, dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds and candied ginger.
I typically eat a snack in the early evening because if I didn’t I’d need dinner at 5 pm. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had plenty of early bird specials. But I like eating with Kyle and he’s not always on board with the senior citizen thing.
Dinner used to be my biggest meal, but now it’s just sad. I made pizzas with bread (wheat for him, GF for me), marinara, and cheese (cheddar and parm for him, daiya for me). Kyle had 3 pieces and I could hardly finish this plate. So lame.
Before I go to bed I eat even if I’m not that hungry because otherwise I wake up starving in the middle of the night. And then I can’t go back to sleep unless I eat. And that turns into a whole ordeal with teeth brushing and all that stuff. Or worse, I wake up for good at 5 am, thereby starting the snacking routine even earlier. Those are these date balls.
So there you have it.
Man that was a whiny post!

At this point, you’re allowed to whine. However, I will add that I have a friend who is at 36 weeks with twins and now on bed rest because she’s so huge she feels like her hips are going to split. THAT’S just about all the birth control I need 😉
Just remember the end is in sight and then things will all get back to “normal,” or a new normal at least–one with a new baby boy! And more food!
That hippie bowl with balsamic glaze looks like gold – yum!!
What kind of gluten free bread do you recommend? I am finally biting the bullet and taking care of my IBS and taking out dairy and gluten and then slowly following fodmaps. I have tried gluten free bread in the past that tasted awful. Any recommendations would be much appreciated!
Haha I’m only 26 weeks, and I feel like I’m already running into the problem of not being able to eat much. I feel like I’m constantly grazing because I can’t eat huge meals. I feel STUFFED afterward even after just a moderate sized meal. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like in a couple months! Yikes!
No worries – just wait until you’re breastfeeding. You will be eating everything in sight! I’m a full time nurse still breastfeeding and pumping for a 15 month old. Your appetite will return full force and you will wonder where all that food is going!!
Oh poor thing! I remember the 3rd trimester with just a little fondness! Being about the same size as you, I ran out of space quickly. My voracious 2nd trimester appetite was gone & I started doing what you’re describing – snacks all day. Just do what feels right & you’ll both be fine! I also had terrible heartburn & moved from the bed to the recliner for the last couple weeks. Anything that helps!!
Support. That’s an easy one. They make “belly slings” to help support your growing belly. I wore mine when I did any physical activity and it was a lifesaver. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for one!
You’re doing great & oh so close to meeting baby hippie!!
i have finally found the best GF bread – its from the WF bakery. its the light white bread. its pricey though, which sucks. i got a GF bread baking book for christmas so hopefully ill have some home-made options to share soon.
i felt like that at 26 weeks too…and then i got better for a while after i sorted out the heartburn thing and started pepcid. but yeah, i dont think it gets much better for a while…
ive heard once the baby “drops” it gets easier to breathe and eat, so maybe that will happen soon?
thanks!!! off to find belly slings…
Hah, hey I think you can whine at this point. It must be very odd to go from loving food, to not be able to really eat much at all…I guess that’s how I get when I’m sick but I can’t imagine it lasting for more than a week or so…sorry didn’t mean to make you feel worse;) At least your boy is big and healthy!
It does get easier when they drop – Misty was really long and continued to kick me in the ribs constantly though 😉 I think I lived on smoothies for the last trimester.
Elise… you are too funny. Of course you would NEVER snack in the middle of the night and not brush your teeth. I admire your commitment and organization. Anyways, wanted to let you know I’m feeling especially appreciative of the HHH blog lately. I have Intersticial Cyctitis ( I have it but can never spell it) and its recently been getting worse. Now I am trying to follow an IC diet to see if I can improve symptoms since of course I couldn’t see the urologist for what feels like an eon. Anyways, I’m starting to really appreciate your whole FODMAPS deal. Even though they are obviously different diets, (although there is some overlap), it’s a unique and sometimes stressful journey to try and figure out exactly what causes your symptoms to flare up and what foods are safe. It’s making going out to eat a different? experience. I appreciate your blog just as someone who is now trying to successfully balance and manage the joys of dietary restrictions. And paying for it if I “cheat” or haven’t figured out that trigger food yet. Anyways, I appreciate you putting yourself out there. Have a nice weekend. It’s almost baby time for you!
My son lived with his feet in my ribs which was annoying but at least I knew he had turned. Unfortunately, he didn’t drop until a few days before I went into labor. BUT I was 2 weeks early, so…? It is true, though, I suddenly had a lot more space to breathe – it felt like the biggest relief of my life!
🙂 i laughed at your comment because youre dead on. im such a nerd.
anyway, im sorry youre having to go through the rollercoaster of figuring out your dietary triggers. its very sweet of you to empathize, but i hate that there are so many of us with ailments that have mystery food sources. good luck!
The first meal after you give birth will be the best of your life. Or at least it will feel like it! I remember being so hungry after giving birth to both my kids and the food tasted so good! So keep that in mind during this not so fun time and think of all the good stuff you will need to fuel yourself when your nursing!
Oh yes Sarah! It was 11 years ago and I remember it well: fettucine alfredo, sweet peas and a chocolate mousse pie… mmmm mmmm mmmmmm!
hahaha…i cant believe you remember the exact meal! now im semi excited (?) for the hospital food.
mmmm it was the MOST amazing meal I’ve ever had. And you work in a hospital, so you can gauge reality against my post-delivery warm fuzzy memory!! LOL!!