I’ve shown some of our meals off, but it’s been a minute since I shared what the majority of my time is spent doing…
Hanging with my favorite littles on the planet.
As you can see, they were really dressing the part to learn about the solar system!

He read from this book and then we made a big poster together (in Spanish)…after which they continued to re-write the new vocab (for fun – their choice!).
Space is an easy theme to go with – they have an intergalactic cosmic kids yoga episode and tons of PBS content for me to “teach” them from their website.
I also discovered there is a new Magic School Bus on Netflix and you can play it in Spanish, which P LOVED! I’m definitely making sure he has exposure to at least an hour (some times more) of exclusively Spanish speaking during week days. It’s not actually that hard given that I’ve changed all the web based programs he does for math and reading (happy numbers, scholastic, etc) to Spanish. Also, he LOVES the duolingo app and enjoys listening to their podcasts too.
Not to toot my own horn, but I’m actually blown away by how little TV we have done. Some times we go a few days without it and we don’t even realize it…which is mainly thanks to the nice weather and neighborhood biking gang (slash spy club slash exercise club) that they created.
They are mainly playing outside from 3 pm until dinner time which is a welcomed break after our craft/art/puzzle/game/book filled mornings.
I completed a puzzle without having the photo of what I was trying to make which was both a bizarre and fulfilling activity.

We have done so much reading, I think V may come out of this able to write her own book! (Not really)
But she is an eager learner, which makes being her teacher not all that stressful.

She got to see her Awana teacher for a quick Bible lesson the other evening, and it melted my heart to see the joy in her face. Awana is 100% their favorite activity, so I know they miss it dearly.
And guess what! We finally drove the car!
I decided Friday would be field trip day so we went to the sheep barn on campus in the afternoon and then the kids spent an hour playing in a new (completely deserted) setting near the football stadium.

We don’t do “school” over the weekend, but we still found plenty to do even though it was raining nonstop…like watching top chef, dye-ing eggs, going to virtual church, and making easter cards to mail out.

So there’s a sneak peak.
If you want kiddo activity ideas, or are seriously bored, feel free to watch everything go down on my IG stories where I completely overshare on a minute by minute basis. It’s a delight! 😛