CHOCOLATE FOR DAYS. My man knows me so well.
I think this is the last year we will be able to get away with working out on Christmas morning without the kids rioting their way down to open their stocking.
Santa brought them each books (just like last year) which he wrapped and left just outside their room doors. Those were enough to keep them happy while Kyle worked out, but by the time I went to exercise they were chomping at the bit. We made them wait, but just barely…
We listened to the lull of ribbon dancers as we filled our coffee cups. 😉
Then I made pancakes for everyone. Pumpkin molasses pancakes to be exact. Per usual, I had made the batter the night before, because the hungry to hangry switch for these babes is so fast you have to be ready with calories at the drop of a hat.
After breakfast we opened our presents and loaded up the car to head to my parents’ house. It was a long day, full of fun family time, kids playing, football and basketball, and lots of yummy food.
And my favorite dessert of all time, my mom’s chocolate pecan pie.
Mmmmm….full belly.
Early morning for us…the kids never sleep well at my parents’ house. Oof. The good news is that my dad is retired and therefore happily plays with the kids once the sun is up so Kyle and I can go on a run together. Hooray for doing things as a twosome! 7 is about the earliest he is willing to take over, but in the winter it’s still dark until then anyway so it works out perfectly. So we only had two hours to kill before then, ha! I let Kyle sleep in and took the kids into another room so at least someone got a decent amount of shut eye.
Just like the day after Thanksgiving I used the mashed potatoes to make an egg pancake kind of deal. It tastes just like tortilla espanola. I made a bunch of pancakes so my next day’s breakfast was done too.
We attempted one outdoor park date with a friend I grew up with who was also back in town, but it was so cold the kids barely let us catch up before demanding we go home. In their defense it was seriously freezing. My kids wouldn’t last a day outside of California.
Leftovers for lunch, including chocolate bits around the casa. Another girlfriend came over while the kiddos napped so we actually got a proper catch up. That was nice.
And more leftovers for dinner. Roasted veggies will never get old. NEVER. I could eat them for every meal forever and ever the end.
More chocolate pecan pie for dessert and family time and then packing to go home the next am. What a wonderful time of the year.