To say I scored in the swag department would be a gross understatement…
This weekend I hit the natural foods jackpot!
If you take a peak in one of the FIVE bags above, you’d see a little something like this…
Sample size me!
The fact that I was fairly picky in which products I opted to take samples of should be an indication of the quality of the entire event.
Shocking as it may be, I did eat actual meals in between the massive amounts of samples.
I already shared with you Friday’s lunch event, which was so gourmet and fabulous, it made that night’s dinner look fairly ghetto.
Amy’s soup, La Brea Bakery loaf, and Pita Pal hummus.
I always make it a point to try new brands of hummus when I see them, and since I was staying with my G-ma in Newport Beach, I had to take advantage of this kind.
Upon googling, I discovered Pita Pal also offers frozen falafel, salsas, and other dips.
I opted for the original flavor. Consistency-wise it was perfect. Creamy like Sabra but still really really thick. Flavor-wise it didn’t have very strong tahini tones, but the spices on top were nice. I’d buy it again.
I alternated dipping the bread in the hummus and the soup.
Amy’s soups are almost always winners in my book, but this low sodium lentil was on the bland side. The absence of salt apparently translated to the absence of flavor.
After polishing off the soup and bread, I turned to dessert…my G-ma had a bag of cuties and although citrus usually isn’t my thing, they were so good I couldn’t stop. Plus, peeling them is kinda therapeutic. I had a baker’s dozen – it was a peel-athon.
My G-ma had other plans for dessert…
Caught red handed with a full mouth! She may kill me for posting this photo.
My family members won’t be surprised to find out that it was actually my G-ma who beat me to taste testing my Expo West goodies. She shows surprising self-control when it comes to portions, but when sweets (namely chocolate) or Charles Shaw are in her sight – watch out. So after I brought my swag out to show her the latest natural foods products, my G-ma was instantly drawn to the new PROBAR flavor, Nutty Marshmallow.
She thoughtfully examined the bar…then went in for the kill.
I know she enjoyed it. ;)
After savoring the last bite, she made me review the photos with her and begged me to delete the bad ones (which I didn’t do).
While Kyle studied for finals upstairs, G-ma and I spent the rest of the night stretching our backs and exchanging exercise ball moves (that’s actually not a joke). And of course reciting lines from Pride & Prejudice. Just a typical Friday night.

Wait I love your grandma. She looks awesome, I love that she still works out on an exercise ball!! And I’m sooooo jealous of all that swag. I just discovered there’s an expo east in September though!!
Your grandma is too cute!
Your Grandma is adorable – and looks like she’s really loving that snack 😉 haha! I love Amy’s soups! I love to add spices to the “bland” ones and totally agree – sometimes I feel so casual eating it especially after an event like that! Still so jealous that you were able to go to Expo! Look at that swag!
OH my gosh – all that stuff looks amazing! So jealous. I feel the same way about Amy’s low sodium; it took me awhile to adjust to the blandness. Your grandma is too adorable! My grandma still works out too and she’s 84! 🙂
So jealous!! I’m excited for product reviews of all that swag.
And your grandma sounds awesome!!
your grandma is so cute! Totally wish I could have gone to that expo. It sounds amazing!
i love la brea bakery bread! have you explored bay cities deli yet? the bread there is fresh baked and the loaves are often hot. it’s AMAZING!!!
Pride & Prejudice is my favorite. Jane Austen + sweet treats = perfection.
To my former granddaughter…..I appreciate the photos but my good side must still be in your camera. The nutty marshmallow bar was definitely appareciated. G-ma
Your grandma just called me to tell me she’s going to kill you for posting those pictures! She said what she was eating was delicious, but “I told her not to post those pictures, and she did anyway!” I’m thinking your loot will last about a week — if that!!
Awww she is too cute!! I love seeing pictures of people’s grandparents! ok that sounds creepy haha! 🙂
I was going to ask you if you’d ever tried Oasis Mediterranean Cuisine Hummus?! It’s the best stuff I have ever had and I know that they carry it in some places of California. Let me know if you’ve tried it, I’d love to know your thoughts!
I love to read about people who have great relationships with their grandparents! I am very jealous 🙂 That and the fact that you obviously knew what you were doing at the Expo… Did you say at least say trick or treat?
Yesssssss. Bags full of samples and a g-ma to spend the night with – I wish i was joking when I tell you it sounds like a perfect Friday night in my book.
What the hell are you going to do with ALL THAT SWAG? I love your gma.. what a babe.
i still have to go! whenever i pass it the line is always insane so it must be good!
product reviews through 2015 i guess…
So. much. packaging.
What a cute post!
And so glad your Grammie is getting in on some bloggies swag and foodie samples. How fun!!!
Love it!
Ummm…How does one go about getting signed up for these events?! I want swag!
omg. just another reason i need to move back to cali. i totes would’ve been your date to the expo and then we would have had ten bags of swag, which we could have eaten in one sitting while watching moulin rouge. i miss you. xoxo
LOL. at least you will never have to worry about starving?
your grandma looks so sweet! haha
how do you find out about health expos in your area? i’d like to go to one where i live…but never really hear about any. i’m sure there must be SOME though.
Your grandma is too cute. I think I love her, digging into your pro bar and everything 😛 That flavor sounds awesome, btw…still jealous of all those goodies!!
BALLS when is Expo East?
hahahahaha i love your G-Ma. I feel like her and my grammy would get along like dime pieces.
october i think
i know…i think i have another one of that flavor left (i hope) because it looked awesome! my g-ma is awesome btw.
no kidding. no starving in this household any time soon!
yes yes yes. i could see us doing this RIGHT now. i miss you soooo much. come visit 🙂
i know! it breaks my green little heart.
i heart your gma! tell her the brown girl says hello next time.
It is a truth universally that any man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
And that any health food fan must be in want of goodies.
Hmm husband or samples….?
Look at that loot! Lucky you!!! 🙂
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Haha! I love the “caught red-handed” pose! She is too cute!
Holy Jesus in Heaven, you scored some major loot!!!
I know!!!!