Rise and shine! It’s coffee time.
I wasn’t as sore today as I thought I’d be…in fact, aside from my hammies and glutes I was feeling pretty great. I still decided to milk it (why not), so I scheduled a post-race massage for this evening.
I broke the fast with a peach chobz, an apple, and dried pineapple rings while watching last night’s Brothers & Sisters and reading blogs.
I loved reading all your supportive comments regarding my race (and my struggle to push through the pain). It meant a lot to me – and just knowing that I had such a support system (virtual or otherwise) was actually one of the major reasons I was able to motivate myself enough to get to the finish line!! How weird is it that a community of people I don’t even really know have such a huge effect on me?
Whether it is finishing a half marathon, eating (mostly) wholesome balanced meals, or just rambling about my daily shenanigans, I love sharing with you all not only because it keeps me accountable, but because this blogger community is so caring and supportive. It floors me on a daily basis.
Ok, too much sappy crap. Back to the eats.
How’s THAT for sammie! Spinach, smart deli “turkey” and hummus on Alvarado Street bread.
Still, it didn’t really fill me up, so I had a veggie burger with hummus piled high on top.
That did the trick.
Next up on the days to-do list: gym. Hmm. I figured I should give my legs a day off after yesterday’s half marathon, so since cardio was a no-go, I opted for some abs and arms and LOTS of stretching.
Somehow I ended up on the elliptical? I don’t know how, but it felt good to move my heavy legs, so I went with it (at a reallllllly low setting).
Back home I showered and made myself a snack before going to my massage.
Chunky sabra hummus and an apple. I basically licked the container clean 🙂
By the time I got home from my rub down, my tummy was growling, so I made a repeat salad from Leng’s challenge. Even though the challenge ended this weekend, I have enjoyed eating 1+ salads/day, and I have no desire to stop! Brainstorming new and interesting ways to eat different vegetables? F.U.N. Does that make me a freak? Maybe. But it’s healthy, so why deny myself the pleasure. I have always been a vegetable lover, so I never felt like my diet was deficient in the greens department, but it’s the diversity that is the best part. My body loved it too! So many different vitamins and minerals…I think I’m going to make a chart for a later post.
This salad is SO big, you can’t even see the mountain of spinach AND romaine underneath all the ingreds, including chopped Boca soy nuggets, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes, brocc slaw, sprouts, and a POUND of avocado.
It took me a nice long half hour to chomp this baby down. I love meals that take forever to eat!
After dinner the weather was so nice we decided to go for a little stroll…
On our walk, we passed lots of trailers for this movie. So if you wanna see Jennifer Aniston (yawn) or Jason Bateman (love) come to Broadway and the 80s.
We had to make a pit stop…how cute is Kyle (mid-bite) with his Tasti-D or The Lite Choice or whatever the hell the fake yogurt crap place is called nowadays.
I waited ‘til we got back home to put together a nice bowl of goodies for myself.
This mix of carob raisins and salty peanuts is rapidly climbing the ranks in fave desserts!
But I still needed some fruit craved sugar, so I had my third apple for the day!

i love tasti d-lite!! and salads are awesome because you can basically throw anything in there and it would still be delicious!!
That salad looks so good! I need to copy it one day 🙂 The Lite Choice is my favvvv.
Oh that is a fantastic sammie!! Get out of here with the hummus! I LOVE IT!
Reason 347 why I need to go to NYC – JASON BATEMAN!!!
Reason 348 why I need to go to NYC – TASTI!!!
I have thoroughly enjoyed your salad combos.
Races only get easier. You did an insane job for not being coached or anything. You might try some clif shot blocks or gus along the way next time, they really help reenergize and to keep you from hitting the wall, especially if you are like me and aren’t much of a morning eater.
Yum yum yum, everything looks amazing – I need to get an avocado! =D
All your eats look GREAT!
And isn’t blogging just the best? I loved the sap!
I love breaded soy chicken in salads…it tastes sooo good!
okay NO MORE posting about tasti d lite because it makes me jealous how close you are to them…
when I move to the city it’s mandatory for me to live in breathing distance of one of those suckers…or atleast 16 Handles…have you been there??
Good call on the massage…you wouldn’t want to get all tight 2 days after the race, right?! I mean, you never know what might have happened if you didn’t get that massage… :o)
LOVE the salads–I eat one just about every night for dinner!
I know that corner… that’s my bank! HA.
I have a bumblebee on my wrist and birds on my back.