Romaine calm

I don’t want to promise things I can’t deliver but I have FINALLY gotten my site fixed (turns out paying an expert to de-bug it is really the fastest way to go).  So here I am!  Saying hi, but not locking myself into anything permanent in the near future.  Turns out instagram is a really fun and fast way to share things and connect.

For those who haven’t been following on my IG, I’ve been up to the same old same old…

Cooking and baking for these kids who are non stop growing.

They are turning into full on foodies and I am quite proud.

I love when they help me in the kitchen.

Anyway, as I was alluding to at the start, I’m not sure how regular my appearance will be here, but I am happy that you guys will be able to access old links for recipes again.  So many people were asking for specific favorites and I was sad that the content wasn’t accessible.  And equally crushed that I couldn’t read my own posts because they are truly like a mini journal/time capsule at this point.  It’s so fun to look back and have a full decade documented – from trips abroad to parenting two babes (and all the mundane in between stuff!!).  I’m glad HHH is back online.

Now if I make something and post it on IG and I get recipe requests I have this platform 🙂

Hungry Hungry Hippie is back baby!!

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Comments (4)

  1. Keli

    So glad to see you back😃😃🙄🙄

  2. Keli


  3. Cathy

    Hi Elise….soo soo happy to see this blog back! I just couldn’t figure out IG, so I am very happy to see may be posting again! So cool to see your kids after a couple of years too 🙂

  4. Ethel

    Woo!!! This is amazing news! Yay for having HHH debugged so I can follow along with the hippie fam ❤️

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