I am very perplexed at the moment. Why is all the rice sold out? And flour of every kind! What is happening? How is there still no toilet paper on target.com or amazon.com? It’s not like people are going to the bathroom more than normal, right??? It’s been nearly three weeks since the shelter in place order and I have yet to buy any hygiene products but now it’s getting close to the time when I will need to and the supply chain still hasn’t caught up?!?! Where is the glitch in the system? Can we figure that out asap?

Ever since the kids made chia pudding parfaits last week we have all been obsessed with them for breakfast!
This week’s bowl had chopped oranges and strawberries. This was the last of the strawberries, too! 🙁 Kyle is probably going to the field next week though, so maybe he will bring more home for us [fingers crossed].
The oranges are from my parents’ tree. We brought a bag home with us last month and we are down to our last two.

We are so lucky to be surrounded by farms and farmers and people who have produce to share, but it still feels eerie and I struggle with the idea of food scarcity because it triggers a weird reaction in me. While I want to conserve and save everything for my family, I know I need to take care of myself and eat too. This is a part of my personality that I am (always) working on. There is such a martyrdom phenomenon with motherhood, that is so unhealthy, and when I have my anxiety firing on all cylinders…I need to proceed with caution.

I used this rice mix for a grain salad and it was fine. But just fine. Not my number one choice.

I have never had to ration the amount of grains I’ve used before, but it’s either this or go to the store…which I realllllly don’t want to do. I’m trying to figure out ways to order everything so we can 100% shelter in place and do our part, butttttt if I can’t order on amazon anymore…and imperfect foods only comes so often…time to start thinking outside the box. Meal delivery services??
In the meantime, I will be enjoying this grilled salmon + Asian salad for my lunches.

Ladies and gents, we are now in the salmon obsessed phase of the month. I got these filets at Nugget last week and it’s going to have to hold me over for a while because I will be unable to further indulge in said craving. WOMP WOMP.
In the meantime, a seared slab of salmon is just about as good as life gets.

Thank goodness I pickled everything I could get my hands on last summer. And thank goodness our CSA piled produce on us so consistently. Because we are now plowing through pickled green beans in between neighborhood bike rides and backyard soccer games. It’s the perfect snack – the kids love them, it doesn’t fill them up for dinner, and they are getting an extra dose of veggies in (which is never a problem under normal circumstances, but with fresh produce no longer being a sure thing, I’m stretching every green thing in the fridge).

This pasta dish had fettuccini and cauli alfredo with broccoli from my imperfect foods box.

I’ve never had cappello’s fettuccini before, but I’ve had their gnocchi, which was so-so. Anyway, I’ve had this in the freezer for quite a while so now was the time.
It actually surprised me how much it came with – at least 3 servings! I cooked it all at once but then set put the rest in a tupperware for later because I had a pound of wheat fettuccini for the rest of the fam.
I chopped and boiled the broccoli and then topped it all with cauliflower alfredo from Sonoma Gourmet. Another pantry find (was on sale at Nugget months ago).

It wasn’t what I expected in that it was more vinegar-y than creamy. Like a Caesar, more than an alfredo. It had lots of the same Caesar ingredients, too, like white wine, parmesan, and romano cheeses.
Also, the cauliflower wasn’t pureed into the sauce like I was expecting, but rather in little chunks throughout.
It was fine enough, but I probably wouldn’t buy it again.

Can you even tell the difference between the almond flour based fettuccini (above) and the wheat flour based fettuccini (below)?

I’ve been eating SUCH random desserts lately, but I was THRILLED BEYOND BELIEF to find this guy hidden in the pantry. Made. My. Day.

What food are you having to go without that you are missing?
My coffee game is STRUGGLING right now. And my chocolate sitch is circling the drain too. See’s isn’t even taking online orders anymore, so I think this is how accidental detoxes start???

I read something the other day about the toilet paper issue… they are not actually going to make more, because nobody is using it more–they’re just hoarding it. So it doesn’t benefit the TP manufacturers to make more because it’ll just sit on the shelf unsold in July or whenever this all starts to let up. So, what bothers me about this is that it rewards the hoarding behavior. I guess we SHOULD have hoarded, because the rest of us are just out of luck now.
Why did See’s stop online sales? That’s odd… you’d think they’d be raking it in right now due to comfort food/stress-eating. Are they in the middle of a transformation into a hand sanitizer factory?
Whatever you can’t find, you can still buy on ebay. We bought some overpriced toilet paper on ebay, to avoid going to the store.
I’m trying to be a good citizen and not hoard, but I like to have a 2 week supply of everything. Eventually the hoarders will be satisfied and the demand will decrease to normal levels, right? good luck!
Hey, just thought I should say – ordering services are under a huge amount of strain at the moment, not to mention the questionable conditions many of the people working those jobs are subject to, and the risks they take to go to work and earn an income (you may have seen some of the controversies around Amazon in particular). I would like to encourage you and anyone else that is healthy and able to do your grocery shopping yourself. As long as you maintain a good distance from other shoppers, keep your hands away from your face and wash up when you get home, the risk is small. Save the delivery services for those who really need them (elderly, immunocompromised) and reduce the pressure on people working minimum wage jobs in grocery delivery. I know these are scary times but just stay aware of the facts and do your best 🙂
I go yo the store several times per week to pick up what I need and fresh produce. We all do. We r sheltered in place but go out for three daily walks and we only see my daughter and her boyfriend, otherwise sheltered alone with my husband. The streets are very quiet and everyone wears masks and keeps their proper distance. I am very relaxed and taking this as a growing experience as life’s a journey that we have no control over. Each bend of the journey throws us either curve balls or highs. Our growth is to handle everyone with positivity and smiles. My type A personality has bec so chill and easy going over the past few years as learned the means of the journey are more important than the end.
Yep, haven’t ordered anything from amazon because nothing is essential. Our CSA has always delivered though, so I’m not going to stop that.
that’s really annoying then because I was so annoyed by the hoarders, but now I’m gong to be screwed as a result.
Whats your recipe for the breakfast chia bowls?
it was a few posts back: https://www.hungryhungryhippie.com/chia-pudding-parfaits/