My Thursday started at 4:20 am.
[I always change my alarm to a different time, so I actually think this was a 4:24 day]
I wasn’t really feeling very Jillian-esque, so I zoned out to Most Eligible Dallas while pumping iron in my living room.
[pumping iron = minimal reps with 3 lb dumbbells]
I had pancakes for breakfast before work.
[I’m not superwoman, I made these in advance, see below]
As usual, I had my work eats all ready to go, including a buckwheat breakfast, a mixed leftovers salad, two Enjoy Life sample cookies, corn nuts, and a Macrobar from Lollihop [<– giveaway reminder].
I attempted a new combo for breakfast, which I wasn’t totally in love with.
Instead of oats, I went with buckwheat, which I have enjoyed in the past, but I usually eat the groats raw (soaked, then blended into a pudding like this). This time I soaked them with strawberries, cinnamon, coconut and Salba ground chia seeds…and (too much) water. Things I would change in a future preparation: (1) I’d use almond milk, but a smaller amount; and (2) I’d blend it up to a more porridge-like consistency.
[I still ate it, but it’s not going to be a repeat recipe]
If there were ever a lunch that epitomized smorgasbord it would be this one.
Chard, noodles, seitan, rice, veggies, edamame, guacamole, kitchen sink.
[The more appropriate question would be what WASN’T in the tupperware?]
It’s hard to tell because you can only see the top layer of it, but it was a treasure hunt when I went to eat it…I was constantly discovering new hidden ingreds!
Snack-ville in zoom. I like my cookies on the chewy side, so while I wouldn’t kick these ones out of bed, I think I prefer Pamela’s gf ones.
[I am a neat freak, I would definitely kick cookies out of bed]
If the Coconut Cream Pie Larabar had a love child with a Quaker chocolate chip chewy bar, I would imagine it would be very similar to a Macrobar.
This is the granola with coconut flavor. You can’t really see the ingredients, but they are vegan, gluten free, dairy free, and soy free – and sweetened primarily with brown rice syrup. They have raisins and dates, but in small amounts (which is great for people doing low FODMAPS, because it greatly reduces the fructose load on the gut). They are also organic and yummy.
[These have officially been added to the hippie snack bar rotation]
Work was pretty awesome. I had a funny patient, a kind patient, and a total pervert. The normal spectrum. I also got about 135,209 compliments on my hair cut, which was nice. Even a former patient and his family member mentioned how good it looked.
[Translation: you usually look like crap when you come to work – way to put some effort into your appearance!]
My dinner was so good, it almost deserves it’s own post. But that implies that there is a recipe to pass on (which there is not).
Philly cornbread cheese-steak!
I lived in Philadelphia for 11 months and never once tried a Philly Cheese Steak, so obviously there’s no reason for me to claim this sando’s authenticity in any way shape or form. Also, it’s vegan. So yeah. Not the real deal. But very good nonetheless.
Slice cornbread in half and toast with vegan cheese on top (I used Follow Your Heart’s nacho flavor of vegan gourmet cheese alternative).
The jalapenos and pimientos were perfect for replicating the flavors of a cheese steak. FYI, this cheese has inulin added (a fructan challenge ingredient).
After the cheese is melty, you add thin slices of seitan, and then the top piece of cornbread. And BAM! A vegan cheese-steak is served!
[Erratic cornbread slicing and/or over melting the cheese are totally acceptable reasons to eat the ingredients before they reach the end of the recipe]
All it takes is one perfect one to stack.
I am happy to report, the combo of the wheat in the cornbread and the inulin in the cheese were no problem for my GI tract (and I had two of the sandos you see above).
[Yesterday, however, I had a triple serving of squash and cornbread, which was FODMAPS overkill – but I was testing my digestive limits on purpose, so now I know]
Dessert. Naturally.
[Super Charge Me cookies are almost gone ]
Since I’m currently visiting my fam in Nor Cal for the weekend, I don’t know about my posting schedule, but don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Love the day of eats – I hate it when I don’t enjoy my breakfast though.
If you don’t like the crunchy enjoy life cookies, you should try their chewy ones. They are like heaven in a box.
Yum, pancakes! I’m about to make some this morning. Also, I really like your new haircut.
I’m always afraid to try new breakfasts because I fear they won’t turn out well! And I’m the same, I’d eat it anyway rather than make something new!
guess what’s the special sandwich at mcafe this month??? VEGAN PHILLY CHEESE STEAK!!! and apparently it’s amazing.
The Macrobars sound delicious!!!
I love your new haircut- it looks so pretty, and suits you to a T!
Beautiful! Do you have to straighten it still, or has your keratin treatment lasted this long? Whatever you do – it looks lovely.
Which is not a bad thing
Hope you have a wonderful time with your family! <3 xyx
Mmm…I’m so into bars and I bet that Macro one is delicious! I bought SO many bars back from the USA – larabars coming out of my ears, lol!
So the seitan sits okay with you? That’s great!
Pancakes look delish! I did get a snack right after I commented yesterday, I was too hungry to type,heh. Your cut looks very cute by the way!
definitely have to straighten it. the brazilian didnt last that long
now that my hair is short it requires effort, because i cant just throw it in a ponytail. kinda a blessing and a curse. thanks though!!
Macrobars sound like a little piece of heaven!
yup!!! totally no issues with gluten. so so happy!!
thanks sherry!
Ha, great minds think alike on the buckwheat front – I made a buckwheat creation for breakfast too! Cornbread is so yummy, love how it goes down either the sweet or savoury topping- road. hmmm I’m very guilty of dropping crumbs in the bed, I get told off about it all the time.
I’m seriously missing pancakes, I don’t have the right pan!
That salad looks delicious, you prepare such fantastic food to take to work with you
I need to learn from it!
That happened to me too! I cut my hair short in college and had to modify my morning routine to allow for hair washing, drying and styling time. It can be a pain but you always look really pulled together (unless it is humid outside). Love the new cut though. You look super cute!
4:24am?!?! How do you do that??
That nacho cheese looks so good!
Those pancakes look delish! thanks to chelsey at cleaneatingchelsey for posting your site on her post. I LOVE your blog!
Elise – Chelsey sent me your way – I’m the Lindsay of Lindsay’s List and coincidentally, my middle name is Elise. So we should probably be friends.
I love when my salads have so much stuff that every bite is a surprise! So fun to eat. You have a serious knack for making packed lunches look gourmet!
And I see that Lynn mentioned it, but the special at MCafe this month is a vegan philly cheesesteak! I’m hoping I’ll get over there to try it!
hi lindsay!! im so glad im making all these new besties.
My hair is JUST as frizzy and curly as yours, Elise, so I know exactly how you feel – it makes me feel better that yours is the same as mine, actually, lol!
It’s lots of work, but then again, it is worth the effort – and the more you do it the faster you get at the grooming thing, I think…not that I don’t rock a pony tails most days!
*I mean frizzy and thick!
And I don’t mean that in a bad way – you look beautiful and your hair looks lovely!
Sorry to ramble, lol! Just didn’t want to accidentally have my comment misinterpreted
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I love kitchen sink salads! It’s like a little surprise in every bite!
That spicy vegan cheese actually sounds pretty tasty. I’ve tried a few brands before just out of curiosity and while the Daiya is probably the only one that really stood out, I’ve never really been a fan of the alternatives. Luckily, my newfound lactose intolerance buddy (ugh) will allow me to have the real stuff, but only in moderation. I messed up the other day and had some vegetarian lasagna from the hospital cafeteria…which surprisingly was pretty tasty, but I was regretting it a couple of hours later. Oops!
daiya is the best but its also the most expensive. follow your heart is a great runner up, but you have to shred it to melt it – and even then, its definitely no daiya. it has good flavors though. and the salad dressings are out of control delish.
sorry about the lasag disaster. been there. its not a fun thing to learn your body’s limits…im doing it right now with all the fodmaps in general. galactans are a doozy to get right. and especially sad since beans are my fave!