Raw crack double take

I hate working Mondays, so I avoid them like the plague swine flu.  It just seems like nothing gets done over the weekends at the hospital and so with the start of the week comes a bunch of catch-up crappola.  This Monday, I managed to dodge the bullet, and instead of spending the day at the hospital, I finished off a sh!t ton of errands on my to-do list.  I’m not sure which was more fun, but either way I was productive.  My to-do list is never ending.  I swear, every time I cross 3 things off, I find myself adding 6 more things.  It’s really quite alarming.


Sadly, sleeping in ‘til noon wasn’t in the cards, since Kyle woke me up at 7 am.  As a result, I was in and out of consciousness far earlier than I wanted to be, but I made lemonade out of the lemon-y situation (and by lemonade, I mean coffee). 

Accompanying the java was extra froth, strawberries, and a crossword. 

For lunch I made yet another meal that revolved around Livin’ Spoonful’s raw, vegan, sprouted crackers.  I’m freakin’ addicted to these delicious things.  I wish I had a lifetime supply because I don’t want them to ever end!


This time I tried the Coconut Curry variety, which was very similar to the Garden Herb due to the sunflower seed base.  The other ingredients include: organic carrots, flax seeds, coconut, onion, lemon juice, garlic, raisins, dates, celtic sea salt, jalapeno, lemon grass, coriander seeds, cumin seed, ginger, and turmeric.


The coconut and curry were very mild and if they weren’t in the flavor title, I don’t think I would have been able to discern their presence, although, after the second cracker, the curry flavor started to built up a bit.


I had a few bites with hummus, a few plain, and a few with a repeat vat of guac.


I told you I was going to eat the same meal for the next week!  You didn’t take me seriously, did you?  Well my friends, this is a food rut that I may have a hard time navigating my way out of…consider yourself warned.


I popped a Gingerberry Kombucha after lunch and let the fizzy cultures do their thang. 

With all these raw, wholesome, vegan eats, my stomach is quite pleased with me.  Clearly keeping to a more strict vegan regimen is truly what my body likes best.

Once lunch settled, it was time to hand over my body to my lover slash enemy, Jillian Michaels.  One thing I forgot to say about my weekend of Jillian work-outs – I actually did the 20 minutes of exhausting shredding ass kicking, and then went to the gym for 40 more minutes on the elliptical.  If you’re wondering, yes, I’m definitely making a conscious effort to increase the intensity of my workouts.  At the same time, I have found that by killing myself, I’m too sore to do even a mediocre workout the next day.  Clearly, I have yet to find the middle ground between gym monotony and putting myself out of commission. 

Oh, and did I forget to mention I’m running a half marathon this weekend?  I’m definitely not right in the head.  I haven’t logged anywhere near 13 miles (or even 10 for that matter…) on the treadmill, let alone outside in months, so I am very skeptical about how this will all go down.  I’ve been in denial about it’s existence for the past few months and I had a semi-reality check this Sunday when I realized it was, in fact, one week away.  Eeeek 😕

Anyways, I’ll deal with it when the time comes, for the time being I will be focusing on the more immediate future…dinner. 


Another avocado beast?  I can practically feel your cursors moving to close the page out of boredom.  I do apologize, but my taste buds want what they want…and I can’t deny them that, even if it’s the same thing I’ve had for the last three meals.

In this avo mash up was 1/2 an avocado, alfalfa sprouts, raw corn, carrots shreds, red bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and Garlic Gold garlic/sea salt.


I stuffed the romaine shafts like a pro…

Later Kyle and I went on a walk, and when I came back I was craving sweet thangs.  I ate my weight in almonds.  Actually, I ate 0.34 ounces (I know the exact amount since it was the entire bag I bought from the WF bulk bins), which is a pretty scary amount if you actually think about it (which I don’t).


Multiply this bowl times 5 (ok, 6).  I am glad that so many of you responded to my carob loving post.  And for those of you who don’t dig it, I’m more than happy to eat your share.


Mega-milky (decaf) chai tea put me right to bed.

I’m not exactly excited for work tomorrow, but I am excited to try these EasyLunchBoxes out.


Perfect for my massive work eats, and Earth friendly, too! 

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Comments (15)

  1. snackface

    Yea, I don’t think about those “amounts,” either. Not worth it. Yo body’s gonna spit it out anyway, jooono? Gross? Perhaps.

    I WANT these raw cracker thangs. I’d snack my face off, I just know it.

    Hmmm, I want carob now. Thankfully, I have some! Love!

  2. Mama Pea

    You are running a half-marathon this weekend!?! You are my hero. Now can you explain this “Vogue” video to me on Glee? I’m so confused.

  3. Run Sarah

    I need to make this avocado goodness…it looks way too tasty. As for carobs, I enjoy them, but they were an acquired taste.

  4. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    Ahhh are you running the Fitness magazine half on Sunday?? Me too!!

  5. Courtney

    I love you! I love that you are running a half on Saturday and are so not worried about it…that is the sign of a true athlete/runner, me thinks 🙂 I am sure that, like always, you will do great and surprise yourself with your time! Good luck!

    Heck, I eat the same thing just about every night for dinner–if you find something that works and you love it, I say go with it! Yours sounds delish and healthy and really, what more can you ask?! Well, topping it with nutritional yeast would really put it over the top 😉 I’m just sayn…


  6. Jess

    Your avocado meals look amazing. I didn’t close out the page, but I did almost drool on my keyboard. 🙂

  7. Angharad

    Mmm alfalfa sprouts! You just reminded me about how lovely they are. And about the half avocado in my fridge I forgot about…darn it.

    As if you’re running a half marathon next week with no training-you are awesome and a brave woman.

  8. samantha

    i think strawberries may be the earth’s greatest invention. well, that and coffee, because let’s be honest.

    you can do your half marathon! just gotta buckle down and run through it – aka what i did for my first race that i didnt train for at all. oops.

  9. runnerforever

    I get in food ruts too, as long as they are healthy and tasty (which yours most certainly is) why worry?

  10. Hope Has A Place

    super yum! everything looks scrumptious AND nutritious. thanks for sharing. 🙂

  11. BroccoliHut

    Mmm you make me crave kombucha. Everything looks awesome in this post…excited to see what the new lunchbox is like!

  12. ethel

    a) go you for doing a marathon this weekend. I’m semi thinking of actually doing Bay to Breakers, not just the drinking part.
    b) your post yesterday made me crave avocado, so that’s what i had with my soy cheese quesadilla
    c)how cool is that compartment lunchbox! will this be on your opensky?
    c)i tried changing my flight to a thurs night til friday morning one, but it was uber expensivo, so i’m sticking to the friday flight getting in at 7p.

    p.s. my stomach may have had too much soy caramel macchiato today…venti is too large, stomach is in all kinds of loopiness…sigh

  13. julie

    dude you are my hero. running a halfsies this weekend is straight baller stat. you’ll kill it for sure though

    those easy lunch boxes look stellar but not nearly big enough for the amount of food i need to take to work. i can probably fit my silverware and sweetner packets in there..maybe some instant coffee..

  14. Anna

    mmmm I need to make that avocado mess asap. I just bought jillian’s dvd but have yet to try it. I think I’m too scared…

  15. elise

    totes m’goats 🙂 the raw crackers are addictive as all hell. dangggg

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