At Expo West, I came across a company I’d never heard of before called Pure Market Express.
They were super friendly and offered me samples of raw vegan chocolate truffle pie in a little shot glass. How could I not fall in love immediately?
I know. It seems too good to be true. But I swear, it’s not a hologram. That beauty is the real deal.
I enjoyed the shooter and went on my way, dreaming of the day I’d recreate something similar in my own kitchen.
A week or so later I got an email from the company offering to send me some of their raw vegan food to try out. Lemme think about it for a second. Uhhhh…YES!!!
A few days later, this package arrived.
Is this real life?
Lesson of the day: dreams do come true!!!
I hardly knew where to start. <— That’s a lie, I knew exactly where to start.
Mudslide Pie.
Everything about this was beautiful. Vegan. Raw. Rich. Dense. Chocolate. Organic.
The bottom “crust” was made from a thin layer of coconut and nuts, which made the dessert seem like a real pie. It was the perfect amount in my opinion because it offered a contrasting crunch without being too nutty.
The pie “filling” was pure bliss for my taste buds. It was thick, not too sweet, but very very rich.
Given the density of the dessert, the portion size was actually perfect. Even though I ate it super slow – savoring each bite – by the time I hit the end I knew my sweet tooth had reached it’s limit. It’s actually a good thing they come in individual slices, otherwise I may have gone way overboard.
Chocolate and vanilla united in silky smooth perfection.
And I still have two more to try!!

Oh. my. word. You guys get all the good stuff in the States! I’m still bemoaning the fact that we don’t have any decent vegan cheeze, and now this comes along. That mud pie, and the choc pie shots…
I wonder if their raw cinnamon rolls compare to the ones you made the other day….?
Probably not… HOT cinnamon rolls are bomb diggity.
that pie looks good! But probably pretty rich for me! haha I guess it would last longer that way!
Yum! The mudslide and turtle pie sound like something I would love. Probably too much. lol.
I love Pure Market Express! I reviewed them some years ago and really thought the food was tasty. Enjoy!!
why haven’t i heard of this place. I need to try it ASAP!
Pure Market Express is located here in a suburb of Minneapolis. See?! You really DO need to move to MN 🙂 I have never tried their stuff, but now I am even MORE excited to! I kept seeing them at the farmers market last year, so this year I will actually stop and check them out…
Raw desserts are my favourite! These look incredible… raw stuff is quite popular where I live (as it’s so hot all the time!)
Can’t wait to see more of the range, mmmmmm
This is AMAZING. Must find these products…
380 calories! Yowsa! I think I might have to portion it out into dessert shots. Looks delish.
Mudslide pie. Want. Need. Stat.
Pingback: Pure Market Express cinnamon rolls
There is a 50% off deal going on right now on 7 pieces of cheesecake for 25 bucks. Today is the last day to get it. That sounds like a great deal!