The only photos I have from the morning are of the kids making sparkly slime. I ate buckwheat chocolate waffles and brought a coconut milk chai tea with me on the go in my beautiful pink yeti.
Since I’m out of butternut squash, I swapped in roasted Brussels sprouts. The rest of this salad was the same as the past few days’ with kale massaged with balsamic vinaigrette, candied pecans, dried cranberries, and avocado.
I finished the Brussels so now our fridge is devoid of roasted veggies. I’ll fix it this weekend, but until then I’m going to have to get creative. Don’t worry, I still have plenty of kale. 🙂
During naps I did a little prep for the kids. I steamed broccoli, baked sweet potatoes, and hard boiled some eggs.
Some of which I used for dinner because I didn’t feel like making a true meal. Kyle’s gone, so we can just ate whatever.
I made a salad for myself with leftover pulled pork on top of kale coated in a sesame miso dressing. And a bunch of rice chips on top. And on the side.
I had a Euphoria kombucha to end the day. They’ve been overflow fizzing on me lately (but not the other flavors) so I’m kinda annoyed by that. It’s a bummer to hold it over the sink for a drawn out 10 minute opening process, and since it has cayenne in it, they all go to the top with the foamy overflow part so then my first few sips are INSANELY spicy and I cough a ton and then the rest of the bottle doesn’t have any. Hopefully they sort it out because it WAS my favorite until this started happening.

I hate when GT’s overflow! I remember the Strawberry Serenity used to do it every single time, and I find the Trilogy does it a lot too. Do you like any of the less-fizzy options like Health-Ade or Master Brew? I’m obsessed with Health-Ade, so pumped that they started selling it by the gallon (might not be quite a whole gallon but it’s BIG lol).
I think the overflow issue is due to improper handling- since it’s carbonated if it’s shaken around too much in transit then like a soda you end up with overflow… maybe try buying from a different store? I tried the Euphoria flavor myself on your recommendation and it is AMAZING ! The spicy kick is a lot for me but certainly didn’t stop me from finishing the bottle.
I just bottled my own batch and i always do a super gingery lemon flavor, i added a teeny tiny pinch of cayanne to a few bottles so hopefully it comes out similar and doesn’t blow my head off.
I’m with you on the salad situation, i have at least one a day-always massaged kale since i make an obscene amount every weekend and then whatever sounds good lands on top. I have a biiiig bag of hemp seeds so those end up in most of them.
That was my thought on the euphoria too but I bought another from a different store and the same thing happened!!!!
Definitely write to GTS on their website under contact us, i did that because i kept getting bottles with scobys inside which can be VERY unpleasant when you’re not expecting one…
and i think they need to hear from customers that it’s a problem. I bought a few of the cayannade and euphoria yesterday because I apparently have some nasty head cold- trying to injest tons of probotics- neither exploded after opening slowly and carefully. I discovered that pouring into a glass makes it so the cayanne disperses better to avoid frying my mouth on the first sip.
That’s kinda crazy your friend bought those walnut$ “for” you without texting you a heads up or confirming you wanted her to get them… one pound is one thing but five is like a legit investment!
How’s the cayennade? Is it different from the euphoria? Spicier? I too am all about ginger-ing my colds away 🙂
I really like the cayannade because there’s more ginger to it, i think about the same kevel of heat as euphoria. I have to sip it slowly! I actually bought the Euphoria today and it fizzed over too!! Ugh. What’s weird is I haven’t had the cayannade over fizz, i think something about the spice mix in euphoria accelerates the carbonation…
Iiiiiinteresting. Ok, definitely going to try cayennade now.