Pre-Spain tasks

This week is nurses appreciation week (hooray!) but unfortunately the breakfast potluck party on my unit was the day I left for vacay.  Had I not just finished night shift I may have stuck around, but I was so tired and ready to start my two weeks on holiday, I didn’t care too much about free bagels.  As soon as I gave report to the day shift nurse I was mentally checked out.  I may as well have been in Spain on Thursday.  Sad face.  Next year I’m going to bring yummy vegan food to the celebration though.  Nothing like vegan waffles to make a perfect work day. 


I hosted my own celebration after getting home from work instead. 

Raisin Bran + banana + blueberries + almond milk (not quite as grand)


I think that bran flakes are the best thing since sliced bread.  Well, unless it’s my home-made bread.


Speaking of. 

Could I slice it thicker?  Probably not.  

This bread and hummus combo was actually a post-nap snack.  I only managed to sleep from 8 to 11 am, and then I was up and at ‘em dead tired.

I still had mega errands to do before leaving Santa Monica. 

1) Get a mani/pedi

2) Buy a dress for the weekend (we are currently in Napa for a friend’s wedding)

3) Return clothes that I ordered online

4) Caffeinate my face

5) Buy sulfate-free (Brazilian Blowout friendly) shampoo/conditioner for my trip

6) Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

7) Print out French Open tickets (yup, I’m going to Paris after Spain)

7) Pack!!

I managed to cross every single thing off my list by 5 pm (well, not #6, but that’s a late night task anyway)…at which point I dug into a massive bowl of fruta.  [Does speaking in Espanol for the rest of this post count as celebrating Cinco de Mayo?]


For dinner, Kyle’s former work colleague from NYC was visiting us so we decided to show him a fun night out. 

I didn’t bring my camera out, but we went to La Sandia and it was PACKED.  It took longer to get drinks than food.  Serrrriously. 

The chips and guac (prepared table-side) were spectacular.  Afterwards we hit up my favorite bar in Santa Monica, Copa d’Oro, where I sipped my favorite cocktail of all time, the Moscow Mule.  Ginger in copious amounts.  Yes. 


Almost ready(ish)?  I packed so haphazardly, I don’t really feel that comfortable about it.  I am usually so organized, so I feel very unsettled about the contents of my luggage.  It’s also hard when you’re packing for another event prior to leaving the country (ie a wedding). 

Either way, I’ll figure out if I overlooked anything soon!  I have my passport and plane tickets though, so I figure anything else can be sorted out in the moment.  Any horror stories with traveling you want to share?  A friend (actually the one who is getting married this weekend) bought a one-way flight for the reverse route he intended to and didn’t realize it until he got to the airport.

On Friday morning, Kyle and I dropped off our house guest at his hotel and hit the road.  Nor Cal or bust.  The drive was relatively painless (says the girl who didn’t even get behind the wheel). 


I’m not sure who was more excited to arrive home, me or the pups.  They greeted us rather enthusiastically (under-statement of the week) and after throwing the tennis ball for what seemed like a decade, they were finally worn out. 


While the dogs were happy to have humans back at the casa (my parents have only been gone a week, but they are so damn needy); however, our cat was prancing around, clearly content on having the entire place to herself.


If you’re reading this mom and dad, she has been on every countertop.  And I’m not even bothering to shoo her off (this is why I’m her favorite).

I tried to get my heart rate up by going on a run around the neighborhood, but it was a pretty poor effort. 


Kyle and I ordered take-out from a local sushi joint for dinner.  I’ve blogged about Kane before (I love this place). 


We got lots of rolls (most for Kyle) and a seaweed salad (for moi).  I had a brilliant idea of making a monster salad with an avocado I brought from Santa Monica and the sunomono deliciousness.


I couldn’t bear the idea of letting a perfectly ripe avocado go to waste in our apartment while we were gone, so I brought it with me.  Who else would do this (aside from maybe this girl)? 


Check out my perfectly manicured nails.  :) 


Avocado, seaweed, cucumber, spring greens and that’s it.  Such an amazing dinner. 

I had heaps of ginger too because that’s almost the best part about sushi.  Almost. 


Yup, I ate on the floor. 

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Comments (23)

  1. movesnmunchies

    thick slices= WIN! umm now im seriously craving avocado… ahhh!

  2. sara

    It took me 24 hours to get from jfk to sevilla…good thing you’re not flying in the winter because it was all due to fog!! Have so much fun, you’re going to love spain. It’s the best!!

  3. Emma @ Namaste Everyday

    so much excitement! I love a productive day. way to go! also, yum yum yum at that perfect avocado 🙂

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    you are a nurse. you rock. you save lives. thank you!

    and you better not do too much cooking, cleaning, packing, etc if you want to save that manicure of yours..which looks PERFECT! 🙂

  5. Pure2raw twins

    I love my avocados!! They never go to waste in my house 😉

    Love the nails. I never really do my nails since I bite them, not a good habit to have.

    Wish I could come with you to Spain!! Have fun!

    And thanks to you and all the other nurses out there.

  6. actorsdiet

    your nails do look pretty fierce!

  7. Katie

    Happy Nurse’s Appreciation Week! It’s teacher appreciation week, too…I think some people got together and said…”Hmm, nurses and teachers are very under-appreciated, let’s let them share week of their due glory”

    In other news, I hate packing and always feel SO disorganized about it, too. But when I get to my destination, it never really matters as much as I thought it would. Have so much fun on your trip!!

  8. MarathonVal

    First of all- I totally bring avocados withe on public!! In fact today I have two in my purse since I’m going to a baptism and then a birthday BBQ haha…. I also have a bag full of nooch.

    Second, i am sooo excited to see what vegan food you find in Spain!!!! I’ll be going to Madrid, Sevilla and Lisbon in July and I’m a bit nervous about the food situation. Take good notes for me will ya? 😉

  9. elise

    i will!!

  10. elise

    haha – AND with mothers day, its like a big mash of under appreciated jobs!

  11. elise

    i dont intend to!!

  12. Kelsey @ Unmitigated Grub

    Way to save the avocado! It is a beauty! Love that whole salad.

    Have so much fun at the wedding and in Spain!

  13. Emily

    Hey neighbor,

    I would do the same thing: no avocado left behind!

    A trip to Spain is a much better way to celebrate your special week of appreciation than bagels, no? Have a great time at the wedding and safe travels!

  14. Abby

    Ahh I’m starting a night shift position May 22nd! I am getting so nervous!

  15. britchickruns

    I’ve been to Spain lots (not far from England!) – in general, mainland Europe is pretty anti-vegan/vegetarian (in my experience) and there’s meat and animal stuff in a lot :s BUT that’s only my experience! I could be totally wrong :/ I think everyone should just come hang out in England really… :p

  16. kissmybroccoli

    Happy Nurse’s Appreciation Week chicka! I just noticed the signs at work yesterday and thought of you!

    Speaking Spanglish is an entirely acceptable way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in my opinion! 😉

    Love the perfectly ripe avocado save! Dinner sounds delicious!

  17. elise

    Well I pretty much agree-i adore British accents 🙂 you’re right about mainland Euro though. I studied abroad in BCN and have traveled a ton in europe in general-not too veg friendly at all 🙁 this will be quite the experiment!

  18. tea-bag

    i love pickled ginger! i always get tons extra & eat it after the sashimi is all gone … then i steal everyone elses! i never thought to put it on salads but i’m totally going to buy a jar the next time i’m at the asian market! awesome!

  19. Courtney

    “yup, I’m going to Paris after Spain” Are you kidding me!?!? I hate you, lol. Okay, just kidding…you know I love you 🙂 But really? I mean, REALLY?!?!


  20. Anna

    Oh boy do I have travel horror stories. I just got back a few months ago from living abroad in Spain. Everything was always an adventure! In Lisbon, Portugal my hostel mates and I had the roof cave in on us after a nasty thunderstorm. Almost all our clothes and belongings were ruined! Looking back, it’s made a great story but at the time it was the trip from hell! Anyhow, on a much more fun note, you’re absolutely going to love Spain. I still miss it with all my heart. Have so much fun!

  21. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    That massive bowl of fruit is making me crave some, but sadly my produce drawer is pretty much empty right now. Boo 🙁

  22. Dad

    No wonder Mia loves you – you let her do whatever she wants!
    Thanks for playing with the pups; see you in two days. Safe travels. Love, Dad

  23. janetha

    love those pups!!!!

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