Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Kru with my crew

Ok the only reason I’m even bothering to back up to last week is because I had a foodie dinner date with some peeps and I have to share the pics. I kinda knew two of the girls peripherally – through either MOPS or stroller strides – but the dinner actually came about really because we all know one of the girls.  And she knows each of us as some one who likes dining at amazing restaurants.  So a month ago she assembled this all star foodie crew and scheduled a date for us to… Read more >


It’s Friday and I’m just now getting around to Monday’s food…ugh…doesn’t look promising for getting to the rest of the week in any timely manner. A girl can dream though. I went big for breakfast at MOPS. I brought this banana baked oatmeal which was okay, but not as exciting as donuts. I made my usual vegan Winter salad for lunch. And immediately got to work on dinner. Roasting cauliflower for Gena’s cauli and lentil salad.  I’ve made it twice before now and it is SOOO good, I want to try everything in the book,… Read more >

Sweet potato banana chia porridge

Not quite a smoothie, not quite oatmeal, this is what we will call porridge.  It’s hard to describe but you are going to want to make this ASAP for sure.  It’s what I’ve had for breakfast all week and I’m probably going to make it again as soon as I’m out. It is like chia pudding meets banana bread meets yogurt.  Weird, right?  Let me try again.  It’s like a chilled sweet potato pie, that you can top with whatever you want and call breakfast. Because things in jars are acceptable breakfast fare, right?  Sure…. Read more >

Earth Day weekend

Happy (belated) Earth Day fellow hippies! We had such an awesome weekend.  The sun was out and we got together with lots of friends and for those reasons (and many more), we were all so happy. Low key Friday lunch because I didn’t feel like anything real.  I believe this is called intuitive eating?? Friday’s dinner was LEGIT the best thing I had all week.  I know I was kinda struggling with snack (and food in general) inspiration last time I checked in, but you guys knew just what to say to make me feel… Read more >

A weekly kids meal plan II

Back by popular demand… Saturday Breakfast: oatmeal with shredded coconut, pepitas and raisins Snack: apple slices Lunch: hard boiled eggs, cucumbers, leftover roasted red potatoes Snack: chard and kale from the garden (V had fruit at a birthday party too) Dinner: lemon kale brown rice Sunday Breakfast: oatmeal leftovers with blueberries and sunflower seeds Snack: graham crackers at church Lunch: pasta + chickpeas + bell peppers [make extra pasta for later] Snack: apple slices + salty almonds Dinner: chicken with wild rice salad [grill 1-2 extra chicken breasts] Monday Breakfast: granola with almond milk and… Read more >