Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Last Sunday

Is there anything better than the weekend?  Family time is the best time.  I’m sorry to say I am a week behind here on the blog and don’t plan on attempting to catch up.  It’s too much.  I’ll share last Sunday’s eats because I did take photos and they are already uploaded, but after that I think I’ll skip right ahead to this Mother’s Day.  We had a super low key weekend, but kept our tradition of going to Muir Woods alive.  It was our best visit yet!  Ok, I’ll get to that later. Breakfast:… Read more >

Summer quiche with tofu

Guess who came up with this recipe??? My chef of a five year old, that’s who!  Last week we were talking about food and somehow the subject of pies came up.  He told me we should make a pie together soon and I agreed.  And then when I asked him what type he announced BACON before two seconds went by (because of course).  And then he followed it up with the idea that we should also add tomatoes, because Valley’s favorite food is tomatoes and his favorite food is bacon, and that way they would… Read more >

What I Ate Day

I took a photo of my meals! First off, I toasted two slices of this seedy bread. Then added almond butter. I love how melty nut butter gets on warm (HOT!) toasted bread.  I so rarely make the effort to get out the toaster because we keep it in the cabinet, not out on the counter. The only appliances that get face time in the kitchen are the coffee maker and now the instant pot.  Truth be told, I’d prefer the IP to be hidden away too, but it’s so big and I just don’t… Read more >

Sold on eggplant

Up until this week I was the only person in my family who liked eggplant. Ok, full disclosure, I don’t think the kids had ever tried eggplant because KYLE DOESN’T LIKE eggplant, so why would I bother making eggplant? This is why. Anna Jones’ honey and white miso eggplant is why. Guess who likes eggplant now?? Answer: EVERYONE.  Winner winner purple dinner. Something is going on with me…tahini…pesto…fresh herbs…eggplant…I’m obviously in a groove with a certain genre at the moment. I added a step to her recipe because I have read it helps tenderize eggplant… Read more >

Breaking foodie news

I saw this at the store and COULDN’T pass it up without trying it. The idea of fermented watermelon sounded really bizarre, but somehow refreshing at the same time?  I don’t know.  But guess what?  It is DELISH!  It’s 100% my new favorite flavor.  And now I’m worried I’m going to have to go back to buying kombucha because of how much I liked it.  Eek! Another recent kombucha update: my friends like it!  I even gave a scoby away to a friend who is going to try it on her own.  And better yet,… Read more >