Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

A rough week

Unlike last week’s meal plan, I kept this one a bit more flexible due to the uncertainty (and chaos) on the calendar.  In addition to my usual work schedule, I had a four hour class (for work) and maternity unit tour.  That meant I’d be at the hospital all five days of the week.  I can’t get away from the place!  Kyle was also busy with work – presentations, dinner meetings, etc.  Accordingly, I planned out dinners for all five week days, but didn’t assign definite nights for most of them.  Instead I just figured… Read more >

I heart holiday food

This year, I’ll be going to: 3 Thanksgivings 2 Christmases 1 holiday party Which means my foodie brain has been in overdrive since October.  What to make, what to make, hmmm… Here’s what I look for in a recipe: Does it call for ingredients I have on hand/use often? (I don’t like buying a rare/expensive item for one recipe that I’ll never use again) Do I like all the ingredients in the recipe? (Seems obvious) Will I have to/am I able to make any substitutions?  (If a recipe calls for dairy, I can swap that… Read more >

I repeat, no work this weekend

I was off this weekend (which is abnormal since I was also off last weekend and I usually have an every other schedule).  So exciting!!   Saturday morning.  Frothy mocha flavored milk.  Home-made bread.  Toasted to oblivion.  Buttered up the yin yang.  Fried egg on the side. Farmer’s market. Restoration Hardware baby & child grand opening.  They have a dresser named after me (too bad these are all too expensive).  Need to hit up some garage sales asap. College football. Lunch.  Breakfast grain mix.  Seitan.  Carrots.  Nutritional yeast. Snack.  Sabra spinach & artichoke hummus.  Carrots…. Read more >

Crib and notes

My ability to sleep normally is gone.  And I’m fairly certain it’s going to be that way for the rest of my life.  Despite my state of perpetual exhaustion, this weekend was f.u.n. We ate out twice on Saturday. For lunch we went to Seed Bistro in Venice, which is rapidly becoming my favorite vegan spot on the Westside.  I’ve never had a mediocre meal there – only the best.   I finally branched out and got something that wasn’t the Asian Kale salad.   This is the Creamy Caesar, with romaine, croutons, and a… Read more >

Riding the carbohydrate rollercoaster

I’ll admit it, I’m a carb lover.  I don’t think this is a bad thing at all.  Brown rice, oats, quinoa, sweet potatoes, whole wheat, etc. – I think they are all part of a healthy, well balanced diet.  So are fruits and vegetables.  It’s hard to imagine a low-carb plant-based diet.  How would that work exactly?  Well, that’s the exact dilemma I was faced with last week (after failing my first GTT).  While I was waiting to take my second GTT, I tried reducing my carb and sugar intake to see how it might… Read more >