Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

New hazards in the grocery store

What do we have here?  Can you see what’s in there or do I need to zoom in for you.   Oh hello there hippie bowl of yum. I cheated on the protein portion.  Normally I make my own seitan.  But I had to go to the co-op for an emergency purchase (almond milk) and ended up leaving with two impulse buys.  Dang it!  Budget fail.  I’ve seen Upton’s Natural seitan on other blogs before, but never in the store.  Or maybe I just wasn’t looking.  Either way I found it now, and they have… Read more >

Readers request: My Go-To Dinners (Five Fast Meals)

Some of these may seem lame or boring, but when you want a semi-home-made (healthy) meal lickety split, you can’t be too picky.  While I mostly prep for the week in advance, I do leave some days open.  These "wing it" dinners are typically made from either leftovers (revamped to be something else) or various ingredients I know I have ready in the fridge.  As I’ve shared before, I keep certain staples on hand at all times for exactly these scenarios. 1. Stir fry 2. Pasta with veggies 3. Veggie burger 4. Hippie bowl 5…. Read more >

Overly FODMAPs heavy

You know what my LEAST favorite part about blogging is?  Thinking of post titles.  Seriously, I am depleted.  After 4+ or whatever years it seems like there’s nothing left.  So I always wait ‘til the end and then I sit there, waiting to hit publish, while I stare at “enter a post title” on the top of the page.  Most of the time I go one of two routes – either super cheesy (like really lame puns) or super boring (like the name of a recipe).  It’s a miracle if it’s remotely clever.  But hopefully… Read more >

Lovely Lacinato

Thank you to everyone who commented on yesterday’s post.  I feel much better having gotten that off my chest…you guys are so wonderful and supportive.  No more whining from now on (yeah right…). Lovely lovely lacinato.  The deep green color is somehow so intriguing.  I think it’s easier to eat raw than regular kale too.  Pre-dressing it before meal time means it’s texture and flavors are perfect when I dig in. This salad came together pretty quickly, but I had all the ingredients pre-made, so it does require some planning ahead. Kale Krunch Salad Ingredients:… Read more >

Readers request: Top 10 HHH Staples

I got asked to do this post a loooong time ago, but only just got around to it.  Better late than never I suppose.  Ready for my ALWAYS on supply stash?  10 hungry hungry hippie grocery staples 1. Oats 2. Quinoa 3. Fresh fruit (apples, bananas, something) 4. Spinach 5. Sweet potato/potato 6. Hummus 7. Almond Milk 8. Carrots 9. Nuts (almonds, cashews, something) 10. Brown Rice There should be an asterisk to let you know that tomatoes would normally be on this list, but I grow my own now.   Most of these items… Read more >