Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

We ate out!

I know this is not really newsworthy (or title-worthy, for that matter), but since we’ve been on a strict grocery budget we have avoided the restaurant scene to save some cash flow.  For a foodie (like me), this is sad.  So this weekend we made the most of our sitch. On Saturday we headed to Seed Bistro for lunch.  We had a little bit of money left on a gift card, so one of our meals was free.  Budget not blown, stomach happy.  Win win! Kyle got the sirloin seitan burger (same thing he always… Read more >

The weekly menu

Since a lot of people have been interested in our budget friendly meal planning, here’s what we had this past week.  [Spoiler alert: they’re all really inexpensive dinners] Monday Egg noodles with teriyaki tofu, broccoli, & cashews The organic broccoli was leftover from one of last week’s dinners.  The roasted salted cashews are a pantry staple.  The egg noodles were on sale at WF (we used half of the 1 lb bag/$1.69).  The organic tofu was from WF (I baked the whole block/$1.69). As usual, the ‘fu was pressed for 2-3 hours, then baked for… Read more >

Current events with a day food log

This whole Lance Armstrong business really bums me out.  I always believed his denials.  I guess I just wanted him to be telling the truth about being clean so badly.  I read his books way back when they came out and found his story so inspirational.  I felt so bad for him when his medals were stripped.  And now it turns out he was covering up illegal drug use all along.  Sucks. Since I’m on the subject of random current events (and my reactions), what do you guys make of this new Girl Scout Cookie? … Read more >

The weekly menu

Monday Risotto Tuesday Quinoa quiche.  It’s a cheap and easy staple.  Not much else to say. I wish I could tell you this provided leftovers…but we are oinkers. Wednesday Curry stir fry with quinoa. This was the star of the show.  I’ve been working on actually going through our pantry and (gasp) using all the stuff I’ve been hoarding since the 2000s. I got this jar of Patak’s mild curry paste the same time (and place) I got these noodles.  Now that I just googled the company, I see they have a ton of pastes… Read more >

Snack snack snack

I feel like this is what every third trimester soon-to-be-mom says at some point, but to hell with the cliché.  I HAVE NO MORE ROOM.  Ugh. I’m so full and it’s depressing that it’s not from food.  Ok, that sounded bad.  I don’t mean I’m depressed that my son is a big healthy baby – that makes me very very happy.  What I’m bummed about is that I cannot honor my voracious hippie appetite in the way that I’m accustomed to doing.  I wanna freakin’ chow down and it’s just uncomfortable.  Lame.  So much for… Read more >