Hungry Hungry Hippie

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moo goo gai pan

No I didn’t eat Chinese chicken and mushrooms for breakfast, that was just an answer to my daily crossword….and now it’s stuck in my head.  Admit it, it IS fun to say!   Along with the java, I had 2 pieces of toast with PB (the safe kind).  YUM! Alvarado Street bread, kids.  Love it! The weather wasn’t even in the double digits, and yet I was in the mood for a cold smoothie for lunch.  It could be because I spent the morning reading Twilight (wrapped in 35 blankets)…no shame in it! For those… Read more >

once upon a time…

…I could feel my extremities.  But, that day is long gone, kiddos.  It is freeeeezing.  I headed to the gym after lunch and basically had to wait 10 minutes in the locker room just thawing out before I could start my work out!  The gym was packed (again) so I was forced to alter my exercise regime according to which machines were available.  Tread Mill: time pace incline 0-10 minutes 3.5 (walking) 2.5 10-17 5.7 4 17-20 6.0 2.5 20-27 5.7 4 27-30 6.0 2.5   Elliptical: time level direction 0-10 minutes 8 forward 10-15… Read more >

don’t judge a fig by it’s cover

I’ll admit, I love fig newtons/bars, but the thought of eating a fig alone was not too appealing…They just look weird.  But after seeing Erin’s picture of the fig’s cross section, I was intrigued…could their be a delicious fruit hiding beyond these hideous exteriors??    Turns out, they are way yummmmm!  Maybe even a new fave dried fruit? (and that’s tough company) As I was doing my daily food blog surfing, I came upon a contest I couldn’t ignore!  Everyone should check out Oh She Glows, since well over half the products I now obsess… Read more >

I almost burned the house down!

OMG!  I seriously just had WAY too close a call with an oven disaster… Enough said?  Those are brussels, since you probably can’t tell.  I was at the gym and I suddenly remembered holy $*&%!! I left Brussels sprouts in the oven.  I’ve never sprinted back to my apartment faster.  No joke.  I EFFING booked it.  When I turned onto my road I was at least happy that there were no fire trucks, and we DO have a doorman, so I figured they’d recognize if smoke was consuming the hallway…but when I opened the door… Read more >

Obama nation

I got chills! Yes, we can. No I wasn’t there, these pics are from my television.  Anyways…onto the food! What better way to start off the day than with a warm frothy coffee and french toast.   I used egg beaters, vanilla silk and cinnamon with ww bread, and then CAKED on the earth balance.  Seriously, I went overboard with the EB… I know it’s vegan and all, but I’m not sure that’s an acceptable excuse to add as much as I do to my food.  I also had a blueberry o’soy.  Loves it. For… Read more >