Hungry Hungry Hippie

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We slept in a bit on Sunday, but were still up and at em at 8 AND…OH.MY.GAH!   I was SO SO sore.  I literally couldn’t get out of bed my entire back/neck was so stiff I was frozen – it looked like I was in a brace because my range of motion was so limited.  WOW.  I spent the first few minutes of the morning just stretching, which helped a teeny bit.  I was prepared to be a little sore because that’s generally what happens with any new activity (and I haven’t been skiing in… Read more >

Vermont weekender

Hi bloggies!!  I’m BACK in the big apple now, after a SUPER fun weekend in Vermont.  It’s so nice to get out of the craziness that is NYC every once in a while – and the ‘burbs of Vermont were just the place to relax and unwind.  It’s so small town. So, back tracking a bit to Friday…Kyle’s boss generously let us use his cabin (which sleeps 13) so we decided to head up to Vermont for the weekend for a fun little skiing getaway with another couple.  Hooray! SO FUN!  But, very very cold…. Read more >

It’s too cold for a clever title

Today was a totally snack-y day.  I didn’t even really do meals, I was just grazing all day long.  That’s the bad part about about having days off when the weather is only 15 degrees outside.  I broke the fast with a HUGE glass of chocolate soymilk followed by a CHOCOLATE loaded coffee.  This stuff is THICK and sooooo good.  I am normally a silk soymilk girl, but this was on sale so I decided to give it a shot.  Man, was I in heaven.  It took all self control to not chug the entire… Read more >

‘Snice saves the day

What an AWFUL day.  Fortunately, I had a seriously awesome dinner to provide the light at the end of the tunnel through it all.  Back to the beginning though… Like most days, I stopped at Starbeezies for a coffee.  Unlike most days, I didn’t have chance to actually drink it until 10:30!!!  Can you even believe it!  I was SO swamped with work.  It seemed like no matter how much I did to catch up, stuff just kept piling up.  TOO MANY PATIENTS!!!  Blah.  Even though I kept reminding myself to stop. breathe. relax…it did… Read more >

bring on the VIPs (and the hummus)

White as far as the eye can see.  I love that I work on the 10th floor, because the view is really pretty, especially on super snowy days!  It was snowing all day, but I still managed to make it to the ‘bucks before work and on my lunch break.  I was the only person on the unit today, so I had all the patients.  Baller!  No but for reals it was kinda crazy.  One of my patients went into sinus tach and then desaturated to the 86% range even with 60% O2 face mask… Read more >