Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Valentine’s day = chocolate overload

So, I’m not a huge Valentine’s Day person.  In fact, I pretty much refuse to “celebrate” on the actual day.  It’s not that I’m anti-romance, it’s just…I don’t need a designated day of the year to display my affection, I love Kyle all year long (and I make sure he knows it all year long)!!! That said.  HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!!!! I worked today.  What can I say, work was work.  Lunch:  sammie with every color bell pepper   Other treats: carob raisins, dried fruit mix, dried pineapple, dried figs, apple, odwalla bar, and lots of… Read more >

tv or hour nap?

I woke up to Kyle getting ready for work (he’s normally so quiet, but lately, not so much)…so (again) I embraced it and got the day under way.  Unlike Kelly, I chose tv over napping 🙂 I went craaaazy with my coffee this morning, frothed vanilla silk and a stevia/cinnamon combo sprinkled on top.  Um, this is my heaven.   Brekkie: Fench toast with “egg” beaters and Alvarado street bread…with a lot of Earth Balance melted on top. Lunch: Sammie on Alvarado street bread with sabra hummus, greek yogurt, tofu AND smart deli “turkey” plus… Read more >


Today was a slowwwwww day, but it was a good one.  Work was nice, some funny stories (maybe I’ll share one later), but altogether a mellow day.  No complaints.  I woke up at 4 am (a la Erin) completely on my own, alert and awake, so I embraced it!  I’m sayin’ I obviously arrived at Starbeezies way early (like 6ish) so I enjoyed the AM crossword and my book (Me & Emma) – which is soooo good btw.  Totally hooked. So, funny story:  Sometimes we get ER patients in the middle of the night since… Read more >

nursing in the desert

I really think the temp on unit today was almost in the 90’s.  I don’t really know why…but everyone who came to our floor commented about the sauna-like environment so I KNOW it wasn’t just me.  So, it’s safe to say I was sweating BULLETS all day long.  Ok, but let’s get down to business with the grub… NEW kind of tofu!!!  I baked TJs tofu yesterday for the weeks worth of lunches… While the kcals were a bit more than the Lite brand I usually get (Nasoya silken firm), it turned golden brown WAY… Read more >

Does washing dishes count?

As exercise?  Because that’s the only physical activity I did all day.  No I’m only kidding, but it was a pretty mellow day, fitness wise.  I’m still pretty sore, but that’s not really a good excuse because my legs are fine, it’s just my back/neck that’s the issue. I started the day with some silky coffee, obvi.  I told you I was lazy – I couldn’t even muster up the energy to make froth! Brekkie “quesadilla” with soynut butter and chopped up dates.  I was inspired by Erin’s wrap 🙂 Plus a few more dates… Read more >