Hungry Hungry Hippie

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march, china, pajama party

March is here. In honor of that: Out with the old, in with the new… No more gold coast blend (you will not be missed). House blend, welcome home, I love you! So far March SUCKS. I can’t believe it’s STILL snowing! Grrr. 8-10 inches in one day is too much? (that’s what she said) But, seriously, I’m really annoyed with the East Coast. To make matters worse, my parents are in Hawaii for, like, the 9th time this year, and keep texting me pics of gorgeous sunsets and luaus. Ugh. Ok, I’ll stop the… Read more >

i’ve got the golden ticket

This post will be quick and to the point because I am SO tired. Big coffee + blueberry bran VitaTop muffin. These are good, but not too filling. They’d probably be better as snacks because there is certainly not enough caloric oomph to get the day started. So I had a cereal mess (a la Andrea)…I think I will eat all cereal out of this bowl forever-more. It’s so fun! Apple. (I know, it’s a good thing I put a title for the pic, as you may not have been able to figure out what… Read more >

Good news/Bad news

Well, the first piece of BAD news is that my computer is done-zo. Dead. No more. Wahhhh…(I got it in 9/2007!) I was on the phone today with the geek squad for way too long. Without getting into too much detail, my options are (a) pay $$$$ with no guarantees or (b) kiss the mo-fo goodbye. I am so not tech savvy enough to deal with this. So it’s on hold while Kyle’s in China. Which brings me to the second piece of good/bad news…my better half is in China 🙁 While Kyle is taking… Read more >

virus schmirus

Ummm…my comp was hijacked this AM and is currently being crapped on by 823 little trojans.  I imagine they’re now tap dancing on the remaining fragments of my motherboard, since the screen is frozen with approx 75 internet explorer windows open flashing “system security firewall alert.”  Is this why I was supposed to keep that Norton thing up to date?


It’s that time of the year.  Lent.  I’ve been trying to think of what I should give up for a while now.  I’m not very good with restrictions, it always seems to make me want something more when I know I can’t have it (forbidden fruit).  Plus, nutritionally speaking, I’m in a pretty good place, balancing moderation with the occasional splurge (hey, I deserve it, I’m a hard working girl)!!  So, with that in mind, I decided against giving up anything food related, and instead chose television.  So, from now until April 11th, afternoon boob-toob-ing… Read more >