Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Kickin’ it with the Knicks

When I woke up, it was WAY later than I expected…obviously my alarm didn’t go off. Shoot! But then I made my way out to the living room (aka the only other room in the apartment that’s not the bedroom), and our houseguests were all still sound asleep. No worries, I figured, they are probably just jet lagged…I made my coffee and headed back into the bedroom to sip and read blogs.Stevia and silk makes the world go round. This mug is CRAZY big, so this was quite the caffeine load.(Not wanting to make too… Read more >

Un-lucky Irish

Happy St. Patty’s Day! I don’t have any morning pics because my computer crashed AGAIN, so now it’s in the hands of the geek squad…more on that later though. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much. I had the usual coffee and a piece of toast with Earth Balance (approx. a mountain of it). I felt a little guilty chugging coffee knowing I was heading to the dentist’s office in an hour, but I got over it pretty quick (once I realized exactly how scary the zombie-like alternative was). I’m proud to report my dentist’s appt… Read more >

back into the (vegan) swing of things…

I slept in like a mo-fo today.  Guess the day full of flying and the changes in time zones, etc. caught up to me, and I just needed to get in the zzzzz’s. I started the day like I always and silk…while I opened my accumulated mail. Coupons, coupons, and and more coupons (and another wedding invitation). Then I got crackin’ on breakfast. I went old school with my oats.  Straight up.  Nothin’ fancy.  Sometimes I just crave the simple things in life. That held me over pretty well, but I may have had… Read more >

plane snacks and reviews

You KNOW I packed tons of GOODIES for my 14 hours day of traveling… Sammie #1 (TJs hummus, dried cranz, and spin on the end piece of bread) Sammie #2 (the same HLC as above, minus the heel piece) Above: 2 HLC sandos, dried cranz, edamame, apricot Clif bar, blueberry crisp Clif bar Below: dried fruit mix, TJs spiced chai tea, plum (unpictured apple) Sunday AM: Rain. BART. Checked in. Sprinted across SFO like I was trying to qualify for London 2012. Boarded.  Taxi-ed on the runway for 30 hours.  Arrived in Chi-town. Sunday PM:… Read more >

BWE (part 2)

Saturday I woke up extra early to let Mia in and shut her up continue my marathon uploading session of my parents cds to my iTunes (all the while cursing the times I clicked ignore when Apple told me to back up my music).  I got about 4 cds uploaded before my computer called it quits, which I took as a sign that I should get ready to go. My mom dropped me off at Elaine’s house (with my cute mini coffee mug in toe) and shortly after we all piled into 3 cars and… Read more >