Hungry Hungry Hippie

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working Easter weekend

On the way to work I was debating how embarrassing it would be to puke on the subway…after weighing my options, I boarded the train.  No, it wasn’t the current economic situation or the fact that we are supposed to be saving for a wedding that forced me to go to work (although it didn’t help), it was the knowledge that by suffering through a 12 hour shift while your insides were in a deep turmoil was actually preferable to moving.  In case you couldn’t tell by my last few posts, I HATE MOVING.  I… Read more >

almost back to normal

I woke up insanely early this morning considering I rarely eat brekkie at the apartment on work days.  But, hey, I like to color outside the lines.  Watch out! Coffeeeeeeee!! If you add a gallon of soymilk, it doesn’t really stain your teeth, right?  Sure, Elise, whatever helps you sleep at night… I was feeling nearly 100% (thank goodness) so I had a quick bite (Alvarado street bread toasted with Earth Balance spread) and then I was off to work… Look at all the Odwalla bars my mom sent me home with!!!  She knows how… Read more >

Adios 3D

I woke up today feeling exponentially better than the past 2 days.  YES!  So I made coffee and got to work MOVING! I made lots of progress, and hardly realized how quickly time was flying by.  I had to go with a quick and easy lunch, so naturally I turned to my girl Amy.  This company can do no wrong in my opinion.  Every meal I have is better than the last. The delicious Indian Mattar Tofu was no exception.  The above photo was straight out of the package. The below photo was after I… Read more >

Trying to move

Well timing couldn’t have been worse for moving day to arrive.  I woke up in agony.  My stomach was still rioting, my head was spinning, and my body couldn’t keep up with all the drama.  I tried to stand up and make my way to the living room and nearly collapsed (and by “nearly” I mean “actually”, since I did in fact collapse but the couch broke my fall). So that’s how the cable guys found me.  Sprawled out on the couch in my PJs, looking like I had just returned from an overnight rave… Read more >


The title of this post should have been vomit-ville, but I that’s a little gross.  I have no idea what happened today…I was at work, going about my business, saving lives, you know the deal, when suddenly I started feeling pretty yuck.  Fortunately, it was already after 6 pm so I knew I only had to make it ‘til 7 and then I could figure out how to remedy my tummy sitch.  I didn’t eat anything weird for lunch, in fact, it was pretty much the same as yesterday. Sammie (in re-re-re-recycled tin foil) with… Read more >