Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!!  Did everyone do something nice and green today?  I contacted my hospital’s big-wigs to beg ask about an initiative promoting biking to work (and requesting to get a small protected room to store the staff hippies’ bikes).  C’mon Beth Israel, get green!!  This is something I have been trying to get going for a while, so now that the weather is getting nice, and in honor of Earth Day, I figured an extra push may be well received.  We’ll see… You know how I rocked it out this morning…with a cuppa joe… Read more >

Wanted: juicer

I NEED A BREVILLE!!! Literally, every day I wake up, sigh, and think of the fun Andrea and Jenna (and countless others in the food blog world) are having (that I’m missing out on)… I even have ingredients planned out in my head.  I wish I could just win the lottery, I have so many plans for $$ in other peoples’ bank accounts.   Instead of juice, I started out my day the way I always do…talk about withdrawal issues. Thank goodness we braved the storm last night, fresh ground coffee is worth soaking wet… Read more >

ouch, SOOO sore

Monday = BLAH It figures it would rain pour all day.  After Saturday’s crazy long run and Sunday’s race, my leg muscles were struggling.  Let’s just say this week will be a serious taper week since next weekend is my HALF MARATHON!!!  You would have thought this weekend’s race would have calmed my nerves, but I think I am even MORE jittery and anxious now.  : / Java love + a whole lotta froth + toast with snb  = good morning! Since the weather was crap I couldn’t procrastinate any longer.  I was forced to… Read more >

sunny weekend

I LOVE warm weather.  And being that this was the first nice weekend we New Yorkers have had this season, I decided to take advantage.  Obviously, I wasn’t the only one with this brilliant idea…apparently the rest of New York was on the same wavelength. I wish I had a photo of Central Park…the great lawn was PACKED like nothing I’ve ever seen.  Not an INCH to spare! “Not an square to spare.” – anyone? AM Montage: frothy java, chobz, & coconut date rolls I went on a supah long run in the Park before… Read more >

TGIF, I love you, man

I spent most of today outside, so my food pictures will be fewer than usual.  But that’s a good thing.  It means SUNSHINE! I woke up crazy early (thanks for that 6:55 am text Jess) and enjoyed some frothy java before heading to the gym.  I like getting my workouts done early when the weather is awesome…plus Jess and I had an appointment at Jenny Yoo to get to.  [insert 4 miles on the elliptical here] After the gym I showered, beautified, and chowed down the above brunch while trying not to get peanut butter… Read more >