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Happy Earth Day!! Did everyone do something nice and green today? I contacted my hospital’s big-wigs to beg ask about an initiative promoting biking to work (and requesting to get a small protected room to store the staff hippies’ bikes). C’mon Beth Israel, get green!! This is something I have been trying to get going for a while, so now that the weather is getting nice, and in honor of Earth Day, I figured an extra push may be well received. We’ll see… You know how I rocked it out this morning…with a cuppa joe… Read more >
April 23, 2009
Alvarado Street bread, bbq tofu, big salad, egg scramble, greek yogurt, hummus, plain tofu, spinach salad, vegan cake
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I NEED A BREVILLE!!! Literally, every day I wake up, sigh, and think of the fun Andrea and Jenna (and countless others in the food blog world) are having (that I’m missing out on)… I even have ingredients planned out in my head. I wish I could just win the lottery, I have so many plans for $$ in other peoples’ bank accounts. Instead of juice, I started out my day the way I always do…talk about withdrawal issues. Thank goodness we braved the storm last night, fresh ground coffee is worth soaking wet… Read more >
April 22, 2009
big salad, carob covered raisins, coconut date rolls, dates, Ezekiel muffins, greek yogurt, sushi, tempeh
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Monday = BLAH It figures it would rain pour all day. After Saturday’s crazy long run and Sunday’s race, my leg muscles were struggling. Let’s just say this week will be a serious taper week since next weekend is my HALF MARATHON!!! You would have thought this weekend’s race would have calmed my nerves, but I think I am even MORE jittery and anxious now. : / Java love + a whole lotta froth + toast with snb = good morning! Since the weather was crap I couldn’t procrastinate any longer. I was forced to… Read more >
April 21, 2009
big salad, carob covered raisins, dates, greek yogurt, soy milk, soynut butter, tofu salad
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I LOVE warm weather. And being that this was the first nice weekend we New Yorkers have had this season, I decided to take advantage. Obviously, I wasn’t the only one with this brilliant idea…apparently the rest of New York was on the same wavelength. I wish I had a photo of Central Park…the great lawn was PACKED like nothing I’ve ever seen. Not an INCH to spare! “Not an square to spare.” – anyone? AM Montage: frothy java, chobz, & coconut date rolls I went on a supah long run in the Park before… Read more >
April 20, 2009
bbq, big salad, Boca chik'n nuggets, carob covered raisins, chickpeas, coconut date rolls, dried papaya, dried pineapple, Ezekiel muffins, greek yogurt, hummus, soy milk, soynut butter, tempeh, tortilla wrap, veggie burger
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I spent most of today outside, so my food pictures will be fewer than usual. But that’s a good thing. It means SUNSHINE! I woke up crazy early (thanks for that 6:55 am text Jess) and enjoyed some frothy java before heading to the gym. I like getting my workouts done early when the weather is awesome…plus Jess and I had an appointment at Jenny Yoo to get to. [insert 4 miles on the elliptical here] After the gym I showered, beautified, and chowed down the above brunch while trying not to get peanut butter… Read more >
April 18, 2009
Alvarado Street bread, big salad, broccoli slaw, carob covered raisins, chickpeas, dates, peanut butter, seitan, soy milk
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